Friday 3 May 2024



Exercise: 1

1. We are taught History by him.

2. The teachers are respected by her.

3. Photos are sold by him.

4. You are loved and respected by them.

5. He is honoured and appreciated by us.

6. The company is well managed by her.

7. Sugarcane is not grown by them.

8. What is wanted from your parents by you?

9. Why are lies told by you?

10. He is never kept waiting by me.

Exercise: 2

1. The ball was thrown to the captain by Prakash.

2. The trees were cut with an axe by him.

3. Rice was not grown by us.

4. He was not elected king.

5. The stump was not hit by the ball.

6. What was spoken to you by them?

7. Which movie was watched by you last night?

8. Were the students punished by the teacher?

9. Where was the tournament organized by them?

10. When will the the final results be announced?

11. Kites will be flown by us.

12. A business will be run by us.

Exercise: 3

1. Let this work be done.
2. Let the door be opened.
3. Let the door be shut.
4. Let him be told to go.
5. Let your word be kept.
6. Let your teacher be obeyed.
7. Let the children be loved.
8. Get prepared for the worst.
9. Let this work be kindly done.
10. Let the grass be kindly kept off.
11. You are requested to go there.
12. You are requested not to smoke.
13. You are ordered to go home.
14. Let it be done at once.

Exercise: 4
1. You are asked/ordered not to go out.
2. You are requested to enter by this door.
3. You are asked/ordered to get out of the room.
4. You are asked to let me sleep here.
5. Let T.V be watched by us.
6. You are asked to let us go now.
7. Let it be done as early as possible.
8. Let him be prevented from going out.
9. Let the weak not be insulted.
10. You are requested to give me some money.

Or, Let me be kindly given some money.
11. You are asked to let them watch the match.
12. Let nobody be hurt by us.

13. You are requested to let us enter college. (request)

Exercise: 5

1. New scissors were bought by him.
2. News has been brought for you by them.
3. Orders for his transfer have been issued by minister.
4. Summons was received by me yesterday.
5. His quarters have been repaired by him.

6. This wall cannot be mended by anybody.
7. My books have been stolen.
8. We were told to wait outside.
9. It is said so.
10. The thief was arrested.

11. He was made Captain.
12. a scooter was bought for me by him.
13. He was refused admission to the college.
14. He has been offered a job by me.
15. He will be shown the library by me.
16. I was not lent money by her.
17. The committee is comprised of twenty members.

Exercise: 6

1.     It was not expected from you by me.

2.    The dog was killed by a blow of lathi.

3.     Much information is contained in this book.

4.     Everyone is surprised at his behaviour.

5.     I am disgusted at their jokes.

6.   The details are kept by them on the computers.

7.    A son was borne to my sister last year.

8.    Everybody was impressed by her looks.

9.    She is not interested in the movie.

10. A book has given to me by him.

11. The roads were thronged with the angry mob.

12. The master was annoyed with/at the servant.

13. The teacher has been annoyed at his insolence.

14. He is always disgusted at material life.

15. You will be vexed with their idle talk.

16. Your boss will not be satisfied with your explanation.

17. His father was pleased with his actions.

18.  I was shocked at/by her behaviour.

19.  His wife was disappointed with his failure in life.

20.  The villagers were alarmed at the sound of the blast.

21. The lost book was being searched for by them.

22.   Sweets have to be distributed by Shaurya.

23. A book on animals was to be written by her.

Exercise: 7

1. Computers cannot be dispensed with by the government.
2. Such an accident has never been heard of by me.
3. He will be laughed at by all his friends.
4. It is expected of you not to discriminate against the poor.
5. I made a letter written by him.
6. I was let to stay at her home by her.
7. I was bidden by her to leave the room.
8. She was heard sing a song.
9. He was seen to go by me.

10. It is hoped that he will pass.
11. It was decided by us that we would leave early.
12. It is expected by him that he will pass.
13. He was not seen by anybody going out.
14. Duty should be done.
15. God is worshipped by us.
16. The ghosts have been seen some people.

17. The result will be declared soon.
18. It is believed that he will retum soon.
19. It is not known to anybody how rich he is.
20. I shall be asked a question by them.

Or, A question will be asked to me by them.
21. I was told a story by her.

Or, A story was told to me by her.
22. this report will be read to you by me.

Exercise: 8

1. Is the lady known to you?

2. Shall I be helped by you?

3. Can this be done by him?

4. Has a song been sung by her?

6. Should I be insulted by them?

7. Is a novel being written by you?

8. Which book is liked most by you?
9. What is being taught by you?
10. By whom has English been taught to you?

Or, By whom have you been taught English?
11. What was this loss caused by?
12. By whom was this work done?
13. Who is liked most by you?
14. What are you being taught by him?
15. Which student were you taken home by?

16. What is being listened to by you?

Copyright: Dr. Shankar D Mishra

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