Monday 12 February 2024



Introductions to the poem “Haunted Houses” 

“Haunted Houses” is a poem written by Henry Wordsworth Longfellow. In the poem all the men who lived in their houses and died there have been living in haunted houses, and in those houses, phantoms roam about carrying on their business. These men feel the ghosts at different places in the house but to them, it just feels as if something is moving in the air. When there are parties the number of guests is more than originally invited because the uninvited ghosts are ghosts as silent as the paintings on the walls. The people sitting by the fireside cannot see them but the poet can. 

The spiritual plane around people as conceived by them is just ear the physical world and through it, little wisps of ethereal spirit air breeze through. The lives of human beings are usually kept in balance as they juggle desires and ethics in their daily life. They struggle against their instincts and acceding to the poet these pleasures and needs come to humans because there are still so many undiscovered stars and plants out there. Further on the moon throws light over the sea as our fancies cross into the mystery of the night. And on this, there comes a streak of light from the metaphysical world where the thoughts of people wander endlessly.

 The poem is unique in its context as it deals with ghosts and spirits. It is surprising to know, however, they are not depicted as loathsome creatures instead they are harmless and mind their own business. The poem seems to itself blend seamlessly into the other world as Longfellow weaves it through rhyming lines laced with multiple figures of speech giving it a comforting feeling as if we are reading a sleeping lullaby.

Haunted Houses | Summary and Analysis

 The most striking feature of this poem is, surprisingly, its familiarity as if you probably have read it many times before. This is due to the way the poem has been written. Longfellow used a repeating rhyme scheme of ABAB in all the stanzas along with constant alliteration which makes the poem very easy to read. This is one of the features of Fireside Poets – a group of American poets who were able to achieve recognition on the same level as their counterparts. Longfellow’s poetry is particularly known to be simple and is accessible to such an extent that it is read by people of every class and status.

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 1

All houses wherein men have lived and died

Are haunted houses. Through the open doors

The harmless phantoms on their errands glide,

With feet that make no sound upon the floors.


By reading the first stanza one gets a clear picture of the theme presented by Longfellow. He is trying to talk about ghosts but in a good way. According to him any house in which men have lived and died are “haunted houses” and in them live spirits who come and go out without making any sound. The stanza contains alliteration in the sounds of “h,” “e,” and “o” which give it a very simple and sing-song rhyme. The first stanza is simple enough to understand and conventional in its form and does not use any new form of poetry.

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 2

We meet them at the door-way, on the stair,

Along the passages they come and go,

Impalpable impressions on the air,

A sense of something moving to and fro.


The second stanza explains the behavior of these ghosts and the way they move around. Longfellow claims that we meet them on stairways, the door and they come along the same path we use. However, to us, they just seem like “impalpable impressions in the air” as if the air is blowing strongly. By describing their movements the poet is trying to convince his readers that even though we do not see them, still they are always around us doing their work. In this way, the concept of ghosts seems a less scary thought. Once again by using assonance in sounds like “o,” “e,” and “a” followed by a strict rhyme scheme the stanza becomes very easy to read.

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 3

There are more guests at table than the hosts

Invited; the illuminated hall

Is thronged with quiet, inoffensive ghosts,

As silent as the pictures on the wall.


This stanza contains the figure of speech called simile where something is likened to another thing using words like or as. Here the ghosts have been compared to paintings on the wall, by saying “as silent as the pictures on the walls”. Longfellow is showing us that ghosts are silent beings unlike popular ideology related to ghosts. He says that at parties the number of guests is more than what the “host” invites. That is because the uninvited guests happen to be the “inoffensive ghosts” who are so quiet that one does not notice their presence at all just like the paintings mounted in rooms

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 4

The stranger at my fireside cannot see

The forms I see, nor hear the sounds I hear;

He but perceives what is; while unto me

All that has been is visible and clear.


In the fourth stanza, the poet addresses a man, who is not confirmed to be present there, and describes how that person cannot see the spirits. Longfellow used the technique of addressing the man as a way of showing the differences in the ability of the poet in being able to see the ghosts. While the poet can see their “forms” and hear their “sounds” the stranger next to him can only “perceive” them. This is because humans cannot see ghosts but it seems like the poet has the skill to do so. The stanza also contains perfect rhyme which matches the ABAB rhyme scheme of the poem giving it a relaxed form.

