Tuesday 20 June 2017



Yes, I am well accustomed to walking all alone
I am too familiar with the gruesome isolation
I am no more a stranger to sombre seclusion
I have been many a time mercilessly thrown!

It matters to a lonesome wayfarer like me very little
If my relation with blissful joy turns so brittle!
“Yes, A poor man does hardly in life well settle
His only unswerving pal is his unstaggering mettle!”

Thomas Hardy’s happiness so closely takes after mine,
Why should I indignantly grumble, resent and whine?
I must comply with my own destiny and calmly compromise:
“A content man counts never any momentary, mundane prize.”

Thus, let me carry on walking until reaches the destination
“After all, all have to walk, one day or the other,  all alone.”
Shoud I then groan now if I am gifted with a prior practice?
Nay, nay, I ought to wholeheartedly hug solitude and kiss.

N.B: A few of my enlighened friends want me to avoid providing with the meanings of difficult words, so I respect them and agree with them. It is also less time consuming, but, at the same time, I relent before the requests of some other friends who love my poems but need the meanings of the difficult words dyingly to understand the poems easily and instantly without referring to a dictionary as they are not so well acquainted with English words. They thank me personally for the same. It is an attempt to help the latter group of friends.
Hope, all will agree to my decision. Thank u, all.

*wholeheartedly – enthusiastically/ heartily
*solitude – loneliness
* accustomed to - familiar with
* gruesome isolation – shocking/ dreadful loneliness
* sombre seclusion - sad loneliness
* mercilessly – unkindly
* lonesome wayfarer - lonely traveler
* matters very little - matters nothing at all
* blissful – wonderful/ enjoyable
* turns so brittle – becomes so temporary
* unswerving pal is his unstaggering mettle - reliable friend is his steady spirit/ strength of mind
* takes after - look like/similar to mine
* indignantly - angrily
* grumble – complain
* resent – dislike/complain
* whine - complain
* comply with - act in accordance with/agree with
* compromise – be satisfied with
* counts never – does not ever take into consideration
*any momentary, mundane prize – the worldly reward/recognition that is temporary
* groan - cry out/complain
* prior practice – previous rehearsal

*Thomas Hardy – Thomas Hardy is perhaps the most versatile of the Victorian regional novelists to emerge out of the Southwest of England; his novels and poems are celebrated for their realistic depiction of English pastoral life. Born in Upper Bockhampton, Dorset in 1840, Thomas Hardy was locally educated and soon rose to prominence as an internationally recognized author and poet. His novels are genuine because they contain several personal experiences.In Victorian age , he really suffered regarding love ans marriage .Although he did not attend the school, lacking scientific knowledge .He was a frail child with a difficult childhood without money . As a result of it , there is a pessimistic , dismal and fatalistic tone in his novels. 
Hardy is the father of pessimistic novel and predecessor of modern novel . In Hardy’s novel his philosophy is that men are mere puppets in the hands of malicious fate. In Tess of deurbervilles , The President of the immortals had ended his support with tess. 
Hardy’s conception of life was essentially tragic.In The Mayor of casterbridge ,Elizabeth Jne says that Happiness was but the occasional episode in general drama of pain. 
– sources: Google

©Shankar D Mishra 20.06.2017
E-mail: shankardmishrapoet@mail.com
Blog: sdmpoetry.blogspot.com
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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