Saturday 27 July 2024


1. You are the Secretary of Nehru Nagar Welfare Society, Meerut. You have recently read the following News headlines in one of the leading newspapers. As your colony people are facing severe shortage of water supply, you feel like writing an e-mail to the Editor, a national Daily expressing your problems and giving solutions too. The format of e-mail is given.

No water means no life for me and my family'
Ghazanfar Ali, 61, is a farmer in Chak 95 SB in central Punjab's Sargodha Division. His meagre 14 acres lie in the citrus belt that once was famously wilderness. It was only a hundred years ago that a network of canals brought water and the chance of progress to this area. But of late, the canals are seen to bring more bad news than water Ghazanfar Ali talks to Masud Alam about why water is literally his life.

Date: 19th July, 2012
Subject: Value of water for life

Dear Sir,
Kindly publish the following views of mine in the columns of your esteemed daily.
As the secretary of Nehru Nagar Welfare Society, Meerut, I wish to bring to the notice of the concerned authorities the scarcity and value of water. Our colony is really facing the worst scarcity of water due to the severe shortage of water supply. Never does a day go when we have just sufficient water to meet our minimum needs. We have no water to drink, to cook, to wash and to bathe. Thus water is getting scarce and scarce day by day.
The value of water is so much that we can't describe it. Water is life like air and food. Gone are the days when we used to have plenty of water. Water gives us life. It irrigates our fields, that is, helps in growing food. In fact, there is no life without it. Hundreds of years ago, water could convert wilderness into green gold, that is, rich crops. To cite an example, Ghazanfar Ali, 61, had had his wilderness belt converted into green gold in chak 95, SB in central Punjab's Sargodha Division. Now canals are dry and no crop of citrus grows. Poverty, miseries, lack of food etc. stare him into the face. Likewise, the hardships stare us into the face. We are really tense and suffer due to water scarcity.

2. Write an e-mail to your friend giving him some tips telling him/her how to fight global warming. The format for e-mail is given.

Fight Global Warming.
Replace bulbs-with-LED bulbs 
Choose energy efficient appliances.
Cover your pots while cooking.
Use the washing machine/dishwasher only when they are full.
Plant trees.
Use public transport/carpools.
Buy fresh foods instead of frozen ones.
Use paper/cloth bags.

Date: 10th July, 2024
Subject: How to fight global Warming

Dear Rajesh, I hope you are fine at your end. You know that due to global warming we have been facing, and may soon face many more problems. Due to it the weather is changing. Rains have become scanty. The weather pattern is actually the mother of many human and non-human problems. However, we can fight this global warming by doing some little bit of normal actions.
Global warming means warming of the earth. We have to take steps which may not contribute to this warming. So we can replace our electric bulbs with LED bulbs. LED bulbs give out less heat. Similarly, we can use energy efficient appliances. While cooking we can cover our pots with clothes so that heat doesn't come out. We can use the washing machine or dish washer only when these are full. We can plant trees wherever possible.
Global warming is also due to smoke emitted by various vehicles. So we must use less number of these vehicles. We should use public transport or carpools. Also we should not waste water. On the other hand we should ensure optimum use of water. We must also buy fresh food instead of frozen ones. We should use paper and bags made of cloth. This way we shall be able to fight global warming.

Yours truly,

3. Write an e-mail to your friend describing the farewell party given to your favourite teacher who retired from the school recently. You may take help of the clues given. The format of the e-mail is given.

Mrs Annie-English teacher-served for 30 years-highly qualified-taught using innovative methods understanding and caring-treated everyone equally the occasion both sad and nostalgic-touching farewell speech by the Principal-everybody got emotional-Mrs Anne could barely speak-will be remembered forever

Date: 20th July, 2024
Subject: Farewell Party to favourite teacher

My Dear Manish,
I hope everything is fine at your end. In this e-mail I am describing the farewell party that was given to my favourite teacher Ms. Annie. She retired on 20 July, 2024 after serving the school for a long period of 30 years. She was the head of the Dept. of English. She was our favourite teacher because of her methods of teaching and qualities of head and heart. She was highly qualified and was well versed in all the latest techniques of teaching. She taught us using innovative methods. As a human being she was understanding and caring. She treated everyone equally.
The bidding of farewell was, indeed, both sad and nostalgic. Students spoke highly of her. Some students touched some emotional aspects of her life. This made us all highly sentimental. The farewell speech of the Principal was touching when everyone got emotional. The Principal gave her gifts and hoped she would be available to guide the students. The farewell moment was so emotionally charged that Mrs. Annie couldn't utter even a single word. There was pindrop silence. However, she regained control over her and thanked all for immense love given to her I shall personally miss her as she was my favourite teacher.

