Friday 30 June 2017



Raw, delicate and tender clay lumps you are,
To give you proper shapes is our prime care.
Only putting you on the mould will not suffice,
Which is like, sine lighting, dreaming to boil rice !

Rough, twisted and strange sawed wood logs you are,
Task is ours to cut you proper, polish, and shapes prepare.
Only sawing you inside the carpenter’s shed will not suffice,
Which is like going on a pilgrimage sine casting off the vice!

Cute, innocent and helpless saplings you are,
To rear you to flourish and flower is duty solemn our.
Only planting you sine affinity, responsibility and dedication
Is like willing to win a marathon  sine a drop of perspiration!

O that all the teachers had prayed the above, and felt its essence
How luckier and brighter would have been all the students!

*mould – pattern
* sine – without
* suffice – be sufficient
* pilgrimage – a trip to holy places/shrines of gods and goddesses
* casting off – giving up
* solemn – serious
* affinity – fellow feeling/closeness
* marathon – a long race
*perspiration - sweat
 *essence - meaning/vitality

©Shankar D Mishra 30.06.2017
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Thursday 29 June 2017


Still, you failed to instill relieving peace,
 Kept my expectation scattered apiece
 However, I long, you will surely lead the rest
 If you try to exert your utmost and the best!

The only thing is to keep your cool
Be unruffled and tranquil as a deep pool
By sharpening your talent, the infallible tool
Definitely you will one day be the One to rule!

Lounge then you not bewailing over the past
Garner the atoms to be powerful enough to blast
To dispel your ignorance and irradiate to last
Not only dreams but a dashing determination
Lo! Consistent manoeuvre and incessant action
Will fetch you tribute, salute and congratulation!

* revive – restart
* exert – use/ put forth
* unruffled and tranquil – in control and calm
* lounge – lie around
* bewailing – regretting
* garner – acquire
* irradiate – light up/brighten up
* manoeuvre – strategic or planned effort
* lo – drawing attention

N.B: This poem was written 14 years back to encourage a promising Std. X student "Shikha" after evaluating her English paper in a class Test. Though I have no contact with that student, I am sure that she must have been a great success in life so far. This poem can be a model for all the students.

©Shankar D Mishra 29.06.2017
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Wednesday 28 June 2017



Why is so alert and agile before
Becomes trunk-steady dormant and dull?
All his vigour, vivacity and vitality
Gallop away from the sight soon after the last breath
All hard earned hordes and belongings become alien to him
Dissolve as fumes in the space
Thunderous sobbing and vociferous cries unheard
Bloods become white and unfamiliar!

But, neither he nor any other knows the mystery
Whence does he come, and whither does he go?
Leaving behind, only a hollow mark of reminiscence
To love-loathe, smile-sob, deplore and deride!

* agile - lively
* dormant – inactive
* vivacity – liveliness
* gallop away - disappear
* hordes – savings
* Thunderous sobbing and vociferous cries – loud cries at the death of a near one
* alien – unknown
* bloods become white and unfamiliar – close relatives/known men become unknown
* Whence – from where
* whither – to where
* hollow mark of reminiscence – an empty token of remembrance
* To love-loathe, smile-sob, deplore and deride – at someone’s death, some love while some others hate; some smile while some others cry; some lament while some others laugh at or mock remembering his/her past, which is associated with them in some way or the other, which is now useless to all.

 ©Shankar D Mishra 28.06.2017
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Monday 26 June 2017



Hark!   Now the look is aphrodisiac
            The mind is frantic
            The desire is maniac
            The action is fantastic!
Hark:!  Now the physique is for lasciviousness
            The examination is for certificate
            The wedlock is for confinement
Everything is for frivolousness!
Hark!  Now studies are for service
            Duty is for avarice
            Ties are for slice
            Life is for vice!
Hark!   Now smile is for motive
            Reverence is for an objective
            Affection is for the selective
            Love is for the lucrative!
Hark!   Now worship is for a boon
            Temple is for idle conversation
            City is for corruption
            Modernity is for false fashion!
Hark!   Now the press is for business
            The T.V. is for laziness
            The pictures are for sensuousness
            The world is for heaviness!

