Wednesday 16 December 2020


Q1. __________ of the two sisters is married.

A. Both
B. Every
C. Each
D. Any


Q2. _________ of you should attend the conference.

A. Both
B. Each
C. Every
D. Many


Q3. We should inform __________ of them.

A. many
B. every
C. few
D. all


Q4. They have spent __________ for their son’s wedding.

A. many
B. enough
C. all
D the little


Q5. __________ of the candidates pass this exam.

A. Enough
B. Fewer
C. Either
D. Most


Q6. __________ of the deadlines is met.

A. Neither
B. No
C. None
D. Much


Q7. Can I borrow __________ sugar?

A. much
B. some
C. a little
D. a few


Q8. With this, you have lost __________ chance that you had.

A. a little
B. little
C. the little
D. slight


Q9. __________ participants left the meeting in between.

A. Several
B. Much
C. The few
D. Little


Q10. It seems that they would need _________ workers for the construction.

A. little
B. either
C. more
D. some


Q11. _________ man that we saw turned out to be a thief.

A. A
B. The
C. That
D. This


Q12. Can ___________ help me?

A. many
B. nobody
C. everybody
D. somebody


Q13. He should work _________ and take a break.

A. less
B. little
C. a little
D. more


Q14. He told me that __________ blue was her favorite color.

A. a
B. the
C. this
D. None of the above


Q15. You can pick ___________ of two.

A. many
B. more
C. either
D. some


Q16. __________ those students were punished.

A. All
B. Much
C. Enough
D. Some


Q17. There isn’t ___________ cash left with us.

A. some
B. many
C. more
D. much


Q18. Despite looking for her ___________, I couldn’t find her.

A. somewhere
B. anywhere
C. everywhere
D. nowhere


Q19. ____________ one of them has been invited.
A. Each
B. Every
C. Many
D. Much


Q20. ___________ sun is about to set.

A. A
B. An
C. The
D. A little


Q21. ___________ of the people who came have left.

A. Most
B. Many
C. Every
D. Each


Q22. We need to do ___________ of work before the event starts.

A. much
B. a lot
C. more
D. some


Q23. There are ___________ messages for you.

A. none
B. more
C. much
D. little


Q24. ___________ people who migrated here died in the floods.

A. A few
B. Few
C. The few
D. Many


Q25. Not ___________ is known about these legends.

A. little
B. all
C. many
D. much


Q26. There is not __________ space for others here.

A. some
B. enough
C. many
D. little


Q27. Is there __________ at the door?

A. nobody
B. somebody
C. each one
D. everybody


Q28. __________ Shatabdi express will arrive at eight o’clock.

A. A
B. Any
C. Some
D. The


Q29. It is __________ heirloom of the family.

A. a
B. an
C. some
D. none


Q30. He will be there in __________ hour.

A. the
B. an
C. a
D. two


Q31. He teaches us _________ Biology.

A. the
B. a
C. an
D. None of the above


Q32. ___________ left a letter for you at the gate.

A. Somebody
B. None
C. Everybody
D. Anybody


Q33. She is __________ most intelligent in the class.

A. a
B. the
C. much
D. None of the above


Q34. He does not have ___________ friends.

A. much
B. more
C. many
D. all


Q35. ___________ of the helpers is available.

A. No
B. Any
C. Some
D. None


Q36. She has eaten ___________ the chocolates in the box.

A. each
B. every
C. all
D. none


Q37. ___________ of the teachers are absent today.

A. Every
B. Some
C. Both
D. Little


Q38. I would like ___________ cup of coffee.

A. a
B. the
C. some
D. little


Q39. I saw ___________ old woman near the door.

A. a
B. any
C. an
D. all


Q40. Do you have __________ rice left?

A. little
B. few
C. a few
D. any


Q41. It seems that ___________ the rooms are occupied.

A. every
B. all
C. each
D. enough


Q42. ___________ principal is looking for you.

A. The
B. A
C. An
D. Some


Q43. __________ man is immortal.

A. None
B. All
C. Some
D. No


Q44. Charles Babbage is known as ___________ father of computers.

A. a
B. the
C. any
D. some


Q45. I have never read ___________ monthly magazine of TOI.

A. the
B. a
C. any
D. every


Q46. __________ of the two documents were updated.

A. No
B. None
C. Neither
D. Some 
Q47. I have ____________ relatives.

A. much
B. more
C. all
D. many


Q48. He has __________ experience than his brother.

A. many
B. more
C. much
D. some


Q49. Can I borrow ___________ fruits?

A. many
B. some
C. much
D. few


Q50. ____________ of us knew about the mishappening.

A. None
B. Somebody
C. Anybody
D. No


Q51. Who spilled ___________ tea on the floor?

A. much
B. a
C. few
D. the


Q52. I have bought __________ new books to read.

A. much
B. every
C. some
D. all


Q53. __________ driver is waiting for us.

A. An
B. The
C. Some
D. Any


Q54. __________ people were injured that night.

A. Several
B. Much
C. Little
D. Enough


Q55. He does not know how to use ___________ smartphone.

A. the
B. an
C. some
D. a

Q56. She is __________ more clever than we know.

A. some
B. many
C. a lot
D. none


Q57. There is hardly ____________ work left for you.