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 5

We have no title-deeds to house or lands;

Owners and occupants of earlier dates

From graves forgotten stretch their dusty hands,

And hold in mortmain still their old estates.


The poet seems to be talking from the point of view of the ghosts in this stanza. He says that “we”, that is the spirits of people who have passed on, do not own any “houses” or “title deeds”. He describes them using imagery in the following lines “From graves forgotten to stretch their dusty hands” and these hands are holding the “mortmain” that used to belong to their estates. In this way the poets express their true nature by showing that the houses they once owned have now been taken from them, they no longer own it even though they might have had the estate papers in their “dusty” hands. Here Longfellow has introduced the concept of materialism and how it does not affect ghosts as they have already owned and moved away from their properties. This shows that ghosts have no worldly desires and are content with the way things are.

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 6

The spirit-world around this world of sense

Floats like an atmosphere, and everywhere

Wafts through these earthly mists and vapoursdense

A vital breath of more ethereal air.


This is one of the most important stanzas of the poem as the poet interlinks the spiritual world with the physical one. He claims that the world of ghosts “floats like an atmosphere” and through it, a “vital breath of more ethereal air” comes out in the mists and vapors of the earth. The speaker is suggesting that the spiritual plane and the material plane are more closely tied together than one knows. It is always present around the world and just flows on as if it is the air. Similarly, the earth has mists and vapors of many different kinds and it is through this that the ghosts and phantoms find a way to slip into a human dimension. Longfellow used visual imagery to give us a picture of the way the ghosts penetrate amidst human beings, it feels as if there is a veil of air and it is being lifted partially to let small breezes; in that breezes being supernatural beings.

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 7

Our little lives are kept in equipoise

By opposite attractions and desires;

The struggle of the instinct that enjoys,

And the more noble instinct that aspires.


As opposed to the previous stanza this one is from the point of view of humans as Longfellow tells about human nature. He says that “our lives” is kept in constant strife between “desires” and attractions”. Humans constantly try to fight their instincts as they try to achieve great deeds while fighting their primal nature. By highlighting the characteristics, the poet here is trying to show ghosts in a better view. Humans tend to give in to temptation but spirits have no reason or interest to.

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 8

These perturbations, this perpetual jar

Of earthly wants and aspirations high,

Come from the influence of an unseen star

An undiscovered planet in our sky.


Longfellow further goes on to give the reasons humans have such demands in their lives. He compares their greed to a “perpetual jar” full of earthly pleasures and fame. The reason he gives for such wants is that it is the influence of an unexplored star and planets which only increase their curiosity. He blames the vast universe for such temptations. Again the use of alliteration has been constant throughout the stanzas not to mention the rhyme scheme as well. The complete rhymes also add emphasis on the ideas expressed by the poet as he gives his reasons for his defense against ghosts.

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 9

And as the moon from some dark gate of cloud

Throws o’er the sea a floating bridge of light,

Across whose trembling planks our fancies crowd

Into the realm of mystery and night,—


The stanza uses explicit imagery to infuse the element of mystery into normal perceptions of night. Longfellow says that the moon “throws o’er the sea a floating bridge of light”; here he has used excellent imagery to show the moon shining over the sea and creating a bridge of light that joins our imaginations onto the depths of night. This could also be a way of showing the process in which the spiritual realms connect with the human one. The moon has been seen as an object of mystery and by using it in his poem Longfellow increases the mystification of the night as demonstrated in the following stanza by applying enjambment.

Haunted Houses Analysis Stanza 10

So from the world of spirits there descends

A bridge of light, connecting it with this,

O’er whose unsteady floor, that sways and bends,

Wander our thoughts above the dark abyss.


