Tuesday 27 October 2020



Hark! A patient of impatience cannot enjoy True Love's celestial savour,

And, for the arrogant and peevish pursuers, its taste turns pungent forever! 

True Love never demands Its devotees to dwell in a domain of the aliens,

It vanishes like reveries for them who indulge in envy, hypocrisy or selfishness!

True Love spontaneously wills to serve sans any wishes of reciprocation,

It is a suitable antithesis to the water hyacinth, that's lacks affinity or affection!

It neither brags nor complains under the most unfavorable circumstances,

For, it is a heavenly Kamadhenu, that's born 

to gift, never to seek self advantages!

True Love is a vernal breeze that soothes the singeing hearts with Its magic touch,

It's a Panacea to heal all the mundane wounds that usually eternal joys scorch! 

It ever tends to bow more flexibly than the humble and unassuming cane,

It is not tainted by superiority - inferiority complex, or the mania of loss and gain!

True Love is a Ganga of Purity,  Sacredness, generosity and perpetuity,

Let's all take a deep dip in this River to cleanse ourselves to attain immortality!

Copyright: Dr. Shankar D Mishra, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 23.12.2021

Image Courtesy: Google

My dear, revered friends, please search on Google "Poetry of Dr. Shankar D Mishra"/ sdmpoetry.blogspot.com to enjoy many more new poems of different tastes. To receive my poems, you can save my Whatsapp number 08270604524. Thank you. 


  1. Replies
    1. Tq dear friend for your kind perusal and encouraging feedback.

  2. True interpretation of true love in a single stanza... Praiseworthy writing sir.

    1. Tq dear Sir for your kind perusal and encouraging feedback.

  3. True interpretation of true love in a single stanza... Praiseworthy writing sir.

    1. Tq dear Sir for your kind perusal and encouraging feedback.

  4. True interpretation of true love in a single stanza... Praiseworthy writing sir.

  5. Tq dear Sir for your kind perusal and encouraging feedback.

  6. Tq dear Sir for your kind perusal and encouraging feedback.

  7. Tq dear Sir for your kind perusal and encouraging feedback.

  8. May thisT true love spread everywhere through your poems and patrons.👌👏👏💐😍
