Tuesday 31 October 2023



घर में बना लीजिये Alkline Water. खीरा और नींबू रात भर पानी में करते हैं ऐसा कमाल की नहीं होती पीने वालों को कोई बीमारी

हमारे भोजन का प्रकार हमारे शरीर के पीएच स्तर को प्रभावित करता है जिसे शारीरिक समस्याओं के आवेदन के रूप में देखा जा सकता है। इसलिए, यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है कि हम एक स्वस्थ और संतुलित आहार अपनाएं।

शरीर का पीएच स्तर: एक आवश्यक तत्व
पीएच एक मापक यंत्र है जो दर्शाता है कि कोई द्रव्य कितना एसिडिक या अल्कलाइन है। इसकी सीमा 0 से 14 तक होती है, जहां 0 परम एसिडिक, 7 न्यूट्रल, और 14 परम अल्कलाइन होता है। स्वस्थ मानव शरीर का पीएच स्तर सामान्यतः 7.35 से 7.45 के बीच होता है, जो हल्के अल्कलाइन स्तर को दर्शाता है।

एल्कलाइन वॉटर: संतुलित पीएच की ओर एक कदम
साधारण तौर पर, नल का पानी हल्का एसिडिक होता है, जिसका पीएच स्तर 6 और 7 के बीच होता है। एल्कलाइन वॉटर का पीएच स्तर 8.8 होता है और इसमें उच्च मात्रा में खनिज होते हैं। इसका सेवन करने से शरीर के पीएच स्तर को संतुलित करने में मदद मिलती है।

एल्कलाइन वॉटर: तैयारी और सेवन
एल्कलाइन वॉटर तैयार करने के लिए 1 लीटर पानी में खीरे के 4 छोटे टुकड़े और नींबू के 2 छोटे टुकड़े डालें और इसे रात भर रखें। सुबह इसे पीना चाहिए। यदि आपका पीएच स्तर बहुत एसिडिक है, तो आप इसमें थोड़ा हिमालयन पिंक सॉल्ट भी डाल सकते हैं l

एल्कलाइन वॉटर: स्वास्थ्य लाभ
एल्कलाइन वॉटर पीने से कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ होते हैं, जैसे कोलोन की सफाई, पाचन क्षमता बढ़ाना, इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत करना, त्वचा को हाइड्रेट और स्वस्थ रखना, वजन घटाना, कैंसर से बचाना, शरीर के एसिडिटी स्तर को कम करना, और खून की धमनियों की सफाई।

महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: एल्कलाइन वॉटर
पीएच स्तर विवरण
0 परम एसिडिक
6-7 सामान्य नल का पानी
7 न्यूट्रल
7.35-7.45 स्वस्थ मानव शरीर का पीएच स्तर
8.8 एल्कलाइन वॉटर

Courtesy: GulfHindi. Com

Benefits of Alkaline Water: पानी हमारे जीवन के लिए बहुत जरूरी है जिसके बिना जीवन की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती। स्वस्थ रहने के लिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा मात्रा में पानी पीना चाहिए। लेकिन आजकल की लाइफस्टाल में हम कई-कई घंटो तक पानी नहीं पीते। पीने का पानी साफ न हो तो ज्यादातर लोग पेट से संबंधित कई गंभीर बीमारियों से जूझने लगते हैं। ऐसे में शुद्ध पानी के लिए आज हर किसी के घर में वाटर फिल्टर प्यूरीफायर लगा हुआ है। वाटर प्यूरीफायर पानी को साफ करके उसे पीने योग बनाता है, वही बाजार में भी आजकल कई तरह का पानी मिलता है। जिसका लोग खरीद कर सेवन करते हैं। पानी के इन्हीं रूप में से एक है एल्कलाइन वाटर। यह स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से बेहद फायदेमंद है। आइए जानते हैं कि यह आपकी सेहत के लिए कितना फायदेमंद है।

जानिए क्या है एल्कलाइन वाटर
प्राकृतिक पानी को एल्कलाइन वाटर कहा जाता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि एल्कलाइन वाटर का पीएच स्तर काफी बेहतर होता है, जो शरीर को फायदा पहुंचाता है। सामान पानी के पीएच स्तर की बात करें तो 7 होता है, वही एल्कलाइन पानी का पीएच स्तर 8 व 9 होता है, इसलिए एल्कलाइन वाटर सेहत के लिए बेहतर माना जाता है। इस पानी को पीने से पाचन तंत्र भी मजबूत होता है। वह कई रोगों से व्यक्ति को मुक्ति मिलती है। यही नहीं यह बड़ी से बड़ी बीमारियों से भी छुटकारा दिलाता है। यह स्वस्थ रहने के लिए एक बेहतर पानी है।