 In the last stanza of the poem the poet says that on this bridge of light, the world of spirits connects and this is where our thoughts wander in the dismal abyss. Here Longfellow personifies the bridge as an “unsteady floor” that “sways and bends”. The poet has connected the virtual world of thoughts and feeling present in our minds along with the world of spirits. Perhaps this is so because he wants to show that spirits are nothing but our imagination and as such harbor no harm. This stanza can be called an example of metaphysical poetry where imagination is connected to the supernatural world which is done most naturally. This in turn the poem into a more complex idea, more so than its form which is quite ordinary.

The speaker in the poem has created a sombre and reflective atmosphere. Though the tone of the poem is plain and simple, its expressions increase a person’s inquisitiveness which makes the poem far more sophisticated than it looks. Longfellow, despite not using many figures of speech manages to deliver a poem that reflects on the supernatural as being harmless and perhaps a portal to vast canyons of darkness.

Haunted Houses | About the Author

Henry Wordsworth Longfellow was an American poet who was one of the Fireside poets. His poetry is known for its musical tone along with themes that evoke emotions. He was known for writing along the styles of his British rival however he never used experimentation in his poetry.

 N.B. This material, copyrighted by Litmarked Staff, has been collected from Google for the purpose of self studies.

 Phantoms: Ghostly figures, representing lingering memories, influences, or impressions of individuals who've passed through our lives.

Errands: Their purposes or reasons for influencing our lives.,

Glide: Move smoothly and continuously, indicating the subtle and often unnoticed manner in which these influences manifest.

Door-way, Stair, Passages: Different phases, moments, or transitions in life. These are the points where we often encounter new people and experiences.

Impalpable: Difficult to feel or grasp, highlighting the elusive nature of some influences or memories.

Guests: The various people, memories, or influences present in our lives.

Hosts: Represents us or the individual's conscious acknowledgment of these memories or people.

Illuminated hall: A space representing one's conscious awareness or present state of mind.

Fireside: A personal, intimate space within oneself; one's comfort zone or inner sanctum.

Forms: The clear memories or impressions of past interactions or individuals.

Title-deeds: Claims or rights to ownership.

Lands: Tangible assets or the physical aspects of life.

Mortmain: A term meaning 'dead hand.' Here, it signifies the unyielding grip or influence of past memories or individuals over one's present life.

Estates: Represents assets, experiences, or memories one 'owns' in their life..

Spirit-world: The realm of memories, past influences, and impressions that surround our tangible reality.

Sense: Our current, tangible reality or conscious understanding.

Atmosphere: The enveloping space filled with past memories and influences.

Equipoise: Balance or equilibrium.

Attractions: Desires or tendencies influenced by past experiences or individuals.

Aspirations: Higher goals or ambitions, also influenced by our past.

Perturbations: Disturbances or conflicts within oneself.

Star, Planet: Unseen or unacknowledged influences guiding our inner decisions and feelings.

Moon: A guiding light or influence.

Gate of cloud: Obstacles or moments of obscurity in life.

Sea: The vast expanse of one's life or experiences.

Bridge of light: The connection between past influences and the present.

Abyss: Deep, uncharted territory or the unknown aspects of one's life.

 Line-by-line explanation of the poem

All houses wherein men have lived and died Are haunted houses.

Here, the term "houses" is a metaphor for our bodies or lives, and being "haunted" indicates the indelible mark or influence left by the people we encounter. Just as every house has its history, every person carries the memories and impacts of past relationships and interactions.

Through the open doors The harmless phantoms on their errands glide, With feet that make no sound upon the floors.

Open doors signify moments of vulnerability or openness in our lives. The "harmless phantoms" symbolise individuals who've passed through our lives, sometimes unnoticed or unacknowledged, leaving subtle but meaningful imprints. Their silent movements suggest that often, the full depth of their influence isn't immediately evident.

We meet them at the door-way, on the stair, Along the passages they come and go, Impalpable impressions on the air,

The various places mentioned (door-way, stair, passages) allude to the different phases and transitional moments in our lives. These people affect us at varying intensities and at different times, but their impact remains, even if it's as elusive as "impressions on the air."

There are more guests at table than the hosts Invited; the illuminated hall Is thronged with quiet, inoffensive ghosts,

Our conscious mind (the "table") often only acknowledges a fraction of the influences and memories we carry. However, our subconscious (the "illuminated hall") is filled with countless past interactions, represented here by the "quiet, inoffensive ghosts".


