Saturday 28 September 2024


Test Paper: 1

Question 4

(a) In the following passage fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]

There was a king in China who used to spend hours in his uniform, ……..1 (parade) before a mirror in his room. He would remain secluded in his palace, admiring himself, while his subjects ……..2 (starve) to death, and his kingdom went to ruin.

One night, a courtier gathered a group of palace ……..3 (attend) and, while the king slept, cut a window on the wall where the king's mirror had hung.

The next morning, when the king dressed himself in his……..4 (sparkle) medals, he walked to where the mirror had been and saw to his ……..5 (amaze) the unending procession of his people passing on the street. He saw starving children reaching into garbage cans for crusts. He saw sick and ………. 6 (maim) men and women.

He ……..7 (tear) off his medals, called for simple clothes, and went out ……..8 (mingle) with the people. His whole outlook on life changed when he stopped looking into mirror at himself only.

(b)  Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: [4]

1. He whispered and I could not make………what he said.

2. Do not run……….your rivals.

3. Our stock of rice has run…………… .

4. The High Court set ……….the decree of the Lower Court.

5. Friends learn to bear……….one another's shortcomings.

6. ………. me, no one else can do this work.

7. How did all this come……….?

8. We shall look ……….your problem next week.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. [4]

1. You should work hard. Otherwise you may fail.

2. Leena liked the gift. James gave it to her.

3. He may run away anywhere. The police will arrest him.

4. What happened in the meeting? Nobody has an idea.

5.That road is narrow. The bus cannot go there.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8]

(i) He is accustomed to have bed tea every morning. (Use: habit)

(ii) You must not be late or you will be fined. (Begin. In the event………. )

(iii) People say that he was a cheat. (Begin. He is……….)

(iv) A new car is beyond my means at present. (Use afford)

(v) Sunita was cycling very fast and could not stop at once. (Use: so…… that.)

(vi) He will succeed if he works regularly. (Begin: Unless)

(vii) He said to me, "Are you going away tonight?" (Begin. He inquired………)

(viii) Rima dressed up and then had her breakfast. (Begin. After……. )

(ix) He said to me, "Let us have breakfast." (Use: suggested)



1. parading

2. starved

3. attendants

4. sparkling

5. amazement

6. maimed

7. tore

8. to mingle


1. out

2. away from

3. out

4. aside

5. with

6. except 

7. about

8. into 


1. Unless you work hard, you may fail.

Or, Work hard, or you may fail.

2. Leena liked the gift that James gave her. .

3. No matter where he runs, the police will arrest him.

Or, Wherever he runs, the police will arrest him.

4. Nobody has any idea what happened in the meeting.

5. That road is not broad enough for the bus to go there.

Or, As that road is not broad enough, the bus cannot go there.


1. He has a habit of having bed tea every morning.

2. In the event of your being late, you will be fined.

3. He is said to be a cheat.

4. I cannot afford a new car at present.

5. Sunita was cycling so fast that she couldn’t stop at once.

6. Unless he works regularly, he won’t succeed.

7. He inquired of me whether I was going away that night.

8. After dressing up, Rima had her breakfast.

9. He suggested to me that we should have breakfast.

Test Paper: 2

 Question 4

(a) In the following passage fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]

Specific real-life objects and activities like your television set or a game of football can be your thought starters and luck makers. There was once a famous writer ………1 (name) Arthur J. Burks who boasted that he could take any object and make a story out of it. An interviewer for Reader's Digest once tested him by ………2 (point) to a door-knob. Burks went into a trance and ……… 3 (come) up with the plot for a ………4 (detect) story……… 5 (feature) a cache of stolen diamonds………6 (hide) in the hollow interior of the knob. The ………7 (interview) tiptoed away as the slow tap-tap of Burks' typewriter became ………8 (increase) noisy, high speed clatter

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: [4]

1 Cholera has broken……… in our village.

2. Since it began to rain heavily, the meeting was called……… .

3. Courage will carry a man ………many hardships.

4. The price of gold has not come ………this year.

5. He does not want to part ………his money.

6. I refrained ………giving my opinion.

7. He bore ………the first prize in the competition.

8. He broke……… in the middle of his speech.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. [4]

1. Take a cheque. The cash may not be sufficient.

2. It is not a new car. However, it is reliable.

3. He has won the first prize. I am pleased to announce it.

4. She is an actor. She is a painter.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other charges that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence.

