Thursday 25 July 2024


1. Yogesh/Yogeeta, a student of Class IX of Pragati Public School, Rohtak feels highly disturbed to see that many students and other people in society have taken to smoking. Being aware of the adverse effects of smoking, he/she decides to write an article on the hazards of smoking. Using ideas from the Unit Children' of your Main Course Hook, the visual given below and your own ideas, write an article for a national daily in about 150 words.

Hazards of Smoking
-by Yogesh/Yogeeta
It is a matter of great concern that a majority of people in our country are addicted to smoking. Smoking is also prevalent among our youth They take a few preliminary puffs of cigarettes or bidis for fun. But these become a habit with them and then it is a road to destruction. When they have matured to smoking they can't leave it howsoever they may try. Nicotine, the poisonous substance in tobacco, makes them their easy victims.
The smokers do not know the hazards of smoking Smoking when it has matured kills hunger. It has carcinogenic elements which cause cancer of the windpipe, lungs and abdomen. A moment's kick in a puff of smoke now gets embedded in one's blood There is always a craving for it and one tends to puff a cigarette again and again. Thus smoking is a permit to self-destruction like drugs.
The govt. is fully seized of the grave concerns for the public health. That's why, it has
banned smoking at all public places. Smoking is harmful for those who smoke and also
for those who are within the effect of smoke exhaled by the smokers. All those who
smoke must give up smoking at once as smoking shortens life-span by many years.

2. Heavy Bags Are Making Children Beasts of Burden". Write an article suggesting how the time table can be changed to reduce this burden.

Heavy Bags Making Children Beasts of Burden. The above picture rightly describes the school going children as beasts of burden.
They have to carry bags of books and copies almost equal to their weight. This is due to the multiplicity of subjects taught to them. Do they need so many subjects at this tender age? In fact, such a heavy load puts a heavy burden on their mental and physical growths. The result is obvious. Their childhood is gone. In its place come the stress and tension of learning. Can they learn these subjects? If they can what great mental stress they may be undergoing Competitive spirit from the peers, heavy subject matter, loss of playing and sports, tuitioning etc, snatch the sweet children from these beasts of burden. Their growth is stunted and depression, suicidal, tendencies etc, start visiting them. Truly, we are not giving good education to these children but harming them in one way or the other. In developed countries school going children upto a certain age just go to school and learn through playing. So it is the need of the hour and for the sake of these children to change the time-table and drop unnecessary subjects from their learning. Teaching of the subjects should be in consonance with their mental capabilities. We must make them good human beings and not machine tools.
Word Notes Beasts of burden-animals carrying loads and loads, गधे आदि। Multiplicity-a large number, अधिक संख्या में। Peers-equals, एक समान। Stunted-not full, अपूर्ण। Depression-sadness, उदरासी। Suicidal tendencies-inclinations to kill oneself, आत्महत्या की तरफ झुकाब। In consonance-in relation to, के सम्बन्ध में।

3. Use the visual input to write an article for a national daily sharing your views and suggestions on the issue of "Plight of the old and how to make them feel good" in about 150 words. All they need is kindness.
Are old age homes a solution?


Old age is that period in human life that is feared by all sensible persons Physically it is that period in which human beings get weak and dependent on their nears and dears. Various diseases come to them and they are not active as they were when young Because of being a kind of physical and financial burden on their children, they start getting neglected. Not only that, they feel discarded from their own blood. This is the stage in their lives which is the most feared. Many a cruel children, especially sons, treats their old parents as a burden and think of sending them to old age homes. The aged think it is better to be dead.
Old age homes are not a solution but in such a situation they bring some ray of hope to them. At least in old age homes, they meet others in similar circumstances. On getting together they get some respite from their man-made problems. But what is needed are a few words of love and affections from their own and a little bit of care. They are never a burden. The younger generation must think that they will too be old one day. And secondly, they are there because of their parents. It is a phase of life that comes sooner or later to all of them.
Word-Notes: Discarded-thrown out, निकालना। Respite: relief , आराम। Generation- a whole period of life, पौड़ी।

4. Nikhil sees the following cartoon on the high level of pollution on Earth. He has to write an article on the topic for the school magazine. Write the article for him in minimum 150 words.


Pollution on Earth
-by Nikhil
Among all modern problems facing the world today, the problem of environmental pollution is the most glaring. It will not be long when we will have to wear oxygen masks if this pollution increases at the present level. This cartoon beautifully suggests this.
There are many reasons for this pollution. We have cut the forests to meet the demands of ever increasing population and setting up various industries. Burning of petrol and the smoke emitted by the factories pollute the air We breathe in carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. The effluents are let off in rivers by the factories. They cause water pollution. Pressure horns, loud speakers, 'music' from music parlours add to the sound pollution. All this has made human life a real nightmare Human health is in grave danger Respiratory diseases like bronchitis, asthma are on the increase The metropolitan cities have become unsafe for habitation. Children are the most sufferers
It is the need of the hour that something should be done to contain the increasing environmental pollution. It can be checked by planting more trees and implementing various laws to check it. If something is not done soon, the damage to our biosphere will be difficult to repair.

5. Food is wasted in some parts of the world while food crisis prevails in another part of the world. Write an article for a magazine to be published on World Food Day.

Food and its Importance-World Food Day
One can't measure the importance of food as it keeps human and non-human population going. Like air and water, food is also indispensable for a good life. But if it is being wasted in one part of the world and is sought after in the other, it is really a matter of great concern. We find that food is wasted in an abundant measure at marriages and other such social functions. Bins are full of unused food which could fill up the belly of those human beings who face its shortage. Even in our country millions of people go to sleep on an empty stomach. But in marriages this food is thrown into the bins.
We can't forget countries like Somalia and other African countries who face the crisis of shortage of food due to drought or floods. These people know the value of one mouthful of food. But those having plenty of food don't understand its value. So we must see that food is not wasted at all. We must put only that food which we can easily take and need. On this World Food Day we must take a pledge not to waste it at social functions. Such a pledge would be a real celebration of World Food Day.

6. The rampant clearing of jungles is one of the factors of global warming, low rainfall and disturbance in the natural habitat of animals. Man's greed has made him insensitive towards his environment and he has become his own enemy. Write an article about deforestation and the need to save trees.

Deforestation means cutting the forests and inviting a threat to human survival. Deforestation sets the chain reaction the end of which is simply doom and destruction of what we see around and what progress we have made. If the forests are not there, there is plenty of carbon dioxide and less of oxygen. The chain reaction is set starting from global warming and the greenhouse effect. This greenhouse effect traps the poisonous gases which should disappear in the sky. But since these form a kind of tomb over us, these cause heat. This heat causes harms to the ecological balance of nature, melting of ice and rising of sea water level. The rainfall is affected and desert-like conditions prevail. Wild animals die and human survival is threatened. Since forests sustain every sort of life on the earth, their disappearance means all man-made problems. That's why, man has become so insensitive towards his environment that he is slowly causing danger to himself. Undoubtedly he has become his own enemy in exploiting natural resources more than they can replenish themselves.
The need of the hour is to plant more and more trees since trees give us everything that forms the basis of our life. Hugging of trees by women in Uttarakhand under Chipko Movement was to save trees from cutting. We need it now more and more to save ourselves from threatening to life.

Image courtesy: Google 

Articles are collected from Golden Notes.

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