N.B: Due to time constraint, I am extremely sorry to say that I am unable discontinue providing some needy friends with meanings of the difficult words. Today’s poem may not be 100% true, but it is what I felt in some cases. It is not intended for any personal accusation. Please read it as a regular reader and my usual friend.

©Shankar D Mishra 26.06.2017
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Sunday 25 June 2017




O Lord Jagannath!
Let me rely in, and practise genuineness
Let me abstain from guilt, and do confess
Let me put on a decency and honesty dress
Let no mundane allurement ever me enmesh!

O Lord Jagannath!
Let me walk on the path of truth and veracity
Let me not borrow, but lend with generosity
Let me not be indulgent to falsity and futility
Let me ever adorn myself with Virtue’s Beauty!

O Lord Jagannath!
Let, Thy Auspicious Annual Festival Chariot
End in me chaos, uproar, violence and riot!
Let Thy Holy Wheels run over the sins of my mind devil’s
Let Thy Pious Glance do away with all my dark, heavy evils!

O Lord Jagannath!
Let Thy unique Nine Day Long Chariot Festival
Usher in my gloomy world a renaissance and revival
Of peace, prosperity and philanthropic fraternity!
Let Thy blessings revive in me a redemptive Purity!

O Lord Jagannath!
Let Thy Divine Company restore in me sanctity
Let Thy Bounty shower in my a blissful gaiety
Let my Purity be my long solicited Salvation’s surety
Let Thy Mercy bless me to be a synonym of Eternity!

* rely – trust
* genuineness – realness
* abstain from guilt – remain away from wrong deeds
* confess – admit mistakes
* put on a decency and honesty dress – lead a decent and honest life
* mundane allurement – worldly attractions
* me enmesh – trap me
* veracity – truthfulness
* be indulgent to falsity and futility – be involved in false and useless activities
* adorn – be furnished with/be decorated with
* Auspicious – favourable/holy
* chaos – disorder
* uproar –chaos/disorder
* violence – cruelty/violent behavior
 *riot – disturbance/unrest
* run over – crush
* mind devil’s – mind is compared to a devil
* Pious Glance – virtuous/holy look
* do away with - finish off/kill/destroy
* Usher in – bring in
* gloomy world – world filled with darkness due to evil actions
*a renaissance– a new beginning
*revival – renewal/rebirth
* philanthropic fraternity – goodhearted/generous brotherhood
* revive– renew
*redemptive Purity – cleanliness of mind that brings redemption/salvation
* sanctity – holiness
* Bounty shower–rain of gift
*blissful gaiety – heavenly joy/happiness
* solicited– requested/sought after
*Salvation’s surety –security/guarantee of deliverance
* synonym of Eternity – be immortal

©Shankar D Mishra 23.06.2020
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524
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Friday 23 June 2017



Happiness is nothing but a subtle state of mind
It is neither sold nor bought in any market to find!
When one does gladly give up cruelty, and tyranny wind,
Yes, one can spontaneously relish and enjoy its sweet kind!

Happiness showers only upon a man of Beautiful Veracity
Happiness flows ceaselessly in a man’s perennial river of purity!
Happiness breezes in a man’s vernal woods of sublime simplicity
Happiness inhabits the mind of pity, piety, honesty and nobility!

Happiness befriends one, devoid of sorrow-breeding desire
Happiness makes a haven in one who is without fiery ire!
Happiness deserts the mind sheltering vice, evil and mire
Happiness forsakes an envious, malicious and spiteful liar!

Happiness believes in heavenly freedom and non-violence
Happiness is the outcome of unusual sacrifice and patience!
Happiness multiplies in leaps and bouds in its selfless share
Happiness overflows only in spreading love and Motherly care!