(i) We have to study a third language upto class VIll. (Use: compulsory)

(ii) Only graduates can apply for this post. (Begin: None….)

(iii) Besides being honest, he is intelligent (Use: not only ………but also)

(iv) I think you should come back tomorrow. (Begin You had……..)

(v) Mangla is the cleverest pupil in the class. (Use: clever…….)

(vi) Admitting that he is clever, he is proud. (Begin: Though……….)

(vii) If you do not complete the jobs, you will suffer. (Begin: Unless………)

(viii) Everyone wants to become rich. (Begin: Who…….)

(ix) As soon as we reached the station, the train arrived. (Begin: No sooner...)



1. named

2. pointing

3. came

4. detective

5. featuring

6. hidden

7. interviewer

8. increasingly


1. out

2. off

3. through

4. down

5. with

6. from

7. away

8. down


1. Take a cheque, for the cash may not be sufficient.

2. Although it's not a new car, it's reliable.

3. I am pleased to announce that he has won the first prize.

4. She is not only an actor but also a painter.


1. It is compulsory for us to study a third language.

2. None but graduates can apply for this post.

3. He is not only honest but also intelligent.

4. You had better come back tomorrow.

5. Mangla is the cleverer than any other pupil in the class.

6. Though he is clever, he is proud.

7. Unless you complete the jobs, you will suffer.

8. Who doesn't want to become rich?

9. No sooner did we reach the station than the train arrived.

Test Paper: 3

Question 4

(a) In the following passage fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]

Some years ago, a seven-year-old boy was at home when a stranger carrying a black bag..........1 (call) at his house. Someone in the house was ill. The stranger ..........2 (examine) the patient and said something to the boy's mother. She listened attentively, obviously much.......... 3 (impress), then took her purse and gave him ten dollars. The visit..........4 (last) only a few minutes but the..........5 (visit) was treated with respect and..........6 (give) ten dollars.

After the stranger ...........7 (go), the boy asked the mother, "Who was that man?"

"That was the doctor, dear," she replied.

Whereupon the boy exclaimed, "When I grow up, I'm..........8 (go) to be a doctor."

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: [4]

1. I called.......... the Minister yesterday.

2. It is difficult to come ....... that rare book.

3. She has her property to fall back her old age.

4. This question came ....... during the last session of the Parliament.

5. Recently there has been a small reduction ....... the price of petrol.

6. He did not comply ....... the wishes of his father.

7. He will certainly get.........the examination.

8. He made ambitious plans, but all of them fell ........ .

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. [4]

1 How shall we get the money? I do not know.

2. Clear the written test. Only then you will be called for an interview.

3. He may go anywhere. I will find him.

4. We all enjoyed the story. Our teacher told us the story.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8]

1 I shall go to the market if you come. (End. unless you come)

2. She hid herself so that she might not be seen. (Use: lest)

3. Jane is the prettiest girl in the town. (Begin. Is ?)

4. I could not but feel sorry for her mother (Begin. I could not help)

5. He is inviting each of his friends. (Begin. Each )

6. Why don't you come with me for a picnic? (Begin: I suggest )

7. He not only advised me but also helped me (Begin. In addition )

8. Why did she leave so late? (Begin. She ought)

9. He was not sure if he could walk so far. (Use: doubtful)



1. called

2. examined

3. impressed

4. lasted

5. visitor

6. was given

7. went

8. going


1. on

2. across

3. back on

4. up

5. in

6. with

7. through

8. through


1. I do not know how we shall get the money.

2. Only if you clear the written test will you be called for an interview.

3. No matter where he may go, I will find him.

4. We all enjoyed the story that our teacher told us.


1. I shall not go to the market unless you come.

2. She hid herself lest she should be seen.

3. Is any other girl in the town as pretty as Jane?

4. I could not help feeling sorry for her mother.

5. Each of his friends is being invited by him.

6. I suggest that you should come with me for a picnic.

7. In addition to advising me, he helped me too.

8. She ought not to have left so late.

9. He was doubtful whether he could walk so far.

Test Paper: 4

Question 4

(a) In the following passage fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]

