Monday 31 July 2017



Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much passionate thou art a prattler,
Come on and display to convince
How much patient thou art a listener. [11]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much dexterous thou art a pleader,
Come on and display to convince
How much thou dost lend as an Integrity Leader. [12]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much far-sighted and cautious thou art a parent,
Come on and display to convince
What a descendant thou wert decent and obedient. [13]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much art thou loyal, humble and honest,
Come on and display to convince
How well and how often thou dost stand an ordealed test. [14]

 Tell me not, O my dear friend
How many lives thou hast dastardly taken,
 Come on and display to convince
How benignly hast thou saved so many forsaken. [15]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much blood thou hast carnivorously leeched,
Come on and display to convince
How much thine squeezed for the wounded and stitched. [16]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How often thou dost claim and enjoy thy own birth rights,
Come on and display to convince
How often, to preserve others’ thou dost confront fights. [17]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How many precepts thou dost vigorously preach,
Come on and display to convince
How much dost thou learn that thou dost avidly teach. [18]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much eager thou art to reform and transform the society,
Come on and display to convince
How much keenly, to rectify thyself, thou dost derive delight. [19]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much opulent a fellow art thou,
Come on and display to convince
How much thou art as useful as the dung of a cow. [20]

*prattle – chatter
* dexterous – skillful
* opulent – wealthy
*wert - were
* ordealed test – acid test
* dastardly – brutally/cowardly
* benignly – kindly
* carnivorously leeched – sucked blood like a carnivore
* descendant – offspring/children

N.B : The above poem, consisting of 30 stanzas, my longest poem so far, was written about 10 years ago. Some where, a student approached me with an English essay  that was to be submitted for a competition, and requested me to kindly peruse and give my opinion. To his eager query about the type of writing, I said, “It’s Ok.” Then he felt hurt and said, “Sir, a Miss has already checked this essay and appreciated a lot. I have so many books at home etc.” Then, I replied to him, “Don’t tell me how many books you have at home, or how has your Miss evaluated the essay. I told you what I felt and this is not fit for any competition.” Then, the above poem was born. So, I concluded the poem thanking the student for inspiring me to write such a long poem. The last stanza is:

“Thanks a lot to thee, O my dear, inspiring friend
For exposing before me thy intolerably braggy trend,
To evoke me and ignite to ponder, portray and send
To thy akin to be wary, aware of and themselves mend.” [30]

*braggy - here, boastful
[The rest 10 stanzas [3rd part] will be posted next. Thank you in advance for reading patiently.]

©Shankar D Mishra 31.07.2017
[There are more than120 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Sunday 30 July 2017



 Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much diet thou dost devour,
Come on and display to convince
How much canst thou exert labour.  [1]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much moor thou dost cultivate,
Come on and display to convince
How much thy yield changes thy fate. [2]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How many books thou dost peruse up to date,
Come on and display to convince
How much they infuse in you to recuperate. [3]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much cosmetics, what costumes thou dost wear,
Come on and display to convince
How many adore thee and chant thy Inner Beauty’s  prayer. [4]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much time thou dost devote to strife,
 Come on and display to convince
How much successful is thy kaleidoscopic life. [5]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much shrewd and sagacious thou art,
Come on and display to convince
How much pivotal a play thou dost part. [6]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much art thou sensibly compassionate,
Come on and display to convince
How many needy’s pang thou dost dissipate. [7]

Tell me not, O  my dear friend
How much skilled and adept a doctor art thou,
Come on and display to convince
How much illness at thy feet at length  bow. [8[

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much  enlightened  thou art a teacher,
Come on and display to convince
How much  ignorance thou dictate to scamper. [9]

Tell me not, O my dear friend
How much brilliant and scholar thou at a student,
Come on and display to convince
How much thy scholastic fruit is edible and prudent. [10]