डायबिटीज मरीजों के लिए है फायदेमंद
डायबिटीज मरीजों के लिए एल्कलाइन वाटर बेहद फायदेमंद है एल्कलाइन वॉटर शरीर में मौजूद फ्री रेडिकल्स को कम करके कई शारीरिक में मौजूद तमाम कीटाणु को दूर करता है। एल्कलाइन वॉटर में एंटीडायबिटिक प्रभाव भी होता है। डायबिटीज मरीजों को इसका सेवन जरूर करना चाहिए। यह डायबिटीज को कंट्रोल करने में भी मदद करता है l

Courtesy: India TV
कैसे तैयार किया जाता है (How to make alkaline water)
7 से कम पीएच वाला अम्लीय पानी क्षारीय पानी की तुलना में अधिक कोरोसिव (Corrosive) होता है। पीएच बढ़ाने के लिए पानी को क्षारीय रसायनों से ट्रीट किया जाता है। वाटर इलेक्ट्रोलिसिस की प्रक्रिया से अल्कलाइन वाटर बनाया जा सकता है। चट्टानों के बीच से बहने वाला प्राकृतिक पानी भी मेटल एकत्र करता है। यह प्रकृति में क्षारीय हो जाता है।

यहां हैं क्षारीय पानी के स्वास्थ्य लाभ (alkaline water health benefits)
1 मेटाबोलिज्म विकार में सुधार (Alkaline Water for Metabolism Disorder) 
यह फ्री रेडिकल्स खत्म कर मेटाबोलिज्म विकार में सुधार लाता है। इससे ब्लड में ग्लूकोज, कोलेस्ट्रॉल और ट्राइग्लिसराइड के स्तर में कमी आती है। यह पैंक्रिअटिक बीटा सेल को ऑक्सीडेटिव क्षति से भी बचाता है। यह कोलेस्ट्रॉल होमियोस्टैसिस को नियंत्रित करके वजन कम करता है।

2 यूरिन स्टोन से बचाव (Alkaline Water for Urine Stone) 
क्षारीय पानी मेलामाइन के उत्सर्जन को तेज करता है और यूरिन में इसके जमा होने बचाव करता है। इससे यूरिन स्टोन से बचाव होता है।

3. एसिडिटी खत्म करता है (Alkaline Water for Acidity)
पीएच अधिक होने के कारण गैस्ट्रोइंटेस्टाइनल ट्रैक्ट विकारों, जैसे गैस्ट्रिक हाइपर एसिडिटी, डायरिया आदि के इलाज के लिए एक अच्छा विकल्प बनाती है।

4. स्किन प्रॉब्लम से राहत (Alkaline Water for Skin Problem)
इस पानी से नहाने से त्वचा संबंधी समस्याओं में भी सुधार होता है। यह प्रो और एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी साइटोकिन्स के बीच संतुलन बनाए रखकर यूवी विकिरण से जुड़ी त्वचा की क्षति को कम कर सकता है।

क्या हो सकते हैं स्वास्थ्य जोखिम (Alkaline Water Risks)
डब्ल्यूएचओ के दिशानिर्देशों के अनुसार, 10 से अधिक पीएच वाला अल्कलाइन वाटर त्वचा और आंखों में जलन पैदा कर सकता है। वाटर इलेक्ट्रोलिसिस की प्रक्रिया के दौरान इलेक्ट्रोड के क्षरण से अत्यधिक प्रतिक्रियाशील प्लैटिनम नैनो कण भी उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं। इसके विषाक्त प्रभाव भी हो सकते हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में प्राकृतिक रूप से तैयार किये गये अल्केलाइन वाटर स्वास्थ्य के लिए बढ़िया साबित हो सकते हैं।

Courtesy: Healthshots

If you’re wondering, “can alkaline water be boiled,” the answer is yes, you can boil alkaline water for cooking and making drinks.

However, there’s no NEED to boil alkaline water to purify it. Alkaline water is safe to drink right away because it usually comes pre-purified or bottled.

As a self-proclaimed ‘water enthusiast,’ I know more types of water than an Italian would know kinds of pasta. I’ve experimented with using raw alkaline water, boiling it, cooking it, and making drinks.

For those who don’t know, alkaline water neutralizes acids. It usually has a higher pH than regular bottled water and tap water. It’s especially beneficial for those who suffer from acidity or GERD (Gastrointestinal reflux). People add it to meals, such as soups, rice, and stews, to neutralize the acidity. Alkaline water also makes acidic beverages such as tea and coffee taste better!

What Happens If You Boil Alkaline Water?
The effect of boiling alkaline water depends on how long you boil it. It also depends on the starting pH of the water.

What Happens When You Boil Alkaline Water for Short Periods?
You can safely boil alkaline water for a short while without losing its alkalinity. The water will retain its alkalinity of 8 or 9 pH, and the molecules will remain micro-clustered. There may be a slight change in the water’s alkalinity, but not enough to reduce health benefits significantly. 

Remember that alkaline water boils faster than regular water, so you won’t have to boil it as long to reach the boiling point.

What Happens When You Boil Alkaline Water for Long Periods?
Boiling alkaline water for more extended periods, such as for making soups and stews (where the water simmers for over 10 minutes), will reduce the pH of alkaline water.

