Monday 11 September 2023


 A little failure does not matter. In reality, the path to success is strewn with failures. With each failure one gets closer to success and with each fall one rises higher. It may seem paradoxical and contradictory to talk of failures and falls along with success and rising higher. But it is the very truth. Each failure brings one closer to success because within each failure is hidden a lesson on success.

Look at the first step of a child. He takes a step forward but then on the second one he falls and stumbles. But that does not mean that the child will never learn to walk just because he stumbled at the onset. Rather his stumbling ensures that soon he will learn not only to walk but run around also. Look at a bird in the sky, how it flutters, flutters and fails. Its wings quiver as it makes its first attempts to fly. It tries and fails. But it does not give up. And at last with one more try, it spreads its wings and off it goes into that infinite azure blue sky that seems to be applauding its little yet significant efforts.

History too is sprinkled with such instances where success was granted only after passing through a series of failures. One has to pick up the life story of any great personality to see that success is never granted on a silver platter. One has to try a number of times before actually tasting success.

Indian freedom fighters, including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel faced failures innumerable times, but they put the goal of India’s freedom above everything and hence, India became free. Great scientist Thomas Elva Edison failed 10,000 times before he could invent an electric bulb. Steve Jobs was ousted from the very own company he started. But he was excited at the prospect of starting all over again, like a beginner.

However, in today’s time, we find that people are losing heart at the drop of a hat. Students succumb to examination phobia and peer pressure. Everybody has high expectations with their own selves, which, if not fulfilled, drives them to depression and even suicide. It’s important to realise that failure is not the end of the world. There would be opportunities galore to rise and shine.

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