Monday 17 June 2024




The Model Millionaire" is a short story by the Irish author Oscar Wilde. It first appeared in print in the newspaper The World in June 1887. It was published again in 1891 as part of the anthology Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories. The story concerns a young man who, although he does not have much money himself, is moved to pity by the sight of an elderly beggar who is posing as a model for his artist friend. Although he can barely afford to do so, the young man gives the beggar the largest denomination coin that he has in his pocket. The young man's act of kindness has unexpected positive consequences for him.

The protagonist of the story is a young man called Hughie Erskine. Hughie is handsome, charming and popular but he has been very unlucky as far as financial matters are concerned. He was left nothing of any great value in his father's will. He has tried his hand at several different businesses, all of which have failed. Having no job, Hughie's only source of income is two hundred pounds a year which is given to him by an elderly aunt. Hughie has fallen in love with a young woman named Laura Merton and she loves him in return. Laura's father, Colonel Merton, is fond of Hughie but, due to his poor financial prospects, he does not want the young man to marry his daughter. He has often told Hughie that he will only allow him to get engaged to Laura after he has earned ten thousand pounds. Hughie goes to see his artist friend Alan Trevor. He finds that Alan is painting a portrait of an old man who appears to be a beggar. The old man is wearing a tattered brown cloak and boots which have been mended many times. He has a rough walking stick in one hand. In the other hand, he is holding out an old hat as if to ask for money. His face is heavily wrinkled and he looks extremely sad. Both Alan and Hughie agree that the old man is an excellent subject for a painting. Hughie, however, cannot help feeling sorry for the man. He thinks it is unfair that, although Alan's paintings regularly sell for two thousand guineas, he only pays his models one shilling an hour to pose for him and does not give them a percentage of the money which he makes from sales of their portraits. When Alan leaves the room, Hughie looks in his pockets. He finds that the highest denomination coin which he has is a sovereign. Although it means that he will have to economize more than usual for the rest of the month, Hughie gives the coin to the old man, who appears very happy to receive it. Hughie leaves soon afterwards. Alan and Hughie meet up again later. The artist tells his friend that, after he left, the old man asked several questions about him. Alan goes on to say that he told the old man all about Hughie, Laura Merton and the condition which Colonel Merton set that prevents their marriage. Hughie is unhappy that his friend told "that old beggar" all about his private life. The amused Alan tells Hughie that the old man he was painting was Baron Hausberg, one of the wealthiest men in Europe and someone who often buys Alan's paintings. For reasons which Alan does not really understand, the millionaire baron had asked to be painted as a beggar. The tattered clothes he was wearing were supplied by Alan. Hughie feels ashamed about having given a coin to a millionaire, although Alan tells him not to worry. The following day, a representative of Baron Hausberg comes to Hughie's house with an envelope. The writing on the envelope says that it contains a wedding present "from an old beggar". Inside the envelope, Hughie finds a check for ten thousand pounds. Hughie and Laura get married. Baron Hausberg attends their wedding.

Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options.

(i) According to the writer romance is the privilege of the ………… .
(a) poor
(b) rich
(c) talented
(d) deserving

(ii) Hughie’s father has bequeathed him a History of the Peninsular war in fifteen volumes and a ……… .
(a) beautiful bungalow
(b) ten thousands pounds
(c) a cavalry sword
(d) gun

(iii) Laura Merton adored Hughie but she was not prepared to disregard her …………. .
(a) mother’s ambition
(b) father’s wishes
(c) own aspirations
(d) dear friends

(iv) Alan Trevor was not only a painter but also ………………… .
(a) a musician
(b) a dancer
(c) an artist
(d) a businessman

(v) The beggar-man in Trevor’s studio had in one hand a stick and ………….. in the others.
(a) a bag
(b) a begging bowl
(c) a few currently notes
(d) a battered hat

(vi) Trevor Says, “Such beggars are not to be met with everyday”. In which tone is this sentence spoken?
(a) humorous
(b) ironical
(c) contemptuous
(d) all of the above

(vii) “Don’t run away, Hughie,” he said, as he went out. “I will be back in a moment.” Where had ‘he’ gone?
(a) to the kitchen
(b) to talk to Baron Hausberg
(c) to see the frame maker
(d) to fetch paint

(viii) To see what money he had, Hughie felt in his pockets. What could he find ?
(a) a sovereign
(b) a sovereign and some coppers
(c) some stray coins
(d) all of the above