But the pH will still be higher than if you were using tap water which is already acidic. Tap water in the U.S. tends to fall below the 4.3 to 5.3 range, depending on where you live.

Does Boiling Alkaline Water Change the pH?
As discussed above, alkaline water retains all or some of its alkalinity after being boiled. Either way, boiled alkaline water is still way better than regular tap water un-boiled. 

PH Value Scale Chart
So if you need to boil your alkaline water for whatever reason, I suggest you do so because it won’t detract from the benefits.

How Can I Measure the Alkalinity of My Water After Boiling It?
You can measure the alkalinity or acidity of your water at home with a simple litmus paper test. Litmus paper comes in two colors; red and blue. Red paper turns blue when in contact with alkaline and shows no change with acids. While blue litmus turns red with acids and shows no change with alkalines. You can use both strips to test your water.

Here are the steps to do so:

Pour the water to be boiled into a glass and let it rest till it’s still.
Dip the strip into the water without splashing.
Hold the strip for a few seconds.
Remove the strip and wait for the color to change.
Compare the color change with the color chart on the package. Usually, if the paper turns red, the solution is acidic, while a color change to blue signals alkalinity. The degree of acidity or alkalinity can be deciphered by comparing the change with the chart.

Does Alkaline Water Have Higher TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)?
Yes, alkaline water may have higher TDS than simply purified water. This is because ingredients added to the water neutralize the acidity.

Courtesy:Synovislife. Com

Monday 16 October 2023


 ନୀଳାଦ୍ରି ଶ୍ରଦ୍ଧା ନିଳୟ, ଗୋପୀନାଥପୁର, ପୁରୀ-୨ ଦୂରଭାଷ : ୯୬୯୨୪୨୨୮୮୨
ରାମଚନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାହୁ କରିଷ୍ଠ ଶିକ୍ଷାବିତ ଓ
-- ର
ମୋ’ମନର୍ ଜାଗା ତୁମରି ପରଖ - ମୋ’ ପ୍ରାସର ତନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ର ଏପାଳ - - -
ଦ୍ରୁମେ ଦୂର ଜ୍ଞାନ-ଜ୍ୟୋତି,
ଶୁଣିଥାଅ। ମନପାତି ne
ଅଉ କର ତୁମେ ମୋ ହୃଦୟ-ବେସ୍
ତୁମେ ଗାଁ ଆଲୌକ ନିଜେ । ।
ଅଳିକ ଏ ମୋର ଆର୍ଥିନ-ଶର୍ଟ୍ରେ ତୁମେ ଓ ବୃଦ୍ଧି କର ସନ
– ମୋ ଶ୍ରାବ ସୁଖର ତୁମେ ତ ପ୍ରେ
ଆଦର୍ଶ - ଜୀବନ ଗଠନରେ ତୃଟମେ ହୃଦୃଢ଼ କରିବ
କଳାର ମୁଁ ଏକ ପୂଜାଚ୍ ରେ ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ତୁମେ ମୋର୍ କଳାକାର୍,
। ଏତିକି ମିନତି ତର ଶ୍ରୀପୟରେ ଲେଖନୀ ମୋ ବୃତ୍ତିରେ ୫"





ଓଡ଼ିଆ କବିତା "ଭବିଷ୍ୟ ଅନ୍ଧାର ଦିଶେ"/ TRANSLATED ENGLISH POEM "FUTURE APPEARS DARK."

 ଭବିଷ୍ୟ ଅନ୍ଧାର ଦିଶେ


ବାଟରେ ଦେଖିକି ବାଟୋଇ ଭାଇକୁ

    ଗଛଟେ ଡାକିଲା ଆ '

