Tuesday 6 June 2017



A worthy friend is the breed of a fine and noble seed,
He does believe in the consistent and unselfish deed;
He does ever refrain himself from spite, envy and greed,
In the race of true friendship, he does successfully lead!

A worthy friend does nurture the plant of affinity,
With utmost love, care, fidelity and sweet amity;
He does pour water of sincerity and valuable integrity,
And does add the compost of sacrifice mingled with purity!

A worthy friend  captures his friend’s innocent heart,
With his inimitable,invaluable and enviable part!
Oh! Among the trillions, he noticeably stands apart,
He is never ambitious, ever wears a unpretentious Shirt!

A worthy friend is he in whom all you can freely confide,
Nothing will you ever tend, from him, to conceal or hide.
More than an enlightened philosopher and a helpful guide,
He is your sole hope, sole happiness and sole Pride!

A worthy friend does incessantly instill in the sap of life,
He steadfastly does help you in the stiff and tough strife;
He is Lord Krishna’s the melodious and spell-binding Fife,
Oh! To cut your trouble tumour, he ever sharpens his knife!

A worthy friend is an appeasing balm for your sore injury,
He is the much coveted wealth for your pestering penury!
He is a priceless, inexhaustible and sustainable treasury,
Ah! In your destitute desert, a lush and luxuriant Nursery!

A worthy friend turns your invalid and void life worthier,
A worthy friend makes your poor and unwell life healthier,
A worthy friend is ever sought after in the imperative hour,
O that I were blessed with the qualities, of friend worthy and rare!

* breed – type/ variety
* consistent – steady
* spite - ill will
* envy – jealousy
* nurture - take care of
* fidelity – faithfulness
* amity – friendship/goodwill
* mingled- mixed
* sole – only
* incessantly – continually
* instill – fill
* inimitable – matchless
* enviable – desirable/ that which everyone wants to get
* ambitious – doing something with a motive of getting in return
* confide – reveal/ tell
* stiff – difficult
* strife – trouble/struggle
* melodious – harmonious
* spell-binding – fascinating
* Fife – a type of flute
* trouble tumour – trouble is compared to a tumour
* appeasing balm - comforting solution
* sore – painful
* coveted – desirable
* pestering penury – annoying poverty
* inexhaustible – unlimited
* sustainable – supporting
* destitute desert - poor [Poverty is compared to a desert.]
* lush – green
* luxuriant – plentiful/ abundant
* void – empty
* sought after – desired
* imperative - very important

©Shankar D Mishra 13.03.2018
Blog: sdmpoetry.blogspot.com
WhatsApp no. 08270604524
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