(ix) According to Trevor, an artist’s heart is in his …………… .
(a) mind
(b) head
(c) soul
(d) feelings

(x) When they were married who made a speech at the wedding breakfast ?
(a) Alan Trevor
(b) Baron Hausberg
(c) Laura Merton
(d) None of the above

(xi) What was Colonel Merton’s profession?
(a) Lawyer
(b) Retired Colonel
(c) Doctor
(d) Painter

(xii) What condition did Colonel Merton place for approving Hughie’s engagement to Laura?
(a) Having a good reputation
(b) Having ten thousand pounds of his own
(c) Getting a job in the military
(d) Complete a college degree

(xiii) Where was Hughie headed when he decided to visit Alan Trevor?
(a) The park
(b) The Mertons’ house
(c) Art studio
(d) The city center

(xiv) What was Alan Trevor’s profession?
(a) Writer
(b) Painter
(c) Musician
(d) Sculptor

(xv) What was the artist, Trevor, working on when Hughie arrived?
(a) A portrait of a young woman
(b) A landscape scene
(c) A life-size  painting of a beggar-man
(d) An abstract piece

(xvi) What was the beggar doing with his hat?
(a) Wearing it on his head
(b) Tucked under his arm
(c) Holding it out for alms
(d) Swinging it playfully

(xvii) Trevor stated the model’s hourly wage is:
(a) A few shillings
(b) One shilling
(c) Ten shilling
(d) More than the artist

(xviii) How did the old man react when Hughie gave him money?
(a) He yelled in anger.
(b) He laughed loudly.
(c) He smiled faintly.
(d) He remained emotionless.

(xix) What physical description is given of the visitor?
(a) Young and athletic
(b) Old with gold spectacles and grey hair
(c) Tall and well-dressed
(d) Short and unassuming

(xx) Who is the author of the story “The Model Millionaire”?
(a) Oscar Wilde
(b) Charles Dickens
(c) Virginia Woolf
(d) Agatha Cristie


(i) (b) rich
(ii) (c) a cavalry sword
(iii) (b) father’s wishes
(iv) (c) an artist
(v) (d) a battered hat
(vi) (d) all of the above
(vii) (c) to see the frame maker
(viii) (b) a sovereign and some coppers
(ix) (b) head
(x) (b) Baron Hausberg
(xi) (b) Retired Colonel
(xii) (b) Having ten thousand pounds of his own
(xiii) (b) The Mertons’ house
(xiv) (b) Painter
(xv) (c) A life-size  painting of a beggar-man
(xvi) (c) Holding it out for alms
(xvii) (b) One shilling
(xviii) (c) He smiled faintly.
(xix) (b) Old with gold spectacles and grey hair
(xx) (a) Oscar Wilde

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow :

Passage 1
He was as popular with men as he was with women, and he had every accomplishment except that of making money. His father had bequeathed him his cavalry sword, and a History of the Peninsular War in fifteen volumes. Hughie hung the first over his looking-glass, put the second on a shelf between Ruff’s Guide and Bailey’s Magazine, and lived on two hundred a year that an old aunt allowed him. He had tried everything. He had gone on the Stock Exchange for six months; but what was a butterfly to do among bulls and bears?

(i) Who is ‘he’ referred to in the first line? How does ‘he’ look?
Ans. Here, “he” refers to Hughie. He was wonderfully good- looking, with his crisp brown hair, his clear cut profile, and his grey eyes.

(ii) What quality did ‘he’ not have?
Ans. Hughie did not have the accomplishment of making money.

(iii) What did his father bequeathe to him?
Ans. His father left him his cavalry sword and a fifteen-volume History of the Peninsular War.

(iv) What was his only means of sustenance?
Ans. Hughie lived on an allowance of two hundred pounds a year that his aunt provided.

(v) What is ‘he’ compared with on the stock exchange?
Ans. The passage compares Hughie to a butterfly on the stock exchange. This implies he was unprepared and out of place in the aggressive and financial world of the stock market, where “bulls” and “bears” represent investors with opposing views.

Passage 2
To make matters worse, he was in love. The girl he loved was Laura Merton, the daughter of a retired Colonel who had lost his temper and his digestion in India, and had never found either of them again. Laura adored him, and he was ready to kiss her shoe-strings. They were the handsomest couple in London, and had not a penny-piece between them. The Colonel was very fond of Hughie, but would not hear of any engagement.

