Thursday 15 November 2018

FB Quotes 1

FB Quotes 1

My sweetened tongue covers well my unnoticed rancorous and soured heart!

Drinking without thirst,
Dining without hunger,
Loving without trust,
Is like singing without a singer!

Copyright: Shankar D Mishra 27.12.18
The best way to reduce one's Sorrow and multiply one's Happiness is acknowledge that behind every Phenomenon, there is the Sensible Hands of God for one's well-being!
@sdm 13.12.18
W.A. +918270604524

In the House of One's Self, One may live either with One's Friend of Virtue, or with One's Foe of Vice, or with Both of Them!

@sdm  11.12.18
W.A. +91 8270604524

Alas! I am a born Shylock to weigh every relation on a scale of Profit!

I have reduced my Love for you, for many love you as much as I; more love you more than I; and the rest in the world love you most!

@sdm 09.12.18
W.A. +91 8270604524
Pls. visit my

My  Ignorance affirms me that I had always beenWise, whereas my Wisdom confirms me that I had always been Ignorant!

@sdm 08.12.18
W.A. +91 8270604524
Pls. visit:

Friendship is built on the plinth of mutual understanding.

When Trust is taken for granted, and misued "Friendship" turns "Fiendship"!

True friends are those who are neither self-centered nor desirous of receiving Favours!

Feeling friends' situations and not doubting them is the first step of friendship.

A mam without any Foresight is Blind, and a man without any Insight is a Beast!

Yes, I am infallibly skilled enough to beat a crore of Chameleons in changing colours in every factions of a second!

Who always remembers God, and prays to Him as much earnestly in Comfort and prosperity as in Misery and Prosperity?

I always take myself credit when I succeed, but, alas, I always blame God when I am a Failure!

I always think my own faults lie farther than the Apogee of my Eyes, while the faults of others lie closer than the Perigee of my Eyes!

Oh! The Pupils of are always wide awake to find Faults with others!

Silence may stand for either agreement or Disagreement.

When an insignificant Water Particle falls into a significant Sea, it is neither audible nor noticeable.

Which one is harder to resist: the pull of Sense Pleasure, or the push of Material Treasure?

Which one is stronger: the grip of Greed, or the clip of List?

The Divine Net is so Long, Wide and Strong that no human Fish can either jump over It or cut It to escape himself from the firm hold of God!

Who are the real Patriots of the country, "Who are paid in Crores, or who pay in Scores, to attend a National Event like the Inaugural Ceremony of Hockey World Cup, in Odisha?

Will your listen and accept, if says a Leech, "Sucking blood is a Sin, I will preach.": or downright ridicule and reject?
How will you react, if swears a Pirate, "I won't plunder, but gift and donate.": will you hug Him or hate?
What will you do with a Cat, if He says, "I will fry Fish, Meat and Fat.": strike Him with a bat or with a palm pat?

Exposure expedites one's fast Perfection, for It removes Fear and Nervousness; and instils courage; and enhances Enthusiasm to give one's Best at the earliest!
@sdm 29.11.18
sdmpoetry. blogspot. com
W.A. +91 8270604524

Toil waters the Plant of Prosperity to bear fruit in life's Soil!
@sdm 11.11.18
One is d Maker or Wrecker of one's own Destination!
@sdm 11.11.18
We must Perspire so as to Aspire as well as Inspire!
@sdm 11.11.18
A heartening Past is never Dead; a disheartening Present is never Alive!
@sdm 11.11.18
Neither do slumber nor lumber until u reach the Magic Number!
@sdm 11.11.18
Let's cultivate in the Field of Mind the Crops of Noble Fruits!
@sdm 11.11.18
Insensitive Souls always fail to feel what mistakes they commit!
@sdm 11.11.18
Determination, devotion & dedication determine one's Destination!
@sdm 11.11.18
Appreciation without appropriations is called flattery!
@sdm 11.11.18
A Motherly hunger to feed is what the world does need!
@sdm 11.11.18
The value of everything in paucity is always high!
@sdm 11.11.18
What r they called who pray to God in days and befriend Devils at nights?
@sdm 11.11.18
Even the darkest Cravens of falsehood r one day lighted by the ever vigilant Torch of Truth!
@sdm 11.11.18
A drop of deceit embitters a Pitcher of Trust forever!
@sdm 11.11.18
If u sour a Sea of Nectar, who will drink your draught of dirty water?
@sdm 11.11.18
Where ends the perception and power of man, there starts God's!
@sdm 11.11.18
A building of hundred storeys cannot be built on the plinth of a Reverie!
@sdm 11.11.18
The perseverance of the Perfidious fetches them the fruits of Futility!
@sdm 10.11.18
The Perpetrators perspire, in vain, to reap a proportionate penalty!
@sdm 10.11.18
To Swindle the Innocent is to Dwindle the SAINT in You!
@sdm 10.11.18
WhatsApp number:
+91 8270604524
A Palace, impoverished by Turmoil, is worse than a Hut, enriched with Peace!
@sdm 10.11.18
Accept people's applause as well as condemnation with equal care!
@sdm 10.11.18
A relation without reciprocation is like a defunct Engine without function!
@sdm 10.11.18
The echo of Silence reaches farther than that of a Noise!
@sdm 10.11.18
Necessity necessitates Affability; Affability consolidates Affinity!
@sdm 10.11.18
Even the firmest hAVENS of uNTRUTH r often seen crumbling like domes of sand!
@sdm 09.11.18
It's better to live laughing in a Hell than to lie languishing in a Heaven!
Addiction is like the Root of a Lotus. The faster u uproot it, the quicker it grows!
Betrayal is such a Hemlock, that sweetens your Tongue, but poisons your Heart!
Night is a Heaven for a nOCTURNAL aNIMAL, who slumbers throughout the day!
Falsehood always ejaculates a  Temporary Relief and Pleasure!
Under the unsafe Hoods of falsehood, lies always a self-devouring Snake of Truth!
@sdm 9.11.18
A professional liar, like a professional killer, never repents, for both r sincere in their professions!
@sdm 9.11.18
Who to blame, to one's  Selection or Luck, if one's
 choice proves wrong?
@sdm 9.11.18
Silence is the Panacea to cure all d mental disorders!
@sdm 9.11.18
A shrewd Fool's best Tool always befools himself!
@sdm 9.11.18
One can't hide Oneself from one's and Time's Vigil!
@sdm 9.11.18
One's Habits, not nATURE, can b changed forever!
@sdm 9.11.18
The course of FORCE is:
Ferocious, Offensive,Repulsive, Cancerous and Evanescent!
@sdm 9.11.18


Good evening! Here is Shankar Sir.
Dear parents, this is for your kind information that I am going to conduct a free Demo class on ICSE English Grammar for only an hour on 1st March, Sunday at your convenient time. The place of the class depends on your choice. Hope, your kid will avail himself/herself of this golden opportunity.
About me: Teaching school/college students since 1997, author of 15 books including 2 Grammar books
Jio number: 8249297412/WhatsApp: 8270604524
Sincerely Yours,
Shankar D Mishra

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