N.B : The above poem, consisting of 30 stanzas, my longest poem so far, was written about 10 years ago. Some where, a student approached me with an English essay  that was to be submitted for a competition, and requested me to kindly peruse and give my opinion. To his eager query about the type of writing, I said, “It’s Ok.” Then he felt hurt and said, “Sir, a Miss has already checked this essay and appreciated a lot. I have so many books at home etc.” Then, I replied to him, “ Don’t tell me how many books you have at home, or how has your Miss evaluated the essay. I told you what I felt and this is not fit for any competition.” Then, the above poem was born. So, I concluded the poem thanking the student for inspiring me to write such a long poem. The last stanza is:

“ Thanks a lot to thee, O my dear, inspiring friend
For exposing before me thy intolerably braggy trend,
To evoke me and ignite to ponder, portray and send
To thy akin to be wary, aware of and themselves mend.” [30]

[The rest 20 stanzas will be posted in another two phases. Thank you in advance for reading patiently.]

*braggy - here, boastful

©Shankar D Mishra 30.07.2017
[There are more than120 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Saturday 29 July 2017



O that I had been your whole and sole world
I had been your enviably a gem enticing emerald!
O that I could, in you, a blind and blissful love herald
I had not felt being remorselessly snubbed and snarled!

O that I had been a solitary sovereign in your heart
I had been more shrewd, diplomatic, sly and smart!
O that I could concede to all your wishes being myself hurt
I could enlist myself among the spurious, conniving and lusty lots!

O that I could hire for you sweet but sluttish, seductive smiles
I could suppress tactfully what pinches me and infinitely riles!
O that I could jump over some pungent and unpleasant stiles
I could keep you revelling with my unintelligible, elusive guiles!

O that I could please you succumbing to all your unacceptable wishes
O that I could reign unrivalled in your soft heart’s solacing recess!

* enviably – that excites envy
* enticing - attractive
*emerald - bright green stone
* herald – announce the message of love
* remorselessly - mercilessly
*snubbed – insulted/hurt
*snarled – sneered/growled
* solitary sovereign - lone monarch
* shrewd, diplomatic, sly  - clever, tactful, cunning  
* concede to - grant
* spurious– false
*conniving  - not showing concerns for something annoying
* lusty lots – believers in lust
* sluttish – untidy/disloyal
* seductive – sexually enticing or alluring
* riles – irks/annoys
* pungent – here ,bitter
* unpleasant stiles - disagreeable conditions
* revelling – enjoying
* unintelligible, elusive guiles – hard to understand, vague craftiness
* succumbing – submitting/accepting
*guiles – cunning behaviours
* reign unrivalled - rule unchallenged
* solacing recess – a place that gives peace and solace

©Shankar D Mishra 27.07.2017
[There are more than 100 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524
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Thursday 27 July 2017



O the most revered and gentlest Dr. Kalam,
Do kindly accept our sincerest Pranam.
For, thou art for us, the angelic 'Abou Ben Adhem',
A sweet, mellow fruit in proud India’s Success and Dignity Stem!
Thou didst prove "One can scale to an enviable acme of eminence,
Not merely because of one's Milton's imperial, or favourable ambience,
But by virtue of one’s persistent and perspiring perseverance,
Unflagging pace, unswerving toil and passive sufferance!”
'The Missile Man of India", thou art dotingly called,
Born with a unique flair to turn cheap brass into glorious gold;
Who is known as the young ignited India’s " the avuncular Uncle"
Who adorned the Highest Office of the country on his own mettle!
A true Visionary of Modern and developed India,
Whom gratefully salute the whole country's intelligentsia....!
O the great Soul! Mother India Herself is proud of thee,
For thy matchless humility, patriotism and virtuosity!

* scale to eminence – reach/attain highest state of importance
* unflagging – untiring
* unswerving – constant/ steadfast
* toil and sufferance - work hard and suffering/endurance
* flair –natural ability to do something efficiently
* avuncular – regarding uncle
* adorned - decorated
* mettle – determination
* intelligentsia – the intellectual or cultured masses
* virtuosity – talent/ skill

N.B: Late DR. A. P. J ABDUL KALAM [ 15 Oct, 1931 - 27 July, 2015) was India's 11th President.] This poem was published in the FEBRUARY ISSUE of POETRY WORLD, Chennai, India, 2011. Abdul Kalam himself was impressed by reading this poem. He had sent an e-mail to me thanking me.