ଟାଇଁ ଟାଇଁ ଖରା କୁଆଡ଼େ ଯାଉଛୁ

    ତଳେ ମୋର ବସି ଯା '।

ବିଞ୍ଚି ଦେବି ତୋତେ ପତର ପଙ୍ଖାରେ

    ଡାଳ ଥୋଇ ଦେବ ଛାଇ,

ସେଇ ଛାଇ ତଳେ ଢୁଳେଇ ପଡ଼ିବୁ

    ମାରି ଦେଇ ଟିକେ ହାଇ।

ଜୀବନଟା ସାରା ଏକ ଗୋଡ଼େ ଠିଆ 

    କରୁ ଥାଇ ଉପକାର,

ମଣିଷ ଜାତିଟା ବୁଝୁନି କାହିଁକି

    କାଟି କରେ ଘର ଦ୍ବାର।

ଟାଙ୍ଗିଆ ଦେହରେ ମୋ ଡାଳ ଲଗାଇ

    ବେଣ୍ଟକୁ ସଜାଡ଼ି ଆଣେ,

କାଳ କାରଖାନା ବସାଇ କିପରି

    ନିଜ ଗୋଡ଼ ନିଜେ ହାଣେ।

ପାଟି ମୋ ଫିଟୁନି କହିବି କାହାକୁ

    କେବଳ ନୀରବ ଦ୍ରଷ୍ଟା,

ମନ ମୋ ବୁଝୁନି ମଣିଷ ଜାତିକୁ

    ଗଢ଼ିଥିଲେ କିଆଁ ସ୍ରଷ୍ଟା।

ଦେଇ ଦେଇ ତା'ରେ ଥକି ପଡ଼ିଲିଣି

    ଫୁଲ ଫଳ ଡାଳ ପତ୍ର,

ମରିବା ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଶୁଝୁଥିବି ଋଣ

    ମଣିଷ ଯେଣୁ ମୋ ମିତ୍ର।

ମଣିଷ ହୋଇ ସେ ଅମଣିଷ ପରି

    ଗାଉଛି ରସର୍ କେଲି,

ଏତେ ପାଠ ପଢ଼ି ଜାଣୁନି କେମିତି

    ଭବିଷ୍ୟ ଅନ୍ଧାର ବୋଲି ।

ମହା ପ୍ରଳୟ ଯେ ଆଗକୁ ଆସୁଛି

    ଦିଶୁ ଅଛି ଜଳ ଜଳ,

ରକ୍ଷା କରିବାକୁ କେହିତ ନ ଥିବେ

    ରହିବନି ଥଳ କୂଳ।

ଉଜୁଡ଼ିଲେ ଗଛ ଉଜୁଡ଼ିବ ବଂଶ

    ଉଜୁଡ଼ିବ ସ୍ବର୍ଗ ପୂରି,

ବେଳହୁଁ ସଜାଗ ନୋହିଲେ ଭୋଗିବ

    ନିଜ କୁଳ ବଂଶ ଧରି।


ଡକ୍ଟର ଚପଳା ପଣ୍ଡା, ଶିକ୍ଷୟିତ୍ରୀ

(ବୃତ୍ତି ନିବୃତ୍ତ), ଖୋର୍ଦ୍ଧା.


Friday 13 October 2023

ଓଡ଼ିଆ କବିତା "କାଫେର୍_ସ୍ୱପ୍ନ"


ପାରିବ ଯଦି ଆସ

ଯିବା ଥରେ କେବେ ଇଉଫ୍ରେଟିସ୍ ନଦୀ କୂଳ,

ତେଲ୍ ଆଭିଭ୍'ର ରକ୍ତରଞ୍ଜିତ ମାଟି, ଏବେ ଯେଉଁଠି

ଅଗଣିତ ଇହୁଦୀଙ୍କ ନିଥର ଦେହ ଅସୁମାରୀ ସ୍ୱପ୍ନର ଇଚ୍ଛାରେ ଅନ୍ତହୀନ ନିଦ ଶୋଇପଡିଛନ୍ତି, ସେଠାରୁ ବେଶି ଦୂର ନୁହେଁ

ମାତ୍ର ହଜାରେ ମାଇଲ ଦୂରରେ ଅଛି

ବେବିଲୋନ୍ ସହର ।

ଯେଉଁ ମାଟି ପାଣି ପବନ ଗାଏ

ଲକ୍ଷ୍ୟ ଲକ୍ଷ୍ୟ ମାତୃଭୂମି-ବାସନ୍ଦ ଯୀଉସ୍ ଙ୍କ

ଅବରୂଦ୍ଧ କଣ୍ଠର ସମବେତ ଗୀତ...

  "ହେ ମୋ ପବିତ୍ର ଜନ୍ମଭୂମି, ଦେଖ ମୋ ଆଖିରେ

    ଲେଖା ଅଛି/ ତୁମ ପାଇଁ ଦିନେ ନା ଦିନେ ମୁଁ

    ମୃତ୍ୟୁ ଲଭିବାର ପ୍ରତିଜ୍ଞା କରିଛି...।"

ଯେଉଁ ମାଟି ମନେପକାଇଦିଏ

ୟିଚେକ୍ ରବିନ୍'ର କଥା,,

ଆଜୀବନ ନିଜ ଲୁହକୁ ପିଉ ପିଉ

ସୁଦୂର ଜିଆନ୍ ପର୍ବତର ଶିଖରକୁ ଚାହିଁ

ପ୍ରାଣ ପ୍ରିୟା ନାସେର୍ ପାଇଁ ଯିଏ ନିଜ ମନରେ ଗଢ଼ିଥିଲା

ଗୋଟିଏ ଭୟ ମୁକ୍ତ ନୀଳ ଆକାଶର ସ୍ୱପ୍ନ ।

କ୍ଵଚିତ ଶୋଉଥିବା କାଫେର୍

ସବୁଥର ଚିହିଁକିପଡ଼ି ଉଠିଯାଏ ନିଦରୁ

ତା' ଆଖିରେ ନାଚିଉଠେ ଧ୍ୱସ୍ତ ବିଧ୍ୱସ୍ତ

ସିନେଗୋଗ୍ !

ସେ କାନ୍ଦେ...