Sohil presented a beautiful bouquet to Ruby, his dear wife. She was delighted with the ……. 1 (collect) of unusual flowers. She……. 2 (excite) after ……… 3 (see) the big colourful flower in the centre of the bouquet. When she was trying ………4 (smell) it, it punched her in her nose Sohil, ………. 5. (baffle) by the incident, took the flower to the botanical garden, where the flower ………6 (examine). Then he was told that it was a kind of orchid ………7. (call) Cymbridium. The flower seizes anything that has a scent of an insect, so that the latter can carry the pollen of the former. So next time, before …….. 8 (sniff) a rare orchid, hold your nose.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. [4]

1. She set………organising the exhibition.

2. She takes……….her mother in many ways.

3. The old man was run……… a speeding truck.

4. I should bear……….him while he is in difficulty.

5. The leader is popular………….his followers.

6. His kidnapper is still……….large.

7. His pride has brought……………his crisis.

8. The teacher called……… explanation for his absence.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but of so. [4]

1. Who has snatched the lady's purse? The police will soon find out.

2. I was wrong. My father said this.

3. Pull the chain. The train will stop.

4. The boy is the sports secretary. He was here a little while ago.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8]

1. He is poor, but he is honest. (Begin: In spite…………)

2. My uncle is too old to learn new things. (Begin: My uncle is so old……..)

3. Joe was so foolish that he believed the old man. (Use: rather)

4. He seemed to be warming up. (Begin: It…………..)

5. You remembered to sign the contract, didn't you? (Begin: You didn't……..)

6. As soon as he heard the news, he rushed home. (Use: no sooner)

7. He always repays whatever he borrows. (Begin: He never………..)

8. Work hard and you will succeed. (Begin: Unless……..)

9. It was fortunate that I was not there. (Use: fortunately)



1. collection

2. was excited

3. seeing

4. to smell

5. baffled

6. was examined

7. called

8. sniffing


1. about

2. after

3. over

4. with

5. among

6. at

7. about

8. for


1. The police will soon find out who has snatched the lady's purse.

2. My father said that I was wrong.

3. Pull the chain so that the train will stop.

Or, If you pull the chain, the train will stop.

Or, Pull the chain to stop the train.

4. The boy, who is the sports secretary, was here a little while ago.


1. In spite of being poor, he is honest.

Or, In spite of his poverty, he is honest.

2. My uncle is so old that he cannot learn new things.

3. Joe was rather foolish to believe the old man.

4. It seemed that he was warming up.

5. You didn't forget to sign the contract, did you?

6. No sooner did he hear the news than he rushed home.

7. He never fails to repay whatever he borrows.

8. Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.

9. Fortunately, I was not there.

Test Paper: 5

 (a) In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]

Upon the passing away of his father, a son put his mother in an old-age home. The old-age home had rooms but no fans. After many years of ……….1 (live) there, the old woman was very ill and the doctor ………2 (think) it appropriate……. 3 (call) the son in.

The mother and son met and talked. When the son asked whether she was comfortable and ……..4 (need) anything, the mother asked him ………5 (put) fans in the old-age home. ………. 6 (Surprise), the son said, "Mother, you ………7 (live) here so many years and never told me about this, why now, when not much time is left?"

"Because, my son, I can live without a fan but I am ……… 8 (worry) about you. You will not be able to live without a fan.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

1. Don't look down……..the poor.

2. The burglars made……..with our money.

3. The Fire Brigade put ………….the fire.

4. He has run……….debt after the inflation.

5. I was shocked………….the sudden news.

6. The two families are living………the same roof.

7. I have to run……..this chapter before the examination.

8. We are looking………to the visit of our uncle.

(c)  Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.

1. What did she say? This was it.

2. The typist was clever. We hired the typist.

3. There is something in store for him. He does not know it.

4. Clear their dues. Then you will be given roll numbers.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8]

1. As soon as I arrived I had a cup of tea. (Begin: Upon…….)

2. Do you mean to go abroad? (Use: intention)

3. He works hard that he may become rich. (Begin: He aims………)

4. As soon as we reached the station, the train left (Begin: We had hardly)

5. Think before you leap (Begin: You should leap……..)

6. It looks as if Tapas has applied for the wrong job. (Begin: Tapas seems…………)

7. We clapped as soon as the Chief Guest arrived (Begin: No sooner…………….)

8. There's no point in taking my car if I can't find a place to park it. (Begin: What's………)

9. She might not bring her camera to the party, so I will take mine (Use: in case)



1. living

2. thought

3. to call

4. needed

5. to put

6. Surprised

7. have been living

8. worried


1. upon

2. off

3. out

4. into

5. at

6. under

7. through

8. forward


1. This was what she said.

2. We hired the typist, for he was clever.

Or, As the typist was clever, we hired him.