A. much
B. any
C. all
D. enough


Q58. __________the eggs are in the basket.

A. Much
B. None
C. All
D. Many


Q59. He is __________ university student.

A. an
B. the
C. any
D. a


Q60. That was __________ awful situation to be in.

A. an
B. the
C. a
D. much


Q61. Mathematics is __________ difficult subject to study.

A. an
B. a
C. the
D. little


Q62. Is there ___________ that you would like to share?

A. everything
B. anything
C. enough
D. much


Q63. Though Chinese is a difficult language, __________ students opted for it.

A. much
B. more
C. many
D. few


Q64. ___________ of them were chosen to be captain.

A. Some
B. Much
C. Little
D. None


Q65. ___________ black car is parked in front of your gate.

A. The
B. A
C. An
D. Any


Q66. ___________ English is widely spoken around the world.

A. The
B. An
C. A
D. None of the above


Q67. ___________ wealthy should be generous.

A. A
B. An
C. The
D. Some


Q68. It looks like I have seen you ___________.

A. somewhere
B. anywhere
C. nowhere
D. everywhere


Q69. Can I have __________ bowl of soup?

A. more
B. another
C. enough
D. little


Q70. The exam is compulsory for __________ students.

A. several
B. many
C. much
D. all


Q71. I don’t like __________ of them.

A. neither
B. both
C. either
D. much


Q72. Is ___________ left?

A. few
B. many
C. several
D. anyone


Q73. __________ has been looking for you.

A. Everyone
B. Anyone
C. Several
D. A few


Q74. There are not ____________ students in the class.

A. much
B. some
C. many
D. most


Q75. ___________ of my colleagues are going on the trip.

A. No
B. None
C. Neither
D. Either


Q76. ___________ experience of yours is of no use!

A. Some
B. The few
C. The little
D. A little


Q77. Only __________ toys have been sold since morning.

A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. the few

Q78. ____________ of their customers complain.

A. Many
B. Much
C. Enough
D. Most


Q79. I don’t have ___________ to say.

A. much
B. most
C. some
D. all


Q80. The poor beggar had __________ to go.

A. anywhere
B. somewhere
C. nowhere
D. everywhere


Q81. One of ___________ books that I borrowed is missing.

A. a
B. the
C. several
D. many


Q82. Fortunately, ___________ of the children were hurt.

A. few
B. some
C. none
D. no 

Q83. We can take ____________ of the routes.

A. several
B. no
C. any
D. either


Q84. Due to his tours, he got to meet __________ of people.

A. a lot
B. much
C. little
D. several

Q85. ____________ of the money we had, has been used.

A. Many
B. All
C. Enough
D. Every


Q86. ___________ of the two halves is equal.

A. Every
B. All
C. Each
D. None of the above


Q87. ____________ is waiting in the lobby.

A. Anyone
B. All
C. Several
D. Everyone


Q88. ___________ exam copies are still unchecked.

A. A few
B. Few
C. Little
D. Much


Q89. __________ but one was against the proposal.

A. Everyone
B. All
C. None
D. No


Q90. She has done ____________ mistake.

A. none
B. any
C. much
D. no


Q91. He is ___________ early bird.

A. the
B. a
C. an
D. some


Q92. ____________ Indus has five main tributaries.

A. The
B. A
C. An
D. All


Q93. ____________ Taj Hotel is famous world-wide.

A. A
B. Many
C. The
D. All


Q94. ___________ businessmen want to be rich.

A. Many
B. Many a
C. Most
D. Enough


Q95. ___________ event is scheduled according to the plan.

A. Each
B. Several
C. All
D. Every


Q96. He has ____________ evidence to prove his innocence.

A. many
B. all
C. either
D. enough


Q97. ___________ orchestra band that you called has arrived.

A. An
B. A
C. The
D. Some


Q98. He is ___________ head of the family.

A. the
B. a
C. either
D. all


Q99. ___________ is known about her achievements.

A. Few
B. Little
C. A little
D. None


Q100. They have always helped __________.

A. another
B. several
C. all
D. each other 

101. Lisa saw _____ shooting star yesterday.

102. Don't look directly at _____ sun.

103. Is there any milk left in _____ fridge?

104. I need to pack _____ apple for my lunch.

105. The dogs were _____ given a bone.

106. The police spoke separately to _____ suspect.

107. She was wearing a bracelet on __________ wrist.

108. She got her license without _____ problems.

109. He went with __________ younger sisters.

 his both
 both his
 two his
110. I always keep _____ money in my wallet for emergencies.


111. Very ---- people fly just because of terrorist activities.

112. Johnny is a keen player but unfortunately he has ---- skills.


113. If we don't move faster, we'll miss our transfer to Munich. There isn't ----- time to waste.


114. Unfortunately, I haven't got ---- time for watching TV.


115. You can buy these maps at ---- station. They all have them.

a lot of

116. If you have ---- questions, I'm ready to answer.


117. I didn't have ---- trouble getting the passports. I only had a problem with my photo because it was an old one.


118. There is ---- water left, so drink only if you must.


119. There isn't ---- point at all in getting upset about it.


120. ---- coat will do. It doesn't need to be a raincoat.









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