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Additional/Extra questions and answers

1. How does Longfellow describe all houses where men have lived and died?

Answer: Longfellow poetically refers to all houses where men have lived and died as "haunted houses." In this context, the term "haunted" doesn't refer to ghostly apparitions in the traditional spooky sense. Instead, it evokes the idea that memories, emotions, and experiences of the past inhabitants still linger, making their presence felt in subtle and profound ways.

2. What do the "harmless phantoms" in the poem represent?

Answer: The "harmless phantoms" are emblematic of memories, past experiences, and perhaps the spirits or essences of those who once occupied the houses. These phantoms are memories that are ever-present but intangible, exerting a silent influence on the living.

3. How do these phantoms move through the houses?

Answer: These phantoms are depicted as moving silently, gliding through open doors "with feet that make no sound upon the floors." This quiet, unobtrusive movement emphasises the subtlety with which memories and past experiences can permeate our present consciousness.

4. How does the poem address the concept of memory and its impact on an individual's perception of reality?

Answer: The poem places a strong emphasis on memory as a living entity, suggesting that the past is not dormant but actively engages with and influences the present. Through lines like "All that has been is visible and clear." Longfellow posits that memory offers clarity and understanding. These memories, whether personal or inherited from previous generations, become a part of our lived reality, even if they remain unseen to others. In this way, Longfellow underscores the idea that our perception of reality is deeply interwoven with our memories and the legacies left behind by those who came before US

5. What does "impalpable impressions on the air" suggest about the nature of these phantoms?

Answer: This phrase suggests that the phantoms, or memories, leave behind a feeling or essence that's almost intangible, yet undeniable. They're not physically present, but their ethereal nature affects the atmosphere, changing how one perceives and feels about a space.

6. How does the poem describe the presence of these spirits during gatherings or dinners?

Answer: The poem paints a poignant picture of social gatherings, where there seem to be more guests (in the form of spirits or memories) than those physically present. It's a reminder that our past, our memories, and those who came before us always accompany us, even in our most communal moments.

7. How do the spirits in the "illuminated hall" behave?

Answer: The spirits in the "illuminated hall" are characterised as being peaceful and passive, existing as "quiet, inoffensive ghosts." They are likened to the silent images in paintings, suggesting a passive observance rather than an active presence.

8. What distinction does the poem make between the

perceptions of the speaker and a stranger by his


Answer: The poem elucidates a personal, intimate connection between the speaker and his surroundings, While a stranger might only perceive the current, tangible reality, the speaker is deeply connected to the past, seeing and hearing memories and experiences that are invisible to others.

9. How does Longfellow address the concept of ownership and the passage of time in the stanza about title-deeds?

Answer: Longfellow delves into the fleeting nature of ownership and possession. By stating that no one holds eternal title-deeds to land or houses, he emphasises that life is transitory. Previous owners, though long gone, continue to exert influence, highlighting the cyclical and interconnected nature of existence.

10. What does the term "mortmain" imply in the context of the poem?

Answer: "Mortmain" literally translates to "dead hand." In the poem, it's used to depict the enduring, unyielding grip of the past and those who've passed on. It conveys the idea that the influence of the dead remains, particularly in relation to possessions and


11. How does the poet describe the relationship

between the world of sense and the spirit-world?

Answer: Longfellow crafts an ethereal imagery where the spirit-world envelops the world of sense like an


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11. How does the poet describe the relationship between the world of sense and the spirit-world?

Answer: Longfellow crafts an ethereal imagery where the spirit-world envelops the world of sense like an all-encompassing atmosphere. It's not separate but coexists with our tangible world, interweaving with it. This suggests that memories, spirits, and past experiences are ever-present, subtly shaping our perceptions and feelings, blending the tangible with the intangible.

12. What does "a vital breath of more ethereal air"


Answer: This poetic phrase encapsulates the essence of memories and spiritual presence that vivifies our surroundings. It emphasises the life-giving and influential nature of past experiences and memories, which, though intangible, breathe vitality into our present, making the past ever-present.

