Sunday 11 August 2024


I. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences.
1. More than fifty guests (is, are) expected.
2. Bread and butter (is, are) their greatest need now.
3. Board and lodging (has, have) been arranged in separate places.
4. Neither I nor you (am, are) wrong
5. My uncle and my father (is, are) coming to see me today
6. Misha or her brother (is, are) sure to be at home
7. Either the teacher or the boys (is, are) responsible for it
8. A number of questions (was, were) asked from me
9. Mr. Das and his brothers (live, lives) in this house
10. Board and lodging (was, were) free for us
11. Neither coffee nor tea (is, are) good for me
12. Neither the Principal nor the teachers (agrees, agree) to it.
13. Neither you nor I (are, am) happy here.
14. Idli and sambar (is, are) his usual breakfast
15. The walls and the floors of their house (is, are) beautifully decorated.
16. A lot of boys (is, are) standing near the notice-board
17. The majority of the boys (want, wants) Manu to be their captain.
18. Slow and steady (win, wins) the race.
19. The cow and the calf (is, are) grazing in the field.
20. The cow and the calf (is, are) the emblem of our party.
II Correct the following sentences:
1. Either I or my brother am going to attend the party
2. Either my brother or I are going to attend the party
3. Neither the boys nor the teacher are right.
4. Either the teacher or the boys is wrong.
5. Neither Ram nor his brother have a bicycle.
6. His secretary and typist are on leave today
7. My pet and companion are my dog.
8. Either my brother or I is to stay with her.
9. Either the President or the Secretary have to read the report.
10. Milk and fruit is good for health.
11. Neither my brothers nor my sister go to the church.
12. Speaking and writing is two different skills.
13. Neither the woman nor the children was hurt.
14. A coat and a tie are Mr. Rao's usual dress for office
15. A friend and class fellow of mine are going to England.
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
1. One of Mr. Das's sons (is, are) an engineer.
2. Everybody these days (want, wants) to make quick money
3. Everyone of the boys (was, were) present in the class.
4. Many a man (has, have) been drowned in this river.
5. Each boy and each girl (was, were) given a certificate.
6. Some of these mangoes (are, is) still unripe
7. Some of the milk (has, have) boiled over.
8. Each of these shirts (has, have) a wide collar
9. Few of the boys (know, knows) Hindi well.
10. We have invited ten guests for dinner. All (is, are) expected to come.
11. (Do, Does) either of his sons have a job?
12. He made a lot of money in his business. But now all (is, are) gone.
13. Neither of these two pens (write, writes) well.
14. A few of the boys (has, have) bought this book.
15. (Is, Are) there any among you without his text book?
16. (Is, Are) one of your books missing?
17. I want some food. (Is, Are) there any left?
18. No one (want, wants) to be unhappy
19. Most of the girls (was, were) absent.
20. Everyone (is, are) asking for a holiday.
II. Correct the following sentences:
1. Each boy and each girl are going for a picnic.
2. Each child get milk in the morning
3. Many an attempt were made.
4. Do anyone want to ask a question?
5. None of his poetry are liked.
6. Some of the boys comes late daily.
7. Every school and every college were closed
8. All late comers was fined.
9. Every boy have a workbook.
10. Most of the work have been completed.
1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:
1. Gold, as well as silver, Oas, have) fallen in price.
2. Politics (has, have) been spoiling education.
3. The United Nations (has/have) its headquarters in the U.S.A.
4. Fifty rupees (is, are) enough for today.
5. The family (has, have) settled their quarrel now.
6. Justice, as well as mercy, (allow, allows) it.
7. The pups, with their mother, (is, are) missing.
8. The bat, like other birds, (has, have) wings.
9. Bats, unlike other birds, (has, have) teeth.
10. Economics (is, are) one of the subjects taught in this class.
11. The United States of America (is, are) a rich country
12. Thirty kilos (is, are) more than I can carry
13. Two metres (is, are) needed for a coat for me.
14. Measles (is, are) a dangerous disease.
15. Physics (is, are) my favourite subject.
16. Four questions, in addition to the first, (has, have) to be answered.
17. Mohan, like his brothers, (is, are) tall.
18. The workers, as well as their leader, (has, have) agreed.
19. The news (was, were) broadcast on All India Radio.
20. Billiards (is, are) an expensive game.
IL Correct the following sentences:
1. The family is quarrelling among themselves.
2. The audience at the meeting was small.
3. My best innings were played today.
4. The jury were unanimous in its verdict.
5. The audience was beginning to move out before the Chief Guest arrived.
6. Athletics have an important role in school life.
7. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are a very interesting book.
8. The Bharat Scouts give good training to boys.
9. Three fourths of the distance were covered on foot.
10. Civics were my favourite subject at school.
11. Ten thousand rupees are no small amount of money. 12. Five years in jail were the punishment given to him.
13. Five years has been wasted by you.
14. The Andamans are a group of small islands.
15. Pride and Prejudice are a novel by Jane Austen.
1 Choose the correct verb out of the two given in brackets to complete the sentence
1. One of the girls (is, qre) late for the class.
2. The cause of both the accidents (was, were) the same
3. Each of the boys (has, have) done his homework.
4. All my friends (has, have) joined the team.
5. (Has, Have) either of you any money?
6. Every one of us (is, are) going to the film.
7. Both the rooms (was, were) whitewashed.
8. One of the questions (was, were) very difficult.
9. A few sheep (was, were) running about in the field
10. Neither Manu nor Misha (was, were) with us today
11. (Has, Have) Hindi or English been made compulsory?
12. Either you or your friend (is, are) to blame
13. The Arabian Nights (is, are) an interesting book.
14. His father and uncle (is, are) running their own business.
15. Neither Mohan nor Suraj (has, have) paid the fees.
16. Either Anju or her friends (has, have) complained against you
17. Neither Kavita nor I (is, am) going to the pictures.
18. Many a man (was, were) waiting for the bus.
19. Neither I nor my brother (is, am) going to Shimla.
20. Each boy and each girl (was, were) asked to give blood.
21. One of my classmates (has, have) won the first prize.
22. Every one of her friends (has, have) visited her in hospital.
23. (Was, Were) his father and mother happy to see you?
24. (Has, Have) Manu or Misha told you this story?
25. (Do, Does) either of them know the secret?
26. (Was, Were) everyone silent when the teacher entered the class? 27. Ram as well as his brothers (go, goes) to New High School.
28. Eight miles (is, are) a long way to go on foot.
29. The West Indies (has, have) won the match
30. The elephant, unlike lions, (do, does) not eat flesh.
1. In each of the following sentences supply a Verb in agreement with its Subject:
1. The cost of all these articles risen.
2. The jury divided in their opinion. 3. That night every one of the children
down with fever.
4. One or the other of those boys stolen the watch.
5. No news good news.
6. A noble man and useful citizen passed away.
7. The Three Musketeers written by Dumas
8. Each of the thieves been arrested.
9. There present Mr. Smith, Mr. Jones and Mr. Day
10. The solution of these problems not easy to find.

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