(i) How did ‘he’ look? Describe his appearance.
Ans. Hughie was a wonderfully good-looking man with a clear-cut profile, grey eyes, and crisp brown hair.

(ii) Which two things did the colonel lose in India?
Ans. The colonel lost his temper and his digestion in India.

(iii) What was the hindrance in Hughie’s engagement with Laura?
Ans. The hindrance to their engagement was money. The Colonel wouldn’t consider it until Hughie had his own money.

(iv) The Colonel was fond of Hughie. Still he did not allow him to marry his daughter. Why?
Ans. The Colonel, despite liking Hughie, wouldn’t allow the marriage because he was poor.

(v) Which sentence in the passage shows that ‘he’ was madly in love with Laura?
Ans. The sentence “Laura adored him, and he was ready to kiss her shoe-strings” suggests his strong feelings. Kissing her shoe-strings is a hyperbolic expression indicating his deep devotion and willingness to do anything for her.


Passage 3
Personally he was a strange rough fellow, with a freckled face and a red ragged beard. However, when he took up the brush he was a real master, and his pictures were eagerly sought after. He had been very much attracted by Hughie at first, it must be acknowledged, entirely on account of his personal charm. ‘The only people a painter should know,’ he used to say, ‘are people who are beautiful, people who are an artistic pleasure to look at and an intellectual repose to talk to. Men who are dandies and women who are darlings rule the world, at least they should do so.’

(i) Who is ‘he’ referred to in the first line? How does he look?
Ans. “He” refers to Alan Trevor. The passage describes him as a “strange rough fellow, with a freckled face and a red ragged beard.”

(ii) What tells you that ‘he’ was a great painter?
Ans. The passage mentions that his pictures were “eagerly sought after.” This suggests his work was in high demand and likely well-regarded.

(iii) Who are the only people a painter should know?
Ans. Alan Trevor believes a painter should only know people who are beautiful and provide artistic pleasure to look at and intellectual repose to talk to.

(iv) What is ‘his’ opinion about the beautiful people?
Ans. Alan Trevor views beautiful people as an artistic pleasure to look at and an intellectual repose to talk to. This implies he finds their beauty aesthetic and their conversation intellectually relaxing.

(v) Who according to ‘him’ rule the world?
Ans. Alan states “Men who are dandies and women who are darlings rule the world, at least they should do so.” Here, “dandies” refers to stylish and fashionable men, and “darlings” describes charming and attractive women. He believes these beautiful people deserve to be in power.


Passage 4
‘Well, I think the model should have a percentage,’ cried Hughie, laughing; ‘they work quite as hard as you do.’
‘Nonsense, nonsense! Why, look at the trouble of laying on the paint alone, and standing all day long at one’s easel! It’s all very well, Hughie, for you to talk, but I assure you that there are moments when Art almost attains to the dignity of manual labour. But you mustn’t chatter; I’m very busy. Smoke a cigarette, and keep quiet.’
After some time the servant came in, and told Trevor that the frame-maker wanted to speak to him.

(i) Why does Hughie feel that the model should have a percentage in the sale price of a  painting?
Ans. Hughie likely feels the model deserves a share because they contribute to the creation of the artwork. He says they work “quite as hard as you do,” implying the model’s posing and holding still are significant efforts.

(ii) Why does Alan think that the work of an artist is more difficult than that of a model?
Ans. Alan seems to view the physical effort of applying paint and standing for long periods as the core of art creation. He dismisses Hughie’s opinion with “Nonsense, nonsense!” and emphasizes the technical aspects of  painting.

(iii) Explain the line – There are moments when Art almost attains to the dignity of manual labour.
Ans. Alan doesn’t truly believe art is on par with manual labor. He’s exaggerating the physical aspects to downplay the creative and intellectual effort involved in creating art. It’s a way of dismissing Hughie’s view and portraying art as less worthy.

(iv) Who enters the studio and what does he tell Alan?
Ans. The servant comes in and tells Trevor “the frame-maker wanted to speak to him.” This implies the frame-maker has arrived at the studio and wants to talk to Alan about probably framing a  painting.

(v) When Alan goes out what does the beggar man do?
Ans. When Alan goes out, the beggar-man feels relieved. He feels tired as he has been standing in the same pose for a long time.

