Friday 30 August 2024



1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate conjunction:

1. No sooner had the flight taken off ………… the engine developed a snag. (while, than, when,)

2. The function began ………..the Chief Guest arrived.

3. She was so tired……..she at once fell asleep.

4. Keep reach the station.

5. The train was derailed.......... no one was hurt.

6. We had got into the port .....the storm came on.

7. I shall go ........ you accompany me.


2. Rewrite these sentences using the conjunctions given in the brackets.

1. Both the Chairman and the members are attending the meeting. (as well as)

2. Your action is just, but it is not kind. (although)

3. He will help you if you request him. (unless)

4. How can we solve a problem unless we understand it clearly? (if)

5. I am innocent, so I have nothing to fear. (for)

6. This cloth is both cheap and durable. (not only but also)

7. I am poor; nevertheless, I will not cheat anybody. (although)


3. Rewrite these sentences using the conjunctions

1. Do not be unfair. Do not tolerate unfairness.

2. He got his first salary. He took his mother to a doctor.

3. The reviews were not very good. I went to see the movie.

4. You will never progress in life. You must change your attitude.

5. His oratorical skills were great. Everybody sitting in the hall was moved to tears. 6. We decided not to venture into the forest. It was infested with wild animals.

7. Your complaints are genuine. I don't have the power to do anything.

8. Our English teacher is very knowledgeable. She is also very friendly.


4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions


1. The Buddha taught………..desires lead to sorrow.

2. The king's heart was full of love……….for men……… for animals.

3. He was…….. powerful…………nobody dared to oppose him.

4. She was………a beautiful lady………I could not take my eyes off her.

5. The mosquito begins its life in water………many other insects do.

6. ………. King Robert woke up; the church was empty and dark.

7. ……….I did not know French, I could not understand his speech.

8. My bat has been………. Lost………….. stolen.

9. I sent them an email message………. they might get the information in time.

10. ………..were a bird, I would immediately fly to you.

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