    ଖଣ୍ଡିତ ଜର୍ଜର ୟାହୱେର କରୁଣ ଚିତ୍କାରରେ,

ସେ କାନ୍ଦେ...

    ଅବଗୁଣ୍ଠିତ ଅଶେରାହର ତୁହାକୁ ତୁହା କ୍ରନ୍ଦନରେ,

ସେ କାନ୍ଦେ...

     ସିନାଇ ପାହାଡ଼ର ବିୟୋଗରେ ।

ଆକାଶରେ ଭୀଷଣ ବାରୁଦ

ଷଡ଼ଯନ୍ତ୍ରର ପୈଶାଚିକ ଧୂଆଁରେ ରୁନ୍ଧିହେଉଛି ନିରୀହ ମଣିଷ,

ଯେରୁଜେଲମ୍ ଭିତରେ ବସି ନିରୁପାୟ ଈଶ୍ୱର

ଦିଶୁଥିଲେ ଖୁବ ତ୍ରସ୍ତ !

ସଭିଏଁ ବ୍ୟସ୍ତ ଥିଲେ ଶବ ବୁହାରେ, ଯଦିଓ ଏହା ଥିଲା

ସେମାନଙ୍କର ପ୍ରିୟ ପ୍ରାର୍ଥନାର ବେଳ ।

ଗାଜାପଟ୍ଟିରୁ ଆସୁଛି ଧର୍ଷିତା ନାସେର୍'ର ବିଖଣ୍ଡିତ ଦେହ,

ସକାଳେ ଧ୍ୱସ୍ତ ବିଧ୍ୱସ୍ତ ସ୍ତୁପ ତଳେ ଖୁବ ବିଳମ୍ବ ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଶୋଇରହି

ୟିଚେକ୍ ରବିନ୍ ଦେଖୁଛି ତା' ଭାଗ ମାଟିର ମିଛ କାମନା,

କାଫେର୍ ସ୍ଵପ୍ନ ।


କାଫେର= ବିଧର୍ମୀ

ଇଉଫ୍ରେଟସ୍ ନଦୀ କୂଳରେ ତଏଲଇଭଇବ ସହରରେ ଆଗରୁ ଅନେକ ଇହୁଦୀଙ୍କୁ ମୁସଲମାନମାନେ କାଫେର ବୋଲି କହି ହତ୍ୟା କରିଥିଲେ। ଏହା ଐତିହାସିକ ତଥ୍ୟ ଆଧାରିତ। ତେଲିଭିବ ସହରରେ ଗଣ ହତ୍ୟା ପରେ ସେମାନେ ଵେଵିଲୋନ ସହର ଦେଇ ସେମାନେ ବିଶ୍ବର ଅନ୍ୟ ଦେଶରେ ଶରଣାର୍ଥୀ ହୋଇଥିଲେ

 ସିନେଗୋଗ =ସିନାଇ ପାହାଡ଼ ତଳେ ଥିବା ସହର

ସମଗ୍ର ଇସ୍ରାଏଲକୁ ମହମ୍ମଦଙ୍କ ସେନା ରକ୍ତ ରଞ୍ଜିତ କରିଥିଲେ।

ଇତିହାସ ଆଧାରିତ ତଥ୍ୟ ଉପରେ ଏହି କବିତାଟି ଲେଖାଯାଇଛି

ଇତିହାସର ତଥ୍ୟ ନଜାଣିଲେ ଏହି କବିତାଟି ବୁଝିବା କଷ୍ଟକର। ଇହୁଦୀ ଓ ମୁସଲମାନଙ୍କ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ହୋଇଥିବା ସଂଘର୍ଷର କାହାଣୀ ଏଥିରେ ସନ୍ନିବେଶିତ ହୋଇଛି


 You must be well-versed with probiotic foods and how they support the digestive system. Probiotics are living bacteria that thrive inside our gastrointestinal tract. These are called good bacteria and can be sourced externally through the cultures of fermented dairy products like yoghurt, cheese and sour cream. Probiotics are living microorganisms that need to be fed to remain active. Prebiotics - a close but lesser-known companion of probiotics - are food for probiotics. Prebiotics are non-living indigestible plant fibres that are used up by the good bacteria in the colon to survive. To sum up, if you are consciously consuming probiotic foods for a healthy gut, it is also important to include prebiotic-rich foods in your diet. 

The easier way to do so is to simply take store-bought supplements. But, our conscience will always suggest eating prebiotic-dense foods to do the job naturally. There are many foods around us that contain a good amount of prebiotic fibre. All fibrous foods, for instance, are rich in prebiotic content. (Also Read: How Prebiotic Foods Can Help In Weight Loss?)