3. He does not know that there is something in store for him.

Or, There is something in store for him, that he does not know.

4. If you clear their dues, you will be given roll numbers.


1. Upon my  arrival, I had a cup of tea.

Or, Upon arriving, I had a cup of tea.

2. Do you have the intention of going abroad?

3. He aims at becoming rich through hard work.

4. We had hardly reached the station when the train left.

5. You should leap only after thinking.

6. Tapas seems to have applied for the wrong job.

7. No sooner did the Chief Guest arrive than we clapped.

8. What's the point in taking my car if I can't find a place to park it?

9. I'll take my camera to the party in case she doesn't bring hers.

Test Paper : 8

Question 4

(a) In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]

A giant plane,.......1 (carry) 43 passengers was forced to crash-land when its.......  2 (land) gear got stuck. Only the skill of the pilot......3 (prevent) a major tragedy. The landing gear.......4 (not come) down as it prepared to land at the airport. Expert mechanics laboured over the plane for three hours before they found what caused the mechanical........ 5 (fail) What they found was almost unbelievable

A nut about as small as a pencil eraser.......6  (fall) into a channel, or had been picked up on the runway, and had prevented a pin from being withdrawn. This in turn kept the gear from..........7 (move).

Small things, often determine the well-being of countless people. One incident can endanger the........ 8 (safe) of a large number of people.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:


1. The hunger strike was called.......last night.

2. The total expenses of our excursion come .......a big sum.

3. The old man was a truck.

4. She has got....... all her difficulties.

5. We shall discuss this matter ......... a cup of tea.

6. Courage will carry a man...........difficulties.

7. After the modifications, things are looking ..............

8. The policeman ran........ the thief.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. [4]

1. When will you face the interview. Your selection depends on it.

2. Where shall we stay in the city. This is the problem.

3. He made us laugh. He told us a funny story.

4. The thief escaped. It was dark.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8]

1. When their parents died their uncle took care of them. (Use: brought up)

2. He assumed that you would be present at the wedding (Use: granted)

3. The musician performed admirably on the stage (Begin: The musician's.......)

4. The Manager said, "I will be there at the reception." (Begin: The Manager promised.....)

5. "Have you reserved a seat? I asked him. (Begin: I asked him if......)

6. Crossing the railway lines to get to the station is dangerous. (Begin: It......)

7 As soon as the teacher entered the class, the students opened their books. (Begin: No sooner.....)

8. In spite of being fat, he runs very fast. (Begin: Although......)

9.The culprits have been caught. (Begin: The police.....)

The police have caught the culprits.

Test Paper: 9

Question 4

(a) in the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.  [4]

An old priest told his congregation, "Next werk, I.......1 (preach) to you about the sin of....... 2 (lie). In order to make you........ 3 (understand) my sermon, I want you all to read Gospel according to St. Mark. Chapter 17." The...... 4 (follow) Sunday, as he prepared....... 5 (deliver) his sermon, he asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many......... 6 (read) Mark, 17. Every hand went up. The preacher....... 7 (smile) and said "Mark has only 16 chapters. I ....... (proceed) now with my sermon on the sin of lying."

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words :  [4]

1. The winter season has set........ .

2. Ajay bore......... the first prize in the competition.

3. He has taken ....... panting as a hobby.

4. I was taken........when I heard of his death,

5. The aeroplane flew........ the clouds.

6. He let......... his friends.

7. The Major agreed to carry....... the Commander's orders.

8. A good tree brings.........good fruit.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. [4]

1. She will come to the party. I am sure about this.

2. I forgot my passport. That was careless of me.

3. We went to the market. We bought some biscuits.

4. I have completed my studies. I am looking for a job.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8]

1. He was known to be a kind man. (End: ...... him to be a kind man.)

2. That kind of joke does not amuse me. (End: any amusement.)

3. I had not forgone any meeting for two years. (Begin: The last time.....)

4. Nobody in the world can sing as melodiously as Beena. (Begin: Beena......)

5. He could never have imagined that he would be the General Manager. (Begin: Never....)

6. But for the dense fog, they should have had a good picnic. (Begin:: If.......)

7. The new regulation made the people happy. ( the people.)

8. My father was very generous to all (Begin: My father treated....)

9. His behaviour annoys me sometimes. (Use: annoyed) 

I am annoyed at his behaviour sometimes.