13. How are our lives described in terms of opposing forces?

Answer: Longfellow captures the delicate balance of life, held in check by contrasting forces. Our lives swing like a pendulum between hedonistic desires and loftier aspirations. This juxtaposition elucidates the human condition, torn between immediate gratification and the quest for higher purpose or meaning.

14. What are the two opposing instincts mentioned in the poem?

Answer: Longfellow distinguishes between the primal, earthly instinct that seeks pleasure and enjoyment and the more elevated, noble instinct that strives for higher goals, ideals, and aspirations. This duality reflects the complexities of human nature, our simultaneous pull towards both the material and the spiritual

15. How do "earthly wants and aspirations high" affect our lives, according to the poem?

Answer: They introduce a state of continuous tension and flux in our existence. This constant tug-of-war between base desires and loftier ambitions is a central theme of human existence. It's this interplay, driven by unseen influences, that shapes our actions, decisions, and feelings, making life a complex dance of contrasting desires.

16. What might the "unseen star" and "undiscovered planet" metaphorically represent?

Answer: These celestial bodies symbolise unknown forces, influences, or factors that unconsciously drive our desires and actions. Just as these heavenly bodies exert unseen gravitational forces, the poem suggests there are intangible elements in our lives that shape our earthly wants and higher aspirations.

17. How does the moon play a role in illustrating a connection to the mysterious?

Answer: Longfellow employs the moon, a

luminescent beacon in the night, as a metaphorical bridge between the known and the enigmatic. Its radiant path over the sea serves as a conduit for our Imaginations, beckoning us to explore the realm of mystery, the unknown, and the depths of our own psyche.

18. What does the "floating bridge of light" symbolise?

Answer: The "floating bridge of light" epitomises the transient and fragile connections between our present reality and the vast expanse of the unknown or the past. It's a bridge of understanding, memory, and imagination, allowing us to traverse the chasm between the tangible and the ethereal.

19. How is the bridge described, and what might its characteristics suggest about the nature of connecting with the unknown?

Answer: The bridge's described instability swaying and bending underscores the precarious nature of our connection with the unknown. Venturing into the realms of memories, past experiences, or the spiritual involves uncertainty, vulnerability, and a leap of faith.

20. How do our thoughts wander according to the last stanza?

Answer: Our thoughts, guided by imagination and curiosity, meander over the ethereal bridge, exploring the mysteries of the spirit realm, the past, and the profound depths of human experience. This wandering signifies our innate desire to understand, connect with, and perhaps find solace in the intangible.


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21. What is the overall tone of the poem towards these "ghosts" or memories?

Answer: The poem radiates a contemplative, introspective, and even reverential tone towards these "ghosts" or memories. Longfellow doesn't view them as eerie or ominous but rather as silent witnesses to our lives, ever-present reminders of our rich tapestry of experiences, connections, and legacies.

22. How does the poem suggest the simultaneous presence of the past and the present?

Answer: Through the omnipresent phantoms or memories that glide through homes, linger in gatherings, and influence our daily experiences, the poem beautifully intertwines the past with the present. It's a poignant reminder that our past is not a distant, disconnected realm but is alive, influencing. and interwoven with our present.

23. What might the "dark gate of cloud" represent in our lives?

Answer: This evocative imagery can signify challenges, uncertainties, or obscured memories that momentarily eclipse our clarity. Yet, just as the moon's brilliance emerges from this dark gate, moments of enlightenment, understanding, and revelation emerge from our trials and tribulations.

24. Why might Longfellow have chosen to describe these spirits or memories as "quiet" and "inoffensive"?

Answer: By characterising these spirits or memories as "quiet" and "inoffensive," Longfellow underscores the subtle, gentle influence of the past. These memories don't intrude or disrupt but rather exist harmoniously alongside our present, whispering insights, evoking emotions, and shaping our perceptions.

25. How does the poem address the idea of memory and recollection?

Answer: Longfellow paints memories and recollections as tangible, ever-present entities, much like spirits or phantoms. They are not mere abstract notions but actively influence our present, reminding us of people we've met, places we've been, and experiences we've had. These memories, though intangible, give depth to our present, making our lives richer and more layered.