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Prebiotics For Weight Loss: How Prebiotic Fibre Can Help You In Reducing Body FatADVERTISEMENT

NDTV Food DeskUpdated: February 22, 2019 15:27 IST

Prebiotics For Weight Loss: How Prebiotic Fibre Can Help You In Reducing Body Fat

HighlightsPrebiotic foods provide nourishment to gut bacteriaPrebiotic foods have been known to reduce intestinal fatGarlic, onion, leeks etc., are some examples of prebiotic foods

When it comes to losing weight, the bacteria in the stomach play a very important role. Additionally, foods that promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut can improve overall health by regulating hormones and by extension, mood. There are two categories of foods which are responsible for boosting populations of healthy bacteria in the gut - probiotics and prebiotics. A sufficiently large body of research has concluded that including both these types of foods in your diet can be beneficial for you, particularly when it comes to promoting weight management. Probiotics are foods that fight to enhance the colonies of good bacteria in your gut, while prebiotics provide the ideal environment so that the existent bacteria are able to derive nourishment to survive.Prebiotics are said to be non-digestible carbohydrates, which are used up by the gut microbiota and are usually present in foods that are rich in fibre. Both probiotic foods and prebiotics complement each other and help the good bacteria to flourish in your gut. They stay in the gut much longer than probiotics, as they are not digested by the gastrointestinal tract. Several studies have concluded that they play a more significant role in weight loss than probiotics. Let's look at how exactly prebiotics help in weight loss and how you can include more prebiotics in your daily diet.Also Read: Dopamine Diet For Weight Loss: A Diet That Promises To Make You Happy While Shedding Kilos!

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Prebiotics For Weight LossA healthy and diverse microbiome is the key to maintaining a healthy metabolism, and hence, gaining control over your weight. According to a Harvard University blog, gut bacteria facilitate weight loss by taking an active part in our digestion process and the nature of the bacteria in your gut determines how well or poorly the food is absorbed in your body. The role of gut bacteria in weight loss isn't very well established but some studies have indeed found a link between the two. Some experts have argued that prebiotics are even better than probiotics in promoting weight  that you can include in your daily weight loss diet include onions, garlic, asparagus, leeks, artichokes, bananas etc. Consult your nutritionist to understand prebiotics better and for effective tips to include them in your diet.


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Healthy food doesn't have to be dull and neither does it have to be complex. And to prove this to you, we've got a wide range of surprisingly delicious tips and wholesome recipes.NDTV FoodUpdated: July 29, 2022 17:23 ISTRead Time:6 min

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Healthy recipes that you can prepare at home.HighlightsHealthy food doesn't have to be boring.Here we bring you a list of 11 of our best healthy recipes.Take a look.

Best Healthy Recipes- Healthy food doesn't have to be dull and neither does it have to be complex. And to prove this to you, we've got a wide range of surprisingly delicious tips and wholesome recipes. The kind that any out and proud foodie will love.(10 Best Healthy Breakfast Recipes)But first, we will have to ask you to turn your back on all the junk-food cravings. As David Kesler puts it rightly in his book 'The End of Overeating'- "A sense of powerlessness is a big obstacle to success. You need to develop a sense of your own capacity for control." You need to put a stop to untimely cravings, especially those that desire salt, fat and sugar.

Thursday 12 October 2023



କି ସୁନ୍ଦର ତୋର ରୂପ କାଶତଣ୍ଡି
ମନ ନେଇଯାଉ ମୋହି।
ଧବଳ ପୋଷାକ ପିନ୍ଧିକି ଧରଣୀ
ହେଉଛି ଆଜି ସଜେଇ। ପବନରେ ଯେବେ ନାଚୁଥାଉ ତୁହି
ସମୁଦ୍ରର ଢେଉ ଭଳି।
ତୋ ରୂପ ଦେଖ‌ିଲେ ହୁଏ ଇଚ୍ଛା ମୋର
ଧରନ୍ତିକି ତୋତେ ତୋଳି। ଶାରଦୀୟ ଦୁର୍ଗା ପୂଜା ରେ ତୁ ଆସୁ
ମାଆଙ୍କ ଦର୍ଶନ ଲାଗି।
ଶରତ ସରିଲେ ଫେରିଯାଉ ପୁଣି
ଧରାକୁ ବିଦାୟ ମାଗି।
ବର୍ଷ ପରେ ବର୍ଷ ଏମିତି ତୁ ଆସୁ
ଧରଣୀର ସଜ ପାଇଁ।
କର୍ତ୍ତବ୍ୟର ଶିକ୍ଷା ଦେଇ ଚାଲିଯାଉ
ମନୁଷ୍ୟ ମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ।
~ କସ୍ତୁରୀ ଦାସ

Tuesday 10 October 2023

ଓଡ଼ିଆ କବିତା 'ବାପା" / TRANSLATED ENGLISH POEM "PAPA"



ରୋଜାଲିନ୍ ଜେନା

ବାପା, ସତରେ ତୁମେ କେତେ କଠୋର!

ଚାଲୁ ଚାଲୁ ପଡିଲାବେଳେ

ଯେତେବେଳେ ବୋଉ ଉଠାଇ ନି

ଧୂଳି ଝାଡିଦିଏ,

ତୁମେ କୁହ,ଛାଡ ତାକୁ

ନିଜ ପାଦେ ତାକୁ ଚାଲି ଶିଖିବାକୁ ଦେ


ବାପା, ସତରେ ତୁମେ କେତେ କଠୋର!

