Wednesday 21 August 2024


Practice paper 1
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets.
Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]
Example: (0) witnessed
The ultra-processed food sector in India 0 (witness) a 1 (compound) annual 2 (grow) rate of 13.4 per cent between 2011 and 2021 As the world's 3. (large) producer and consumer of sugar in 2022, the country has seen an 4 (alarm) surge in 5 (consume) of ultra-processed foods. Sales of snacks and soft drinks have tripled over the past decade, 6 (exceed) $30 billion last year, indicating a 7 (disturb) trend in dietary habits This not only poses severe health risks but also impacts productivity and economic growth, necessitating urgent interventions to curtail the 8 (rise) consumption of these products
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
(a) Renu died cancer
(b) I met her chance
(c) She will be cured her illness
(d) The lights in the hall were turned
(e) He took his coat
(f) The old woman begged door to door
(g) The boy is complaining headache
(h) I wanted to use the phone but there was an old lady telephone booth.
Practice paper 2
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.
Example: (0) global
According to the Global Burden of Disease, (globe) death count due to Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) increased from 12.4 million in 1990 to 19.8 million in 2022. This has been attributed to global population 1(grow), 2 (age) and the 3 (contribute) from 4 (prevent) metabolic, 5 (environment), and (behaviour) risks.
The report says high blood pressure, high cholesterol, 7 (diet) risks and air pollution are the 8 (lead) causes of high CVD cases.
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) There are a few exceptions the rule
(b) He is absolved all the blame
(c) They set the shop fire
(d) My teacher assisted me doing this project
(e) He was robbed his watch
(f) His application for the post was turned
the corner.
(g) I have left my briefcase at the office on the chair
(h) She was confined
bed with fever
Practice paper 3
Question 5
(1) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.
Example: (0) exploration
The Bihar government is preparing the process for (explore) of Buddhist sites visited by Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang in present-day Vaishali district, and (excavate) of the remains of 2,600-year-old structures in Banka. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) recently 2 (grant) permission to the Bihar Heritage Development Society (BHDS), Vaishali was 3 (visit) by Hiuen Tsang over 1,000 years ago.
Hiuen Tsang's travelogue 4 (help) Sir Alexander Cunningham in the 1860s identify famous sites such as Nalanda and Vaishali. However, no 5 (system) work (undertake) since then to follow the footsteps of Hiuen Isang who 7 (give) distance directions and 8 (describe) of several ancient sites that he visited between 630 AD and 642 AD in Vaishali and other areas in Bihar
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
(a) Meera hankers riches.
(b) The cyclonic storm broke
great fury

(c) What are you interested
(d) I insisted having my money
(e) Moral and ethical values are the basis
human progress.
(f) The manager is suspicion
(g) She has no excuse being absent
(h) He passed a thick forest.
Practice paper 4
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space