26. How does the poet perceive the distinction between the visible and the invisible?

Answer: The poet sees a thin veil separating the visible from the invisible. While a stranger might only recognize the tangible present, the poet perceives a deeper layer of existence, where memories, past experiences, and perhaps spirits from bygone eras coexist with the present, subtly influencing and shaping it.

27. What does the poem convey about the nature of

existence and our connection to the past?

Answer: The poem suggests that existence is a rich tapestry interwoven with memories, past experiences, and the legacies of those who came before us. Our connection to the past isn't just historical or genealogical; it's emotional, spiritual, and deeply personal. The past isn't truly "past"; it constantly informs and enriches our present.

28. How does Longfellow view the passage of time and its impact on spaces we inhabit?

Answer: For Longfellow, time doesn't merely pass, it accumulates, leaving behind layers of memories, emotions, and experiences. The spaces we inhabit, like homes, bear silent witness to this passage of time, becoming repositories of countless stories, echoes of laughter, whispers of secrets, and traces of

lives lived.

29. How does the imagery of the "floating bridge of light" help in understanding our connection with the mysterious or the unknown?

Answer: The "floating bridge of light stands as a delicate, ethereal link between the known and the mysterious. Its transient and fragile nature mirrors our tentative grasp on the intangible aspects of existence, like memories or the spiritual realm. It symbolises our innate desire and effort to connect with, understand, and explore the profound depths beyond our immediate perception.

30. In the context of the poem, how does Longfellow perceive the influence of those who came before us on our lives?

Answer: Longfellow reverently acknowledges the

indelible mark left by predecessors. Their legacies aren't just material but are deeply emotional and spiritual. They linger in the spaces we inhabit, in the air we breathe, and in the very fabric of our existence. They silently guide, influence, and shape our lives in ways both subtle and profound.


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31. How does Longfellow personify houses in the beginning of the poem?

Answer: In the poem, Longfellow personifies houses by suggesting that they have memories and histories, and are thus "haunted." When he writes "All houses wherein men have lived and died / Are haunted houses," he is not referring to the traditional idea of ghosts but to the lingering memories, experiences, and influences of those who once occupied these spaces. The houses "remember the lives of their former inhabitants, making them repositories of personal and collective histories.

32. What significance do the "open doors" hold in the context of the poem?

Answer: The "open doors" in the poem symbolize accessibility and openness to the past. They indicate that the memories and influences of those who lived before are not shut away but can freely move, Impacting and interacting with the present. The doors also suggest a permeability between the past and the present, emphasizing the idea that our history is always with us, influencing our current lives.

33. What does the poet mean when he says, "Impalpable impressions on the air"?

Answer: "Impalpable impressions on the air conveys

the idea of subtle, intangible influences that are felt

but not seen. These the fleeting feelings, memories, or presences of past inhabitants that, while they may not manifest physically, leave a mark or influence on one's perception or emotions. It's akin to feeling someone's presence or their legacy even if they aren't physically there

34. How does Longfellow differentiate between the perception of the stranger at the fireside and his own?

Answer: Longfellow notes that while the stranger perceives only the present moment what is immediately visible and tangible he himself can see and feel all that has transpired in that space before The line "He but perceives what is, while unto me / All that has been is visible and clear suggests that the poet has a deeper connection or sensitivity to the histon and memories contained within the space, stranger remains unaware of such while influences

35. What does the line "All that has been is visible and clear suggest about the narrator's understanding of the past?

Answer: The line "All that has been is visibile and clear suggests that the narrator has a profound connection to and understanding of the past. He can vividly perceive and recognize the influences, memories, and legacies of those who have come before him. This clarity indicates that, for the narrator, the past is a distant or faded memory

but a living influence that continually interacts with

the present

36. How does Longfellow use the imagery of "dusty hands" stretching from "graves forgotten" to convey

the idea of legacy and influence?