Passage 5
The old man started, and a faint smile flitted across his withered lips. ‘Thank you, sir,’ he said, ‘thank you.’
Then Trevor arrived, and Hughie took his leave, blushing a little at what he had done. He spent the day with Laura, got a charming scolding for his extravagance, and had to walk home.
That night he strolled into the Palette Club about eleven o’clock, and found Trevor sitting by himself in the smoking-room drinking hock and seltzer.
‘Well, Alan, did you get the picture finished all right?’ he said, as he lit his cigarette.

(i) What happened that made the old man smile?
Ans. The old man smiled because Hughie gave him a sovereign (a gold coin), which was a very kind and unexpected act of charity.

(ii) “Hughie left blushing a little at what he had done”. What had he done?
Ans. Hughie blushed because he felt a bit embarrassed about giving away his last bit of money to a beggar.

(iii) Why did Hughie receive a scolding from Laura?
Ans. Hughie received a scolding from Laura because he spent more money than he should have that day.

(iv) Why does the writer say that Hughie ‘had to walk home’?
Ans. The writer says Hughie “had to walk home” because he spent all his money, leaving him without enough for a carriage ride.

(v) What information did Hughie want to have from Alan?
Ans. Hughie wanted to know from Alan if he was able to finish the  painting of the old man posing as a beggar.

Passage 6
‘My dear Alan,’ cried Hughie, ‘I shall probably find him waiting for me when I go home. But of course you are only joking. Poor old wretch! I wish I could do something for him. I think it is dreadful that any one should be so miserable. I have got heaps of old clothes at home – do you think he would care for any of them? Why, his rags were falling to bits.’
‘But he looks splendid in them,’ said Trevor. ‘I wouldn’t paint him in a frock-coat for anything. What you call rags I call romance. What seems poverty to you is picturesqueness to me. However, I’ll tell him of your offer.’

(i) For whom is the word ‘him’ used in the first line?
Ans. The word “him” refers to the old man, who Hughie gave the money to.

(ii) What did Hughie have at home? What did he want to do with that?
Ans. Hughie has heaps of old clothes at home. He wants to offer them to the old man because he feels bad about his ragged clothes.

(iii) “But he looks splendid in them.” In which tone is this sentence spoken?
Ans. This sentence is spoken in a lighthearted and slightly sarcastic tone. Trevor doesn’t believe the old man is truly miserable and seems to find some artistic beauty in his poverty.

(iv) “I’ll tell him of your offer.” Which offer is referred to in this line?
Ans. Trevor refers to Hughie’s offer of giving the old man his old clothes.

(v) “What seems poverty, to you is picturesqueness to me.” What does the speaker mean by it?
Ans. This line highlights the difference in perception between Hughie and Trevor. Hughie sees the old man’s clothes as a sign of poverty and something to be pitied. However, Trevor sees the rags as picturesque, adding to the character of the old man.


Passage 7
‘My dear boy,’ said Trevor, smiling, ‘that old beggar, as you call him, is one of the richest men in Europe. He could buy all London to-morrow without overdrawing his account. He has a house in every capital, dines off gold plate, and can prevent Russia going to war when he chooses.’
‘What on earth do you mean?’ exclaimed Hughie.
‘What I say,’ said Trevor. ‘The old man you saw to-day in the studio was Baron Hausberg. He is a great friend of mine, buys all my pictures and that sort of thing, and gave me a commission a month ago to paint him as a beggar. And I must say he made a magnificent figure in his rags, or perhaps I should say in my rags; they are an old suit I got in Spain.’

(i) What does Alan tell Hughie about the old beggar?
Ans. Alan reveals that the “old beggar” Hughie saw was actually Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men in Europe.

(ii) What does Alan tell about the ‘old beggar’s financial position?
Ans. Alan describes Baron Hausberg as one of the richest men in Europe. He claims the Baron could buy all of London, owns houses in major cities, enjoys luxurious meals, and even has the power to influence international politics.

(iii) How is Baron Hausberg a friend of Alan?
Ans. Alan mentions the Baron is a “great friend” who “buys all my pictures.” This implies a close professional relationship.

(iv) What for did Baron Hansberg give commission to Alan?
Ans. Baron Hausberg commissioned Alan to paint him as a beggar. The passage mentions Alan received this commission a month prior.

(v) What do you know about the rags which were worn by the ‘old beggar’?
Ans. The passage tells us the rags worn by the “old beggar” were actually an “old suit” belonging to Alan himself. He mentions acquiring the suit in Spain.