Example: (0) are
Soil and water 0 (be) the essential components to sustain life, including that of humans, on our planet. Soil is the medium on which all types of 1 (live) organisms 2 (maintain). The Vedic civilisation 3 (hold) the soil in the 4 (high) regard as Mother Earth. The prayer to Prithvi, the Earth, 5 (invoke) in the Atharva Veda. "Let what 1 unearth from thee. O Earth, sprout and develop once more in a swift manner." The 6 (venerate) of vegetation, trees, animals, and soilsis exclusive to India. Consequently, it 7 (discourage) the 8 (apply) of harsh chemicals and pesticides.
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) She apologised to you her mistake.
(b) Skill comes regular practice.
(c) The final decision rests the Principal.
(d) This is the man I was referring
(e) He abstains smoking.
(f) We were caught the storm.
(g) She was born rich parents
(h) We make curd milk.
Practice paper 5
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.
Example: (0) stripped
There stood the oak, 0 (strip) of all its leaves, 1 (leave) to rest during the whole of a long winter, and to dream many dreams of events that 2 (happen) in its life, as in the dreams of men. According to human computation, it was now in the fourth century of its (exist). It was the 4 (large) and best tree in the forest. Its summit 5 (tower) above all the other trees, and could be seen far out at sea, so that it served as a landmark to the sailors. It had no idea how many eyes 6 (look) eagerly for it. In its topmost branches the wood-pigeon 7 (build) her nest, and the cuckoo carried out his usual vocal performances, and his well-known notes 8 (echo) amid the boughs
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) The old lady soon got her illness.
(b) I heard the news the radio.
(c) He is the school committee.
(d) I did not find it difficult to cope mathematics.
(e) Some people quarrel silly matters.
(f) I will come back six o'clock.
(g) The epidemic broke in 2022.
(h) What are they talking ?
Practice paper 6
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space
Example: (0) complicated
A healthy diet, enough exercise and sufficient sleep, it does not sound 0. (complicate) But still many people consider it as a difficult task. This is because of a 1 (combine) of factors 2 (influence) our lifestyle. It is 3. (large) a societal problem. We do less exercise because more and more people spend all day 4 (sit) before a computer.
And as long as most of what is sold or on special offer at the supermarket falls outside the guidelines for a healthy diet, it is difficult for people to make 5 (health) food choices. Food choices are nearly always based on 6 (establish) habits...7.. (prompt) by the environment. A healthier diet is not simply a question of 8 (choose) something else. It requires people to swim against the tide.
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) Radha was amused his joke
(b) The teacher has great influence his pupils.
(c) The victim will bleed death.
(d) Cut the cake small pieces.
(e) He was deprived his money.
(f) They rejoiced their success.
(g) Ravi rushed the room
(h) They congratulated him his success.
Practice paper 7
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets.
Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.
Example: (0) resulting
Evidence of anthropogenic climate change that is, climate change 0 (result) from human activities such as 1 (burn) fossil fuels and deforestation is around us. Since 2009, when the term Blue Carbon was coined, researchers and other experts have become interested in the processes of carbon 2 (remove) from the atmosphere as well.
With carbon dioxide (CO₂) responsible for most of the global 3. (heat), carbon particles are not only being released in 4 (extreme) large quantities, they have the 5 (able) to linger in the earth's atmosphere for hundreds of years and warm it. Until the 6 (industry) revolution, the earth's natural system had the capacity to maintain a stable level of atmospheric carbon. Today, the search is for ways to remove the 7 (trap) carbon from the air in order to keep the earth's temperature from 8 (exceed) 1.5 degrees.
(i) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) The man was charged theft.
(b) The enemy at the end had to give
(c) What are you looking ?
(d) Will you entrust me that responsibility?
(e) Ashok is careless
his appearance.
(f) Do you agree this proposal?
(g) The police searched the culprit everywhere.
(h) We should not look upon the poor.
Practice paper 8
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space 141
Example: (0) made
Our Prime Minister (make) a memorable statement. "We did not inherit our future from our ancestors, we 1 (borrow) it from our children. That thought (capture) where we stand on issues of sustainable development. We actually (run) on borrowed time. If we allow urban spaces to be 4 (leave) in its current form or for the situation to exacerbate, we 5 (do) a great disservice to those from whom we have borrowed this, our children."
The numbers bear it out. In 1947, 17% of our population (then 300 million) (live) in urban spaces. Today, urban India is home to approximately 31% of our 1.25 billion strong population. That number of urban residents is set...7 (swell) to approximately 600 million by 2030, which 8 (call) for changes if we are to not just create a world that is present-perfect, but future-proof as well.
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) She cannot do anything money
(b) You must live the rules.
(c) He was addicted smoking.
(d) I have not met him
(e) She stood me
last Saturday
(f) Nobody you knows the truth.
(g) He is sure success
(h) He shouted the top of his voice
Practice paper 9
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. (4)
Example: (0) were playing
A boy and a girl (play) together. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her The boy 1 (tell) the girl that he 2 (give) her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl 3 (agree). The boy 4 (keep) the biggest and the most beautiful marbles aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets just as she 5 (promise). That night the girl slept peacefully. But the boy could not sleep as he kept (wonder) if the girl 7 (hide) some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marbles! If you do not give a hundred per cent in a relationship, you keep (doubt) if the other person has given his hundred per cent.
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) Heat turns water steam.
(b) He excels speaking English.
(c) Why are you so rude your brother?
(d) One king fought another.
(e) He has a passion reading detective stories.
(f) The sky was blue our heads.
(g) She is looking the glass.
(h) Divide this cake five parts.
Practice paper 10
Question 5
(1) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space [4]
Example: (0) received
A local charity had never 0 (receive) a donation from the town's banker, so the director 1 (make) a phone call. "Our records show you make 500,000 dollars a year, yet you have not 2. (give) a penny to charity," the director 3 (begin). "Would you not like 4 (help) the community?" The banker replied, "Did your research show that my mother is ill, with extremely expensive medical bills?" "Um, no. 5. (mumble) the director. "Or that my brother is blind and not 6 (employ)? Or that my sister's husband 7 (die), 8 (leave) her broke with four kids?" "I had no idea." "So," said the banker, "if I do not give them any money, why would I give any to you?"
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) The doctors managed to bring the patient
(b) The scheme has fallen for want of funds.
(c) The cat was run by a car.
(d) He is trying to cut on smoking.
(e) The old dog passed in his sleep.
(f) My cousin has given his claim to the property.
(g) The enemy blew the bridge.
(h) He takes his father.
Practice paper 11
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in bracke Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.
Example: (0) was
Midas, the king of Phrygia made Apollo, the sun-god, jealous. Midas said one day the the goat-god, Pan 0 (be) a better musician than Apollo, This made Apollo angry and he 8 (avenge) himself by 2 (give) the king, donkey's ears in place of his ordinary ones
Midas tried 3 (hide) his donkey's ears under his hair. But his barber 4 (find) ou his secret. Midas made him promise never to tell anyone the secret, but the barber could not keep it to himself. He went out into a field and 5 (dig) a deep hole, and (speak) softly into it. "Midas has donkey's ears."
The hole was 7. (fill) with earth, and grass grew there. The wind whistled through the tall grasses, and they were 8 (hear) to say "Midas has donkey's ears! Midas has donkey's ears!" And thus Midas's secret was out.
ii. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
(a) The bus suddenly broke