Answer: The Imagery of dusty hands stretching

from "graves forgotten" evokes a powerful sense of the past reaching out to the present. Even though the people from the past have been buried and perhaps forgotten by the world, their influence remains, like hands trying to connect with the living. This vivid imagery underscores the idea that legacies,

memories, and histories continue to play a role in the

present, even if they originate from individuals lang

forgotten 37. What does the poet mean by "a vital breath of

more ethereal air" in relation to the spirit-world and the world of sense?

Answer: The phrase "a vital breath of more ethereal air alludes to a purer, more refined essence that comes from the spirit-world, In contrast to the

"earthly mists and vapours dense of the physical world, this ethereal air represents the intangible, spiritual influences that are ever present around

continuous interaction suggests that there bet the tangible, sensory world and the

intangible, spiritual realm.

38. How does the poem explore the tension between earthly desires and higher aspirations?

Answer: Longfellow addresses the dual nature of human beings, who are torn between their base instincts or "earthly wants" and their nobler desires or "aspirations high. This duality is captured in the lines "Our little lives are kept in equipoise/By opposite attractions desires. The poem contemplates how these conflicting forces keep our lives in balance,

suggesting that both our earthly desires and higher aspirations shape our experiences and actions

39. How is the "undiscovered planet in our sky" a

metaphor for

influences in our lives?

Answer: The "undiscovered planet in our sky" represents the unknown or unacknowledged forces. that impact our lives. Just as an undiscovered planet might exert gravitational forces that influence other celestial bodies without being directly observed, the unseen influences from our past or from those we've

encountered exert a pull on our thoughts, feelings,

and actions. This metaphor underscores the idea that there are always underlying factors shaping our

experiences, whether or not we're aware of them

40. In what ways does the imagery of the moon's

"floating bridge of light" parallel the bridge of light

from the world of spirits?

Answer: Both the moon's "floating bridge of light and the bridge of light from the spirit world serve as connectors between two realms. The moon's bridge connects the earth to the mysteries of the night

while the spirit bricige connects the living with the influences of the past. These bridges symbolise the thin boundaries between the known and the unknown, the tangible and the intangible, and the present and the past. They illustrate the idea that our reality is continuously intertwined with mysteries anci influences beyond our immediate perception

41. What do the "trembling planks" of the bridge represent in terms of human understanding and


Answer: The "trembling planks of the bridge

suggest the fragile and uncertain nature of our

understanding and connection to the intangible influences of the past. This instability reflects the human emotions of doubt, fear, and awe when confronted with the unknown or the profound. The trembling planks signify our tentative efforts to grasp and understand the deeper mysteries of

stence the influences that shape our lives.

42. How does the poem convey the idea of the

interconnectedness between the past, present, and


Answer: The poem paints a vivid picture of how the

memories, legacies, and influences of the past are

ever-present, shaping our current experiences and, by extension, our future. By emphasizing the presence of "harmless phantoms" and "quiet, inoffensive ghosts in our daily lives, Longfellow suggests that our present reality is continuously intertwined with the past. The interconnectedness is

further highlighted by the bridges of light, which serve as pathways linking different realms of time and existence 43. What might be the significance of the "unsteady floor of the bridge that connects the world of spirits

with the present world?

Answer: The "unsteady floor" of the bridge symbolizes the uncertainty and volatility of our understanding of and connection to the past and the spiritual realm. It reflects the inherent instability and unpredictability of life, where our perceptions and

beliefs are constantly challenged and reshaped by new experiences and insights. This unsteady foundation reminds us of the delicate balance between our tangible reality and the intangible

influences that surround us

44. In what ways does Longfellow challenge.

traditional notions of the supernatural in this poem? Answer: Instead of presenting the supernatural as something fearful or malevolent, Longfellow depicts it as a benign and ever-present influence. The "harmless phantoms" and "quiet, inoffensive ghosts

stand in contrast to traditional ghostly figures that haunt and terrorize. Longfellow's ghosts are simply of the past, memories and influences that permeate our lives. By doing so, he reframes the supernatural not as distant and eerie entities, but as familiar, omnipresent echoes of previous lives and times that silently shape our present. remnants

 N.B. This material, copyrighted by , has been collected from Google for the purpose of self studies.


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