Happiness prevails when unperturbed is one’s common sense
Real happiness is to cross the most elusive and enigmatic Fence!
Let’s all feel happiest being a rare reason for others’ happiness
Let’s be unrivalled victors by winning this interminable Race!

*concept – impression/ idea/ conception
* subtle – delicate
* tyranny wind – stop cruelty
* spontaneously relish - enjoy impulsively
* veracity – truth/ reality
* ceaselessly - without a break/stop
* perennial river of purity – purity is compared to a river that never dries up
* vernal woods of  sublime simplicity – Simplicity is sublime, ie., ispiring or moving, it is also compared to the woods of the spring season.
* inhabits - lives in
* pity – compassion/ mercy
* piety – piousness/ goodness
* befriends -  makes friendship
* devoid of sorrow-breeding desire – without the wish/longing that is the cause of sorrow
* haven – a safe place
* fiery ire - burning anger
* deserts – abandons/gives up
* mind sheltering vice, evil and mire – the mind that gives shelter to evil deed, wickedness and dirty activity
* forsakes  - gives up a liar who is jealous, hateful and malicious/mean
* in leaps and bouds – happens veryquickly
* outcome – result
* prevails – succeed/win
* unperturbed – calm and cool
* elusive and enigmatic Fence – the process of birth and death is compared to mysterious and unfathomable Fence
* unrivalled – unopposed/without opposition or competition
* interminable Race – the endless process of birth and death is compared to an interminable Race

 ©Shankar D Mishra 23.06.2017
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Thursday 22 June 2017



How many, you kindly say,  ever struggle, among us
To put their utmost and sincerest efforts
To be sad, sorrowful, and be at a loss
And lose in the game of life the most vital toss?

How many, you benignly say, among us, always crave
Do spend sleepless nights and days to unsave
The towering hordes of wealth and material comfort
Play purposely a silly, crushing  and humiliating shot?

How many, among us, you benevolently say
Do yearn for plunging and sinking in a doleful bay
Do pray to Lord Indra to pour while drying their hay
Do concede and succumb gleefully in their life’s fray?

You compassionately say, among our multitudes, how many
Do throw their limitless trillions for the sake of a paltry penny
Do nauseate and puke at the thought of praise, name and fame
Set their only goal to be blest with a priceless “Salvation Gem”?

* utmost – maximum
* at a loss - unable to act/ puzzled
* vital - very important
* benignly – kindly
* crave – desire strongly
* unsave – destroy/waste
* towering – lofty/huge
* hordes – stores/savings of wealth etc.
* crushing – humiliating/ severe
* humiliating – shameful
* benevolently – kindly
* plunging – sinking
* sinking – dropping down the water
* doleful bay - sad sea
* Lord Indra – In Hindu Mythology, the god of rain
* pour – rain heavily
* pour while drying their hay – spoil their efforts
* concede and succumb - give in/ admit defeat and surrender
* gleefully - cheerfully
* fray – battle
* compassionately – kindly
* multitudes – a large number
* trillions – a very huge amount of money [1+ 18 zeroes]
* paltry – insignificant
* nauseate – disgust/feel like vomiting
* puke - vomit
* Salvation Gem - Salvation {Deliverance/Moksha} is indirectly compared to a priceless gem.

©Shankar D Mishra 22.06.2017
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524
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Wednesday 21 June 2017



Yoga adds butter-like shine to the dry and dead skin,
It releases body's toxic excrements to the waste bin!
It makes the short span of life longer and more green,
It fortifies the body enough neither ever to bend nor ever to lean!

Yoga revives the sluggish, slothful and sleeping strength,
It revitalizes the long lethargic and hibernating zeal at length!
It recuperates the diseased and crippled spirits, from the front, to lead,
It is the rejuvenating fuel to accelerate the life motor's milage and speed!