Passage 8
‘Nonsense! It reflects the highest credit on your philanthropic spirit, Hughie. And don’t run away. Have another cigarette, and you can talk about Laura as much as you like.’
However, Hughie wouldn’t stop, but walked home, feeling very unhappy, and leaving Alan Trevor in fits of laughter.
The next morning, as he was at breakfast, the servant brought him up a card on which was written, ‘Monsieur Gustave Naudin, on behalf of M. le Baron Hausberg.’
‘I suppose he has come for an apology,’ said Hughie to himself; and he told the servant to show the visitor up.
An old gentleman with gold spectacles and grey hair came into the room, and said, in a slight French accent, ‘Have I the honour of addressing Monsieur Erskine?’
Hughie bowed.

(i) Why does Trevor want Hughie to stay?
Ans. Trevor wants Hughie to stay because he finds the situation humorous. He wants Hughie to relax, have another cigarette, and even talk about Laura.

(ii) How does Hughie feel despite Trevor’s reassurances?
Ans. Even though Trevor tries to lighten the mood, Hughie remains unhappy. He walks home feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

(iii) What does the card delivered the next morning signify?
Ans. The card delivered the next morning signifies that Baron Hausberg, the beggar Hughie gave money to, is sending someone to see him. “Monsieur Gustave Naudin” is likely the Baron’s representative.

(iv) What is Hughie’s initial assumption about the reason for the visit?
Ans. Hughie assumes the Baron’s representative is coming for an apology. He believes he might have been tricked by a fake beggar.

(v) How can you tell the visitor is likely someone of importance?
Ans. The description of the visitor as an “old gentleman with gold spectacles and grey hair” suggests a sense of authority and respectability. Additionally, his formal way of addressing Hughie (“Have I the honour of addressing Monsieur Erskine?”) implies a social standing above Hughie.

Passage 9
‘I beg, sir, that you will offer him my sincerest apologies,’ stammered Hughie.
‘The Baron,’ said the old gentleman, with a smile, ‘has commissioned me to bring you this letter;’ and he extended a sealed envelope.
On the outside was written, ‘A wedding present to Hugh Erskine and Laura Merton, from an old beggar,’ and inside was a cheque for £10,000.
When they were married Alan Trevor was the best-man, and the Baron made a speech at the wedding-breakfast.
‘Millionaire models,’ remarked Alan, ‘are rare enough; but, by Jove, model millionaires are rarer still!’

(i) Who apologized to the Baron?
Ans. Hughie stammered the apology, indicating nervousness or fluster.

(ii) Who delivered the letter to Hughie?
Ans. The old gentleman, commissioned by the Baron, delivered a letter to Hughie.

(iii) What was written on the letter?
Ans. The inscription on the letter identified it as a wedding present from an “old beggar” to Hugh
Erskine and Laura Merton.

(iv) What was inside the letter?
Ans. The letter contained a check for a substantial amount, 10,000 pounds for the couple.

(v) Who gave the speech at the wedding breakfast?
Ans. The Baron delivered a speech at the wedding breakfast.

Passage 10
‘Not at all. He was in the highest spirits after you left; kept chuckling to himself and rubbing his old wrinkled hands together. I couldn’t make out why he was so interested to know all about you; but I see it all now. He’ll invest your sovereign for you, Hughie, pay you the interest every six months, and have a capital’ story to tell after dinner.’
‘I am an unlucky devil,’ growled Hughie. ‘The best thing I can do is to go to bed; and, my dear Alan, you mustn’t tell anyone. I shouldn’t dare show my face in the Row.’

(i) What was the old man’s mood after Hughie left?
Ans. The old man was in the highest spirits, chuckling to himself and rubbing his hands together.

(ii) Why was Trevor initially confused about the old man’s interest in Hughie?
Ans. Trevor couldn’t understand why the old man seemed so interested in learning about Hughie.

(iii) What does Trevor predict the old man will do with Hughie’s money?
Ans. Trevor predicts the old man will invest Hughie’s sovereign (a gold coin) and pay him interest on it in six months.

(iv) Why does Hughie call himself “unlucky”?
Ans. Hughie feels unlucky because he gave money to someone who turned out to be wealthy.

(v) What does Hughie fear if people find out what happened?
Ans. Hughie worries that people who frequent The Row, a wealthy area, might think badly of him for giving money to a beggar who didn’t need it.

N.B: collected from Google

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