Tuesday 9 November 2021


THE MANSION OF MONEY In the Manison of malicious money reigns never transcendental Love; A seed of solace sprouts never on its sterile soil to grow a tree for a Dove, Where She can build Her sweet home to give birth to the kids of Ecstasy, To croon to them the sublime Sermons of humility, charity and courtesy! In the Manison of malevolent money dwells never the Grace of God; For, it's worse than a dingy sty, where the vital roots of purity are withered, Where the leaves of compassion are ever dried yellow, and are about to fall, Where the windows of humanity are so short, and the doors of betrayal are too tall! In the Manison of malignant money dwells an Ozymandias like Megalomaniac, Who weighs the world only on a scale of opulence, mean, mundane and demoniac; Whose wide awake, ominous and owlish eyes are blind to insanity and impropriety, Even if he leads a life of imperial poverty, and ends it in a vain futility! O God! Let me never be enticed and ensnared by a mischievous Mansion of money, The modern man's sweetest Honey, his most beloved Crony, For, I'm well aware of its most murderous and invisible fang, That ever leaves its votaries stung more brutally and fatally than the bite of Fani. *Megalomaniac - a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. We also use the word megalomaniac more informally for people who behave as if they're convinced of their absolute power and greatness. N.B. Glossary and picture courtesy: Google ©️ Dr. Shankar D Mishra 08.11.2021 My dear, revered friends, please search on Google "Poetry of Dr. Shankar D Mishra" to enjoy many more new poems of different tastes. Thank you.


  1. Beautiful poem with so much of juice by carrying powerful and meaningful heavy words. Very much suitable for today's sitution around us. People are becoming crazy and running around not knowing even that what are they and what their thoughts are...! Very true but it's somewhat essential and but not so much to drive them to become greedy or aimless! Thank you, Shankar ji for your classic pen on this poem of this hi-tech era.👌👏👏💐😍🙏

  2. Well rendered sir. The love for it is indeed a scented poison and a poisoned chalice..