Yoga cures the incurable maladies faster than medications,
It enhances immunity powers by means of meditations!
It retains all the cells, muscles, organs and joints fit and flexible,
Its boon-like benefits are, neither easily imaginable nor expressible!

Yoga is as useful and indispensable as any other hygienic dish,
It blesses Its practitioners with heavenly and endurable Peace!
It showers on them invaluable beatitude and infinite bliss,
Then, should any prudent and judicious mortal dream it to miss?

Then, let’s all, practise Yoga wholeheartedly until our last breath,
So that we can boost our vigour, vitality and physical wealth,
So that we can enjoy life to the fullest with no woes of sorrow!
Let’s, thus, start it, instantly, for a safer, sounder and sweeter tomorrow!

N.B: This poem is dedicated to all the Yoga Gurus across the globe on the occasion of the International Yoga Day.

* releases – frees
* excrements – waste and unnecessary matter
* fortifies - makes stronger
* bend or lean – surrender/admit defeat
* revives – renews/ refreshes
* sluggish _ slow/lethargic
* revitalizes ­– invigorate/ refresh
* hibernating –missing for a long time
* zeal – enthusiasm/eagerness
* at length - at last
* recuperate -  recover/ get better
* rejuvinating fuel – food that makes young or vigorous again
*accelerate milage and speed - increase the functions of the body and mind
* maladies – physical problems
* immunity – resistance/ protection power to keep diseases away
*medications – medicines
* indispensable – essential
* hygienic dish – clean/healthy food
* beatiude  - supreme happiness
* bliss – happiness/delight
*prudent - practically wise
* judicious – thoughtful
* mortal – human being
* boost – increase
* vim – vigour/ energy
*vigour - strength
* physical wealth – good health/free from disease

©Shankar D Mishra 21.06.2017
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Tuesday 20 June 2017



Yes, I am well accustomed to walking all alone
I am too familiar with the gruesome isolation
I am no more a stranger to sombre seclusion
I have been many a time mercilessly thrown!

It matters to a lonesome wayfarer like me very little
If my relation with blissful joy turns so brittle!
“Yes, A poor man does hardly in life well settle
His only unswerving pal is his unstaggering mettle!”

Thomas Hardy’s happiness so closely takes after mine,
Why should I indignantly grumble, resent and whine?
I must comply with my own destiny and calmly compromise:
“A content man counts never any momentary, mundane prize.”

Thus, let me carry on walking until reaches the destination
“After all, all have to walk, one day or the other,  all alone.”
Shoud I then groan now if I am gifted with a prior practice?
Nay, nay, I ought to wholeheartedly hug solitude and kiss.

N.B: A few of my enlighened friends want me to avoid providing with the meanings of difficult words, so I respect them and agree with them. It is also less time consuming, but, at the same time, I relent before the requests of some other friends who love my poems but need the meanings of the difficult words dyingly to understand the poems easily and instantly without referring to a dictionary as they are not so well acquainted with English words. They thank me personally for the same. It is an attempt to help the latter group of friends.
Hope, all will agree to my decision. Thank u, all.

*wholeheartedly – enthusiastically/ heartily
*solitude – loneliness
* accustomed to - familiar with
* gruesome isolation – shocking/ dreadful loneliness
* sombre seclusion - sad loneliness
* mercilessly – unkindly
* lonesome wayfarer - lonely traveler
* matters very little - matters nothing at all
* blissful – wonderful/ enjoyable
* turns so brittle – becomes so temporary
* unswerving pal is his unstaggering mettle - reliable friend is his steady spirit/ strength of mind
* takes after - look like/similar to mine
* indignantly - angrily
* grumble – complain
* resent – dislike/complain
* whine - complain
* comply with - act in accordance with/agree with
* compromise – be satisfied with
* counts never – does not ever take into consideration
*any momentary, mundane prize – the worldly reward/recognition that is temporary
* groan - cry out/complain
* prior practice – previous rehearsal