ନଖାଇବାକୁ ଜିଦି କଲାବେଳେ

ବୋଉର ମାଡ, ଗାଳି, ଗପ, ଗୀତ,

କାହାଣୀ ସହ ଖୋଇବାର ପ୍ରଚେଷ୍ଟାରେ

ତୁମେ ବିରକ୍ତି ପ୍ରକାଶ କର

ବୋଉ ଉପରେ ତାକୁ କୁହ,

ତାକୁ ନିଜ ହାତରେ ଖାଇବା ଶିଖିବାକୁ ଦେ


ବାପା, ସତରେ ତୁମେ କେତେ କଠୋର!

ଗାଡି ଶିଖିବାକୁ ଡ଼ରିଲା ବେଳେ,

ବୋଉର ପଣତରେ ଲୁଚିଲା ବେଳେ

ତୁମେ ନାଲିଆଖି ଦେଖାଇ ମୋତେ ଟାଣି ନିଅ

ଓ ମୋତେ ଗାଡିରେ ବସାଇ

ମୁଁ ପଡିଯିବା ଭୟରେ ପାଖେ ପାଖେ ଜଗିଥାଅ

ବୋଉକୁ କହ, “ସେ ଝିଅ ନୁହଁ, ସେ ମୋ ପୁଅ


ବାପା, ସତରେ ତୁମେ କେତେ କଠୋର!

ମୁଁ ହାଟ ବଜାରକୁ ଯିବାପାଇଁ ଲାଜରେ

ମନା କଲାବେଳେ

ବୋଉ ପାଶେ ଗୁହାରି କଲାବେଳେ

ତୁମେ କିନ୍ତୁ କିଛି ନଶୁଣି

ବାଧ୍ୟ କରି ଏକାକୀ ପଠାଇଲା ବେଳେ

ବୋଉର ବାରଣରେ ତୁମେ ରାଗିକି କୁହ,

ତାକୁ ଦୁନିଆ ଦେଖିବାକୁ ଦେ


ବାପା, ସତରେ ତୁମେ କେତେ କଠୋର!

ମୁଁ ଶାଶୁଘର ଯିବାବେଳେ

ଅଭିମାନଭରା ହୃଦୟରେ

ନକାନ୍ଦି ତୁମ ଆଡକୁ ନଚାହିଁ

ବିଦାୟ ନେଲାବେଳେ,

ତୁମେ ଆଖି ଛଳ ଛଳ କରି

ଦଉଡି ଆସିଥିଲ ମୋ ପଛରେ

ତୁମେ ଢ଼ାଳିଥିଲ ଲୁହ କେତେ

ମୋ ଅଜଣାତରେ,

ତେବେ କାହିଁକି ଅଟକାଇଲନି

ଯିବାକୁ ଶାଶୂଘର

ତୁମକୁ ପରକରି ଯିବାକୁ ଦୂରେ?

ବାପା ସତରେ ତୁମେ କେତେ କଠୋର!


ଯାଜପୁର, ଓଡିଶା ମୋ: ୮୯୧୭୩୫୯୮୮୦


 Papa, really, how hard-hearted you are!

Because when Mother lifts me and dusts me with care

As soon as I fall down wobbling on the earth’s soiled floor,

Like a thunder you, dictate her, “Do instantly release her hand

And let her learn to balance on her own feet and stand!”

Papa, indeed, how hard-hearted you are!

Because to no avail, when mother’s ploys like beating,

Reprimanding, storytelling or singing fail and falter

To win over my obstinacy and see me smoothly eating,

You deeply get angry with her, and resenting

You command her, “Let her learn to eat with her hand, my dear!’


Papa, certainly, how hard-hearted you are!

Because while mine starting to ride much scared and afraid

And hiding safely beneath the dupatta of Mother,

You do relentlessly pull me losing your temper,

And at all costs you let me, on the bike, be securely seated

And like a vigilant guide, you keep following me every second

And counsel Mama, “She is not my lass; she is to me a lad rare.”


Papa, undoubtedly, how hard-hearted you are!

Because when I consciously hesitate to go to markets

And beg mercy and support of Mother,

You willingly turn a deaf ear to my appeals and entreats

Indignantly oppose Mama’s pampering me, and reluctance,

And advise her, “To see the world let her have a chance!"

Papa, undeniably, how hard-hearted you are!

Because while I was going to my father-in-law’s house

Without either shedding tears or at you a quick glance

Out of my discontents and disgruntlements;

You rushed after me with flooded eyes, and a heart pure,

Your unobtrusive torrential tears did inundate me and souse;

Then why didn’t you stop me from departing to my mother-in-law’s house?

Why didn’t you prevent me from estranging myself from you?

Why didn’t you block my path that I couldn’t go too far from you?

Papa, unquestionably, how blissfully hard-hearted you are!