while passing through the town.
(b) While going to library I came a classmate of mine.
(c) His appeal was set
by the High Court
(d) He went
the school accounts
(e) Can you swim
the river?
(f) He took me
a thief
(g) Can she work
the answer?
(h) The River Ganges flows
Practice paper 12
Question 5
(i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space [4]
Example (0) asked
One day Akbar 0 (ask) Birbal if he 1 (can) tell him the difference between truth and falsehood in three words or less. "Four fingers" said Birbal
"Four fingers?" asked the emperor, 2 (perplex). "That is the difference between truth and falsehood, your Majesty," said Birbal That which you 3 (see) with your own eyes is the truth. That which you have only 4 (hear) about 5 (may) not be true. More often than not, it is likely to be false"
"That is right," said Akbar "But what 6 (do) you mean by 7 (say) the difference is four fingers?"
"The distance between one's eyes and one's ears is the width of four fingers, Your Majesty," said Birbal, 8 (grin)
ii. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) The scientific theory brought a revolution in the use of computers.
(b) I shall keep nothing from my mother.
(c) The winter season sets November every year.
(d) The new scheme has been put action.
(e) I took him a thief.
(f) The authorities are investigating the circumstances
(g) How did all of this come
(h) Malaria broke in the village.
Practice paper 13
Question 5
Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space 141
Example: (0) to achieve
Millions of professionals try to be the one in a million. A desire (achieve) rapid career 1 (grow) 2 (lead) many 3 (focus) on their further education. However it (see) that in a herd mentality to acquire just a particular degree, people end up with paper qualifications that do not help in 5 (meet) their career objectives
In a skill-based programme an academic team (design) a unique curriculum, while the interactive learning resources hone your concepts. The technology 7 (power) classrooms put you in company of experts who key concepts in work situations. (demonstrate) the application of key concepts in work situation.
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) Nobody knows how the accident came
(b) He has run of money.
(c) She can not cheat me as I have seen her talk
(d) The winter season has set
(e) The rider fell the horse.
(f) The workers will call the strike.
(g) His payment was held
(h) He pasted a charm his wallet.
Practice paper 14
Question 5
(1) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate [4]
to the blank space.
Example: (0) medicinal
The aloe vera plant has been used for its D. (medicine) qualities since ancient times and 1 (continue) to be 2 (recommend) by experts for a variety of conditions. The gel-like substance inside the leaves of the aloe vera plant is packed with a range of medicinal properties antioxidants such as vitamins and minerals.
While its skın-healing ability is 3 (know), aloe vera may also be effective for joint pain. Though not a cure for these conditions, aloe vera gel, at a dosage of not more than one tablespoon, 4 (dilute) in water and consumed first thing in the morning. 5 (reduce) joint pain 6 (cause) by osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and gout. However, pregnant women and people 7 (suffer) from kidney problems or intestinal issues, should avoid 8 (take) aloe vera.
(ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) I came this story in a magazine.
(b) My brother will back my claim.
(c) We saw the bridge the river.
(d) He has been absent morning
(e) They were dancing joy.
(f) He always ran money.
(g) The river is sixty miles long.
(h) He is coming the house.
Practice paper 15
Question 5
(1) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]
Example: (0) traced
The beginning of postal systems can be 0 (trace) back to 2000 BCE, in Egypt. During the sixth century BCE, the Persian Empire, under the rule of Cyrus the Great, 1.... (use) a system of relay messengers.
In China, a 2 (post) service 3. (start) by the Chou Dynasty. It was used 4 (convey) official documents. This system had relays of couriers who 5 (change) horses at relay posts that were 14.5 km apart. The system was used under the Han Empire from 202 BCE to 220 CE, when the Chinese 6 (encounter) the Romans and their postal system. The Roman system, 7 (know) as "curcus publicus" was the most 8 (develop) system in the ancient world. Their messengers were known to cover a distance of almost 270 km over a day and night!
ii. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
La) We must live honest work.
The meeting is half past two
10 Farners look to a better standard of living
(d) She walked slowly the road.
A) The old man sat the fire.
3) The san sank the horizon.
(g) Where did all the goods cuese
(C) Her house is bigger mine

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