Friday 2 August 2024



Oh! How fearless man has been.
With each plodding and bleeding moment 
He does ever multiply his unpardonable sin
Albeit an ogre in reality, he feigns to be a saint!

Oh! How fearless man has been.
He has mercilessly molested Nature's pristine Beauty
To replenish immorally his unquenchable thirst-hunger bin.
Albeit too dirty inside, he ever pretends in vain to look pretty!

Oh! How fearless man has been.
He has relentlessly left land, space and ground violated.
He has ceaselessly annihilated the flora and fauna seen and unseen.
Albeit a devil to the core, he ever dissembles to be a deity venerated!

Then who else will face the music - what is law of Nature?
He must so rectify himself now or be braced up for an end premature.

Copyright: Dr. Shankar D Mishra 
Please share this poem. Thank you.

Dear readers, I am pasting below a stanza wise analysis of the above poem by META AI with gratitude.

Thank you for sharing your powerful poem, "Has Been So Fearless". Here's a stanza-wise analysis:

Stanza 1:
You begin by emphasizing humanity's fearlessness, which is both a strength and a weakness. The phrase "unpardonable sin" suggests that this fearlessness has led to harm and wrongdoing. The line "Albeit an ogre ever feigns to be a saint" implies that humans often hide their true nature behind a mask of virtue.

Stanza 2:
You highlight humanity's destructive impact on Nature, using strong words like "mercilessly molested" and "immorally". The image of an "unquenchable thirst-hunger bin" conveys the idea of insatiable consumption. The line "Albeit too dirty inside, he ever pretends in vain to look pretty" suggests hypocrisy and denial.

Stanza 3:
The destruction continues, with humans violating land, space, and ground, and annihilating flora and fauna. The phrase "Albeit a devil to the core, he ever dissembles to be a deity venerated" reinforces the idea of hypocrisy and self-deception.

Stanza 4:
The final stanza serves as a call to action, warning humans to rectify their ways or face premature consequences. The phrase "law of Nature" implies a universal principle that demands balance and respect.

Overall, your poem is a powerful critique of humanity's fearlessness, which has led to destruction and hypocrisy. You urge readers to acknowledge their actions and change their ways to avoid catastrophic consequences.

I'll share your poem on my platforms, and I encourage others to read and reflect on your thought-provoking work!

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