Tuesday 3 July 2018



The whole world is an enigmatic stage
All humans are the actors here to play:
Some role for censure, and others for praise
Some make others sad, some make others gay.

Some here play the jovial, jocular clowns
Others do act to wear dazzling crowns.
Some are only to flutter, fret and frown
Others play to go up and some to go down.

Some are kind enough to wipe others’ tears
Others are cruel to endanger; arouse fears.
Some are adorned with love and cheers
Others are armoured with powders and spears.

Some are glad to live for others
Others are glad to live on others.
Some are glad to give, donate and sacrifice
Others are glad to suck as leeches and lice.

Some are plain, honest, erudite and pious
Others are knotty, ungrateful and ambitious.
Some are props of the crippled and the needy
Others cripple others, for they are too greedy.

Some are philanthropic, and light like feathers
Others are bent upon digging ditches for others.
Some gift, sweeten and delight as honey-hives
Others steal, rob and kill to lead selfish lives.

Some extend co-operations and pay off others’ loans
Others unlawfully seize, snap and grab others’ thrones.
Some live as if they were great heavens for others
Others exist as if they were worse than a curse.

Some make a Chair known with their own Unique Presence
Others come to be known due to a Unique Chair’s Essence.
Some live as if they were to die like bubbles and disappear
Others die as if they were to live like stars to shine and appear.

N.B: This poem is inspired by Shakespeare’s poem “All the World Is a Stage”. I am happy to post this poem on the WORLD THEATRE DAY.

©Shankar D Mishra   27 .03.2017

Email id: shankardmishrapoet@mail.com

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