Friday 20 September 2019



Do shoulder in life, without any sign of hesitation, your own burden,
As, to emit the most benevolent heat and light, the Sun Himself does burn,
As, to dispel the dreadful darkness of night, the Moon Herself does fight,
As, the Rivers themselves decide when and why to move to the left, or meander to the right!

Don't shirk your shoulders from shouldering your own burden,
As, to materialize the dream of Motherhood, labour pang can't be avoided  by a woman,
As, to lick the sweet and mouth watering honey, the stings of the bees can't be turned down,
As, without listening to the public grievances to redress on time, one can't wear a Royal Crown!

One, who tries, in vain, to pass to others one's own unavoidable burden,
One, who yearns to relish with other's Senses, the happiness of Heaven,
One, who craves to quench one's irresistible thirst, with other's tongue,
One, who ponders to be Michael Jackson, or Lata Mangeskar without singing a song,
Ends up so soon as a stuff of ridicule, mockery and nothingness,
For, one, who himself buys a ticket for the hell, can't rest on the Longue Heaven's!

Copyright: Shankar D Mishra 20.09.19
U can read my poems on Google by typing 'The Poetry Of Shankar D Mishra'
WhatsApp number:+91 8270604524

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