Wednesday 25 August 2021

MCQS, with Qs As ICSE "I know why the caged bird sings."

Following are the important MCQ from "I know why the caged bird sings." 

Q1. The poem was written by :

a. Robert Browning

b. Robert Frost

c. Maya Angelou

d. David Roth


Q2. What does the "grave of dreams" signify?

a. A feeling of hopelessness

b. Death of the birds

c. A place where humans are buried

d None of the above

Q3. What does the "caged bird" represent?

a. The loss of freedom

b. An encaged bird

c. Hope for a bright future

d. Endless opportunities

Q4. With what purpose does the caged bird sing?

a. Because it likes to sing

b. To call another bird

c. It is the nature of birds

d. Because it has only this way to express its pain

Q5. What does the caged bird long for?

a. Freedom 


b. Food

c. Other birds

d. None of the above

Answer: a

Q6. How many stanzas are there in the poem?

a. Six

b. Seven

 c. Four

d. Eight

Q7. What happens when the wings of the bird are clipped?

a. It dies

b. It cannot fly

c. It cannot eat

d. None of the above

Q8. Name the literary device used in:

"Bars of rage."

a. Irony

b. Personification

c. Auditory imaged. 

d. Metaphor

Q9. What do "bars of rage" represent?

a. Imprisonment of the innocent blacks

b. Freedom of blacks

c. Anger of rich peopled.

d.  None of the above

Q10. Which stanza of the poem is repeated?

a. Stanza 1

b. Stanza 3

c. Stanza 4

d. None of the above

Q11. Name the literary device used in

"orange sun rays."

a. Personification

b. Alliteration

c. Imagery

d. Simile


Q12. Name the literary device used in

"Sighing trees."

a. Personification

b. Alliteration

c. Metaphor

d. Imagery

Q13. The song sung by the bird is the symbol of 

a. Freedom

c. Imprisonment

d. Hopelessness

d. None of the above

Q14. Which bird is mentioned singing?

a. Caged bird

b. Free bird

c. Both of them

d. None of them

Q15. Which physical activity does the caged bird do before singing?

a. Drinks water

b. Opens its throat

c. Eats something

d. Does nothing

Q16. According to the poetess, the free bird could be best described as 

a. Anxious

b. Confident

c. Ambitious

d. Content

Q17. What is the theme of the poem?

a. The lives of the birds

b. Freedom and slavery

c. Joy and happiness

d. None of the above

Q18. Name the title of the poem.

a. "I know why the caged bird sings."

b. "I know the caged bird sings."

c. "The caged birds sing."

d. None of the above

Q 19. Upto where is the bird's song heard?

a. Cities

b. Distant hills

d. Villages

d. Nowhere


Q20. Choose the word which defines the features of the cage?

a. Narrow

b. Broad

c. Small

d. Large

Figures of speech

21. and floats downstream
till the current ends

22. free bird” and “caged bird”. 

23. can seldom see through 

24. and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn

25. his shadow shouts on a nightmare screams

26. Orange sun rays’,

27.  ‘distant hills’, 

28. fat worms’ 

29. sighing trees’, 

30. ‘nightmare scream’ 

31. dips his wing’, 

32. ‘dares to claim the sky’, 

33.;‘name the sky his own’,

34.  ‘opens his throat to sing’,

35. ‘sings of freedom’ 

36. ‘fearful trill’ 

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