©Shankar D Mishra 27.07.2017
Blog: [There are more than 100 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Wednesday 26 July 2017



Yes, Revenge is a sort of wild, weird and boorish justice
Is ever swayed by the intrinsic impulses brutish and loutish,
It is ever too blind to distinguish between right and wrong
It echoes the adage, “ If you are stung, leave none unstung!”

Yes, Revenge suddenly relieves one from a soured stress
It acts like an appeasing lotion for the wounds of distress,
It too brings short-lived smiles on the lips of the revenger
Alas! He forgets his Game’s persisting pangs whatsoever!

But,how long his momentary pleasure continue to buoy?
No sooner does the pinch of conscience poke and peck at his joy?
Than do rush bitter remorse and acidic regret to sting like wasps
To bite him to bleed to death for his morality and humanity lapse.

Till his last breath he is stung by unavoidable embarrassment!
Alas! He perishes for his vindictive inclination for lack of treatment!

* weird and boorish - strange and crude
swayed - influenced
intrinsic impulses - natural inclinations/desires
 brutish and loutish - wild and impolite
* adage - wise saying
* appeasing lotion - comforting treatment
* Game’s persisting pangs – the victim’s continuous pain
* buoy - keep up/maintain
* lapse – a failure in virtue, attention or memory
* wasps – a kind of biting insects like bees
* perishes – passes away/disappears
* vindictive – mean/revengeful

©Shankar D Mishra 26.07.2017
Blog: [There are more than 100 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Monday 24 July 2017



Don’t ever sale your susceptible sorrow
Do return with interest whatever you borrow,
Accomplish all today whatever you decide, my dear
For, never comes to you the ever elusive tomorrow!

Conceal never dear, the self revealing truth
Under the misleading wraps of duplicacy or falsehood,
For, spurious imitations and  appealing fabrications
Are in the long run very well understood!

Never ever take unreality for reality, and nights for days
Praise you may duly, but live not to reap ever paid praise,
You can hoodwink the credulous eyes, but not God’ s ever wise gaze
Rectify yourself  today, for it’s never too late for a good and noble change!

Thus, do connive at never for a favour, nor do pamper to unduly prosper
For, to be blessed with a sure Salvation, you must board a Right Elevator!

* susceptible sorrow -the sorrow that easily touches others to get pity
* elusive tomorrow – the tomorrow that never comes though it seems so close
* self revealing truth –truth always reveals itself one day or the other
* spurious – false
* appealing fabrications - attractive but false invention
* in the long run – at last
* hoodwink the credulous eyes - deceive the innocent/unsuspecting eyes
* connive at - turn a blind eye to the wrong deeds of someone
* pamper to unduly prosper - indulge in flattering or fondling to gain by foul means

©Shankar D Mishra 23.07.2017
Blog: [There are more than 100 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Sunday 23 July 2017



 Yes, Swaraj is my Birth Right
Oh! Having it on earth is the utmost delight.
To keep it in tact, I will till death, ceaselessly fight
Even in Martyrdom I will have sore sorrow slight.

Yes, Swaraj is a delicious dish for all to gladly relish
It is, in the darkness of slavery, a luminous light,
It is in the firmament of bondage, a freedom flight
Ah! To have it in every life is the greatest Bliss!

Yes, Swaraj is my Birth Right
In its presence, does flee any infernal plight
In its heavenly embrace, scamper tear and fright
With its rare blessings, you can be at a celestial Height!

O Mother India’s sublime Soul and unique Sage
We can pay thee no fit encomium except our humblest homage!