Yours truly,

4 Write an e-mail to your cousin giving him some tips telling him/her that not everything on the internet is fun or appropriate for kids but, if we follow a few simple rules, the internet can be a fairly safe place. The format for e-mail is given.

(Permission from parents before using the internet.
Never meet people in real-they may not be as they claim.
Ask parents before filling any forms.
Never give out credit card details.
Don't open e-mail from unknown sources.
Never give anyone personal details.
Never post photos online.
Keep your password a secret.)

Date 18th July, 2024
Subject: Using Internet

Dear Rishu,
I hope everything is alright at your end.
In this e-mail I am giving you some tips about using the Internet. You know Internet is a very important and useful source to increase our knowledge about almost everything. But we kids tend to treat it as fun, and appropriate for us. However, it is not so. If we become careless in using it and start giving out all kinds of our personal information, we are likely to be cheated. So we must be vigilant about its use.

First of all, we must seek the permission of our parents before using the Internet. We must avoid meeting the people in real life with whom we have established some sort of intimacy on Internet. The people who pretend to be nice are not so and never so. We should ask our parents before filling any forms. Also we should never give out our credit cards. We must avoid opening e-mail from unknown sources and never give anyone our personal details. Also we shoud never post our photos online. We must not disclose or tell anyone our password as there are people who are ready to misuse any information that we may provide.

If you heed these hints, using Internet proves fun, interesting and educative.

Your truly,

5. The sanitary conditions of your locality are in a bad shape. Write an e-mail to the sanitary inspector in 120 words. You may take the help of the hints given below.

(no sweepers
heaps of garbage
drainages blocked
people careless
no use of dustbins
regular visit of officials a dire need
fear of spread of diseases)

To: sanitary

Dear Sir,
In this e-mail, I am inviting your kind attention to the insanitary conditions of Lajpat Nagar. I feel greatly concerned at these insanitary conditions. These may cause the spread of several diseases very soon if no step is taken to clean them.

Sanitary conditions of Lajpat Nagar are in a mess. All round heaps of garbage are there. Drains are blocked. Water flows on the streets. No one can walk on the roads without putting one's handkerchief on the nose. Foul smell is coming from the mounds of garbage. People are careless and throw the domestic waste in the open on the streets. These invite the attention of stray cattle, pigs and other animals. People do not make use of their dustbins. As a result, fear of the spread of diseases like cholera and malaria is possible. To contain these the visit of the sanitary department officials is needed. This will check the locality from becoming a kind of vast garbage field.

Yours forever.

6. You got your right arm fractured while playing in the school during games period. Now it has been plastered for three weeks. Write an e-mail, narrating the incident, to your Class Teacher and informing him/her that you will not be able to appear in II Periodic Test because of that. Also tell him/her that you will submit your leave application along with a medical certificate in a week's time. 

Date: 20th July, 2012
Subject: Leave of absence due to illness 

Dear Sir,
Most respectfully I wish to state that I am Arun, Roll No. 18 of class X. While playing yesterday in the school ground during games period, I got my right arm fractured. First I didn't bother, but very soon I started feeling pain and swelling. I had to be rushed to hospital as I had fractured my right arm. As a result my arm has been plastered for three weeks. Owing to this, I will not be able to appear in the 2nd Periodic Test. I shall submit my leave application along with the medical certificate in a week's time.

I, therefore, request you to kindly grant me sick leave for three weeks. I hope to recover by that time.

Thanking you.

Yours obediently,

7. Your friend Raman has sought admission in a new school in Kerala because of his father's transfer to that place But you came to know through his e-mail that he misses his previous school, teachers and old friends and doesn't feel adjusted to the new place and people. Write an e-mail advising him to keep patience, be friendly, try to mix with other students and devote time to studies so that he may feel comfortable.

Date 10 July, 2012
Subject: Adjusting to new Environment

Dear Raman,
I hope everything is good at your end. I learn that you have taken admission in a new school in Kerala due to your father's transfer I agree with Subhash that you may be feeling homesick and may miss your previous school, teachers and old friends. He has also e-mailed me that you still don't feel adjusted to the new place, people and surroundings. I feel sad to know all this.

Dear friend, you'll agree with me that we miss many things in life. Yet we go on with our new activities and new things. Standing still at one place is also not life-giving. Life is another name for change. All things undergo a change, some fast, some slowly. It is always advisable and useful to adjust oneself with new things. So you would do better if you stopped thinking of your past. Instead, you have to keep patience and enjoy your new surroundings. Make new friends, mix with the students and take part in various school activities. I am sure you'll start soon enjoying your new place, new school, new teachers and new students. Secondly, you must believe that whatever happens, it happens for the better. I hope you'll accept my advice and adjust yourself to the new surroundings.

Yours truly,

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