Thursday 22 February 2018



What is then the use of immeasurable treasure,
If life runs without eternal pleasure?
What is then the use of  mountains of money,
If life runs without salvation honey?

What is then the use of precious gems,
If life welcomes slanders and blames?
What is then the use of being famous India Miss,
If life fails to sprinkle or derive divine peace?

What is then the use of all conquering power,
If, in the struggle of life, one does ever cower?
What is then the use of the oceans of wisdom,
If it is applied in one’s life seldom?

What is then the use of being a witty lawyer,
If life misuses learning enigmatic humano jure?
What is then the use of being an enlightening teacher,
If the least impact bears upon him his own lecture?

What is then the use of being a god-incarnate doctor,
If he exploits the patients under the garb of a sure cure?
What is then the use of democracy or monarchy,
If there prevail maladministration and anarchy?

What is then the use of being a rare species called man,
If one acts more ignobly than a contemptible demon?

N.B: Jure humano is a Latin term, means by human Law. Here, enigmatic humano jure is in inversion. Its meanining is ‘by enigmatic human Law.’

©Shankar D Mishra, 22.02.2018
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