*Thomas Hardy – Thomas Hardy is perhaps the most versatile of the Victorian regional novelists to emerge out of the Southwest of England; his novels and poems are celebrated for their realistic depiction of English pastoral life. Born in Upper Bockhampton, Dorset in 1840, Thomas Hardy was locally educated and soon rose to prominence as an internationally recognized author and poet. His novels are genuine because they contain several personal experiences.In Victorian age , he really suffered regarding love ans marriage .Although he did not attend the school, lacking scientific knowledge .He was a frail child with a difficult childhood without money . As a result of it , there is a pessimistic , dismal and fatalistic tone in his novels. 
Hardy is the father of pessimistic novel and predecessor of modern novel . In Hardy’s novel his philosophy is that men are mere puppets in the hands of malicious fate. In Tess of deurbervilles , The President of the immortals had ended his support with tess. 
Hardy’s conception of life was essentially tragic.In The Mayor of casterbridge ,Elizabeth Jne says that Happiness was but the occasional episode in general drama of pain. 
– sources: Google

©Shankar D Mishra 20.06.2017
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Monday 19 June 2017



Oh! In a fathomless ocean of  tumult and turmoil
I was predestined to be born to toil,
Without an indispensable oar to sail.
Ah! Too fierce and violent was the marine gale.

The adversity waves were surging above the head
The signal light was ever red ahead,
The poor keel below was ever tossing and unstaid
Peace was a reverie, reality was dread!

The sustenance was too salty to swallow
The treasury of happiness was ever hollow,
Sleeps were stolen by the bitter, buffeting bellows
Anxiety ever murmured, “Ah! What next follows!”

But, a miraculous Divine glimpse altered the ambience
Tempests subsided, tides ebbed. Oh!  joy did embrace
As the battered and bruised ship kissed the joyous shore
Ah! Welcomed a refreshing dawn with gaiety galore!

Scared  lips still do quiver, and tense tongue still does waver
How to thank, praise and eulogize God, the Merciful Saviour
Who was the only generous Guide, circumstances whatsoever
Alas! After Father slept prematurely never to wake up ever!

N.B: The poet’s father had breathed his last untimely in his forties leaving behind his widowed wife, three sons and a daughter. At that time the poet was one and half years only.

* fathomless – immeasurable/ very deep
* tumult – uproar/violent and noisy commotion or disturbance
* turmoil – a state of great commotion, confusion or disturbance, disquiet
* to toil - to work hard
* indispensable oar - essential
*oar – pole with a flat blade used for rowing the boat through the water [here, help]
* fierce and violent - severe and cruel
* marine gale - oceanic strong wind [here bitter circumstances]
* adversity waves – hardships/ misfortunes
* surging - rising and falling
*keel – timber or steel structure on which the framework of a ship or airship is built
* reverie – daydream
* sustenance - food
* tossing and unstaid – unsteady/beyond balance
* treasury – place where treasure or money is store [Here, happiness is compared to a treasury]
* hollow – empty
* buffeting– beating/striking hard
*bellows – here, roaring waves
* anxiety – nervousness due to fear
* murmured – whispered/ talked softly
*miraculous unbelievable
*Divine  glimpse – God’s kind look
* altered the ambience – changed the situations
* tempests subsided - storms fell down/stopped
* tides ebbed – high waves receded/went back/withdrew
* battered and bruised ship - weather-beaten and injured ship [here, wounded and injured life]
* gaiety galore - cheerfulness in great quantities
* quiver – shake
*waver – falter/ hesitate
*eulogize - praise excessively
* generous – extremely kind
* slept prematurely – expired untimely [Here, a figure of speech called ‘euphemism’ is used, i.e, a harsh truth of death  is expressed in a mild tone like slept.]

©Shankar D Mishra 19.06.2017
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