Copyright: Dr. Shankar d Mishra, Sr. Lecturer in English, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Bharat. 10.10.2023

Saturday 7 October 2023

ଓଡ଼ିଆ କବିତା "ଏ ମଣିଷକୁ ଥରେ ଦେଖ" / TRANSLATED ENGLISH POEM "LOOK AT THIS MAN ONCE."


ଓଡ଼ିଆ କବିତା "ଆସ ଗଢ଼ିବା ଏକ ନୂଆ ପୃଥିଵୀ" / TRANSLATED ENGLISH POEM " LET'S BUILD A NEW WORLD."

ଆସ ଗଢ଼ିବା ଏକ ନୂଆ ପୃଥିବୀ

କେତେ ଦିନ ଆଉ ଶବ୍ଦରେ ଶବ୍ଦରେ ଗଢ଼ିବା,

ଭାଷାରେ, ଭାଷଣରେ ସଜାଡିବା

ଆଉ ସ୍ୱପ୍ନରେ ସ୍ୱପ୍ନରେ ସଜେଇବା ପୃଥିବୀକୁ ?

ଆସ, ଆମେ ବାସ୍ତବରେ ସଜାଡ଼ିବା

ସଜେଇବା ଏହାକୁ ସମସ୍ତେ ତ୍ରିଦେବ ସାଜି




How long will we keep building this world with words hollow,

Will continue to mend and furnish it up with our  rhetorics shallow

And design and embellish it in our dreams fallow?

Let’s all as Tridev fashion and devise it in reality my beings fellow!


ଏମିତି ଏକ ନୂଆ ପୃଥିବୀଟିଏ ଗଢ଼ିବା

ଯେଉଁଠି ନଥିବ ଦୁଃଖ, ଦାରିଦ୍ର୍ୟ, ଦୁର୍ଦ୍ଦଶା, ଦୁର୍ବିପାକ,

ପରିତାପ, ପ୍ରତାରଣା, ହତ୍ୟା, ଆତ୍ମହତ୍ୟା  ଆପଣାପର।
ଅକାଳରେ ଝରିପଡୁନବ ଏକ ନିରୀହ ନାରୀ

ଅବା କେଉଁ ଏକ ପୁରୁଷ ପୁଅର ଜୀବନ ସବୁଠାରେ ବିଫଳ ହେବା ପରେ -

ପ୍ରେମରେ, ପଦପଦବୀ ପରିଚାଳନାରେ,

ଅବା ପରିବାର ସୁରୁଖୁରୁରେ ଚଳାଇବାରେ;

ସବୁ ବଦନାମକୁ ମୁଣ୍ଡରେ ମୁଣ୍ଡେଇ ଚାଷୀଟିଏ ଋଣ ପରିତୋଷ କରିନପାରିବାର ଭୟରେ


Hark! We’ll build such a novel world of beauty

As will be free from woes, poverty, misery, calamity,

Remorse, deceit, murder, suicide and discriminations.

Let not there a lady be forced to end her play prematurely

Or a man be tempted to die young after failure everywhere –

In love, in handling his positions and duties with due flair,

Or maintaining his beloved family smoothly and comfortably;

Or a farmer, unable to pay debts, and shoulder humiliations!

ରାସ୍ତାକଡ଼ରେ, କେଉଁ ଗହଳିଆ ବୁଦାମୂଳେ, ଅବା ଅଳିଆଗଦାରେ
ଗଡୁନଥିବ ନିଷ୍ପାପ ଶିଶୁଟିଏ ପିତାମାତାଙ୍କର ଅଭାବୀପଣର ଅଭିଶାପକୁ ମୁଣ୍ଡେଇ;
ନୀରବତାର ନିବୁଜ କୋଠରୀରୁ ଉଙ୍କିମାରି ଖୋଜୁନଥିବେ ବୃଦ୍ଧ ପିତାମାତା,

ପୁଅବୋହୂ ନାତି ନାତୁଣୀଙ୍କର ଗହଳ ଚହଳ ସଂସାର


Let not there an innocent infant be lying in the thick bushes

Or rotting in the stinking and reeking dumping yard

Carrying curses of parental penury and indigence;

Let not there the old parents be peeking from the cells of silence

The busy and crowded world of the sons, daughter in laws and grand children.

ନଥୁବ ଯେଉଁଠି ବ୍ୟଭିଚାର, ବେଶ୍ୟାବୃତି,
ନାରୀ ନିର୍ଯ୍ୟାତନା, ପୁରୁଷ ଯାତନା,
ବାଦବିବାଦ ଭାଇଭାଇରେ, ସାହି ପଡ଼ିଶାରେ,
ସୀମା ବିବାଦ ପ୍ରଦେଶ ଆଉ ପ୍ରଦେଶର, ଦେଶ ବିଦେଶର,

ଭୟ ନଥିବ ମାଓବାଦ, ସନ୍ତ୍ରାସବାଦ ଆଉ

ମାନସୀ ପାତ୍ର (ଏସିପି), ୟୁନିଟ-, ଭୁବନେଶ୍ଵର