* Swaraj – own/self rule
* firmament – the sky
* infernal –hell-like
* encomium –high appreciation

N.B.: The above poem is a tribute of Bal Gangadhar Tilak on his 161st birth anniversary.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak, born as Keshav Gangadhar Tilak, was an Indian nationalist, teacher, social reformer, lawyer and an independence activist. He was the first leader of the Indian Independence Movement. Bal Gangadhar Tilak was one of the first and strongest advocates of Swaraj ("self-rule") and a strong radical in Indian consciousness. He is known for his quote in Marathi, "स्वराज्य हा माझा जन्मसिद्ध हक्क आहे आणि तो मी मिळवणारच" ("Swarajya is my birthright and I shall have it!") in India.

Born23 July 1856, Chikhali, Maharashtra
Died1 August 1920, Mumbai
NicknameLokmanya Tilak
MovementIndian Independence movement
EducationGovernment Law College, Mumbai (1878–1879), Deccan College (1873–1877)

©Shankar D Mishra 23.07.2017
Blog: [There are more than 100 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Friday 21 July 2017



O God! Please let me not wish anyone a morning good
While I am cooking for him in my heart-tub poison food,
While I am inflaming with the fire of rage, and a motto crude
While I am really inside jealous, malicious, peevish and rude!

O God! Please let me not pretend to be overjoyed and glad
While shaking hollow hands with a friend or an acquaintance,
While inside I am really sadistic, intolerant, envious and sad
At his praise-worthy progress and commendable performance!

O God! Please let me not feed anyone with the diet of hallucination
Let me not clothe anyone with a gorgeous apparel of deception,
Let me not construct for anyone an illusive castle of reverie
Let me not assure anyone of fetching Salvation by a fake, fatal ferry!

So, O God! You may teach me so that whatever sublime I may  preach,
But, let me first learn to practise, “None to betray, and never to breach!”

©Shankar D Mishra 21.07.2017
Blog: [There are more than 100 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524
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Thursday 20 July 2017



Satare, tora sabujataa
Mo mane bhari die satejataa;
Tora chapalataa
Mo praane bhari die prafullataa…….

Satare, tora komalataa
Mo mane bhari die byaakulataa;
Tora aantarikataa
Mo jeebane nei aase arthabodhataa…..

Satare, mu to sapana ra taru
Tu mo sapana ra lataa
Mu to hrudaya ra Rama
Tu mo hrudaya ra Sita…….

Satare, tora aatmeeyataa
Mo paain sate biralataa
Tora saralataa
Mo mana bagichaa ra sheetalataa……

Satare, to saathe mo milana
Mo paain ta eka melana
Pratikhya ra purnachheda
Kebe heba, sate, purana????

©Shankar D Mishra 28.08.2018
Blog: [There are more than 400 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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Wednesday 19 July 2017



O Rain! O Kind Rain! Please don’t, so relentlessly, go away,
Do lovingly come too close on my thirsty and withered way to shower and sway!
Please rinse sincerely to cleanse my rigid carnal dirts, and do make my day,
Please rub hard to remove my germy grimes, and make me forever blissful and gay!

O Rain! O generous  Rain! Please don’t, so heartlessly, go away,
Do drench me completely to keep my fulsome and fatal filths at bay!
Please do drown the obtrusive devil in me, so as to suffocate It and slay,
As a consequence, I  can, like an elated Peacock, so lightly prance and play!

O Rain! O bountiful Rain! Why do you go away, tell why?
Like a heavy, rotten stump, I do here dormant lie!
Don’t so relentlessly bid me a premature goodbye,
Ah! Without you, my life is a huge and ridiculous “Phi!”

O Rain! O my merciful hope Ray! Please don’t go away,
Please benignly  listen to what I so humbly plead and  pray:
Please rinse and wash my carnal dirts, and do make my day,
Please rub and remove my bestial grimes, and make me gay!

* carnal – bodily, unspiritual
* make my day – make me happy
* bestial grimes - inhuman dirts [Here , inhuman acts are compared to dirts.]
* keep my fatal filths at bay - keep my deadly/serious misdeeds away
* elated - delighted
* relentlessly - heartlessly
* benignly - kindly
* dormant - inactively
* Phi – meaningless

©Shankar D Mishra 19.07.2017
Blog: [There are more than 100 poems available on my blog]
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524
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