Tuesday 14 May 2024



Join the following sentences:

Exercise: 1
(1) He will work hard to pass.
(ii) The sun having set, they went home.
(iii) You do not pass because you do not work hard.
(iv) Make hay while the sun shines.
(v) Ramu works hard to win a scholarship.
(vi) His son asked whether he had returned from Kolkata.
(vii) She had left home before the guests arrived.
(viii) You must take your medicine regularly to get cured.
(ix) The old man was carrying a basket which was full of mangoes.
(x) He was alienated by his friends, for his conduct was disgraceful.

Exercise: 2
(i) As Arun has money, he can spare it.
(ii) This is the forest where a lion lives.
(iii) It is certain that he will waste her money.
(iv) You must hurry; else you will miss the train.
(v) I am sure that he is innocent.
(vi) This is the college where I was taught.
(vii) After we change our clothes, we go to bed.
(viii) Do you know the time when the ship will arrive?
(iv) I think they have made a mistake.
(ix) I cannot remember where I had met this lady before.
(x) I am sorry that I cannot share anything with you.

Exercise: 3

(i) We will die one day, for men are mortals.

(ii) Tagore was a painter as well as a poet.
(iii) He drew the sword to defend himself.
(iv) Do not steal, for stealing is a crime.
(v) Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.
(vi) The old man is very poor, still he is quite happy.
 (vii) This is the house where I was born.
(viii) Can you tell me the reason you were absent yesterday?
(ix) Either be punctual or leave the service.
(x) It is certain that it has done good to Ajay.

Exercise: 4
(i) Sahil composed a wonderful song which became a hit.
(ii) Rani reached the spot where we were to meet.
(iii) Dick met me whom I gave the document.
(iv) Since Shenaz was very upset, I wanted to help her out.
(v) John gave me the novel to review.
(vi) After Debjani received my note, she sent her reply within a week.
(vii) Raja is a great and popular footballer.
(viii) Jennifer saw that I was confused; hence she came to my rescue.
(ix) I was unable to answer the question that Swarna asked me.
(x) You helped Tania, therefore she will always be grateful to you.

Exercise: 5
(i) I am extremely delighted to hear that you won a prize.
(ii) Though there was heavy traffic, we reached the stadium on time.
(iii) Unless you hurry up, you will surely be late.
(iv) The trekkers had not only misplaced their map but also got lost due to the heavy fog.

(v) Unless she apologizes, he will not meet her again.

(vi) Last month, I bought this expensive outfit, which I wear very sparingly.
(vii) The minister was wise; still the king did not trust him.
(viii) The storm came on after we reached the port.  
(ix) One should neither borrow nor lend money.
(x) She will win the prize, for she deserves it.

Exercise: 6
(i) We had better get ready now, otherwise we may not have time to reach the airport.
(ii) Mr. Liew has been sick since he came back from Japan.
(iii) The debating teams were very happy, for both were declared the joint-champions.
(iv) Although he is good at gymnastics, his handwriting must improve.
(v) Her grandfather gifted her a paint box because he knew she was good at art.
(vi) Ravi fractured his arm, however he insisted on playing the match.
(vii) Notwithstanding that Mona has been ill for a month; she stood first in the examination.

(viii) We have been independent since 1947, yet we have not been able to get rid of many evils.

(ix) He was surrounded by adversity, still he didn't give in.

(x) You can keep pets at home, still they should not be a nuisance to your neighbours.

Copyright: Dr. Shankar D Mishra

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