Test Paper 10

Question 4

(a) In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial onder the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]

A monk noticed a small boy trying ...... 1 (press) the doorbell of a house across the street. The boy was short and he could not reach the switch to press the bell. After ......2 (watch) the boy's efforts for some time, the monk stepped across the street, ...... (walk) up behind the little boy and, ...... 4 (place) one hand on the child's shoulder, ...... 5 (lean) over him and gave the doorbell a solid ring.  ...... 6 (Crouch) down to the child's level, the monk smiled and asked, "And now what, my little man?" The urchin....... 7 (reply) "Now we cannot face the old lady. So we....... 8 (run) like Helil

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:


1. How did such a crisis come ...........?

2. The thief broke  ...........the shop at night.

3. After his father's death, his brother has turned  ........... him.

4. Pupils must look their teachers as their parents.

5. Do not brood  ...........your failure.

16. He has a craving ...........more money.

7. The publisher has brought  ........... a book on Indian customs.

8. It was a touching farewell, he broke....... in the middle of his speech.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. [4]

1 He whispered something. It was not audible.

2. This book is very simple Even a child can read it.

3. He was caught. He admitted his crime.

4. A bird defends its young ones. It fights with courage.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8]

1. That roof is not worth repairing. (Begin:  It is pointless......)

2. Having finished his work, he went to play. (Begin: When he....... )

3. He won the match, so I congratulated him. (Begin: I congratulated him.....)

4. The businessman has enemies but he has a bodyguard to protect him. (Begin: The businessman has a bodyguard to protect him.......)

5. Has Tina written to you? (Use: hear)

6. Gopi was left with a big fortune by her father. (Use: inherit)

7. My frock was not returned until it had been washed. (End:..... before it was retumed.)

8. Rekha will not resign unless she is compelled. (Begin: Rekha will resign only...)

9. Besides being wealthy, he is wise. (Use: not only...but also)

He is not only wealthy, but also wis.

Test Paper 11

Question 4

(a) In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space [4]

One day the King was on his way to the forest to hunt. As he was ......... 1 (leave) his castle, he saw Nasruddin. For some reason he believed that it was a bad omen ......... 2 (see) him on his way to a hunt. So he ordered his guards to beat Nasruddin and send him away.

However, the King had a very good hunt and came back  ......... 3 (satisfy). Then he remembered about Nasruddin and felt bad. So he asked that Nasruddin be brought to the castle. Nasruddin walked in, ......... 4 (bandage) and ......... 5 (limp) "I am so sorry, Nasruddin," said the King "I thought you ......... 6 (be) a bad omen for me. But I had a good hunt and realised that it's not true"

Nasruddin glared at the King. "You thought I was a bad omen? Your Highness, you saw me and had a successful hunt. I saw you and got ......... 7 (beat) up. Who do you ......... 8 (think) is a bad omen?"

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words :

1 We can no longer put...........with his insincerity.

2. Look  .......... my children when I am away.

3. He will make ..........all his property to his wife.

4. Where did they put you ..........

for a week?

5. The pond abounds .......... fish.

6. My sister dissuaded me ..........going abroad for studies.

7. Our team put ..........a good fight in the debate.

8. The Principal looked ..........the matter and punished the guilty.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so [4]

1. You copied my essay Do you deny this?

2. We can travel by bus. We can travel by train.

3. When will the function start? I want to know

4.I had left my house. Your phone call came afterwards.

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. 18)

EXAMPLE: the was unpopular due to his arrogance. (Begin: He was unpopular because)

ANSWER He was unpopuler because he was arrogant

1. It was such a boring show that we left before the end. (Begin: The show

2. "Why didn't I get a computer before?" thought the Accountant Begic The Accountant wondered)

3. If you had not studied hard, you would not have succeeded in life. (Lhe: otherwise)

4. If nobody wants it, I'll throw it away. (Use unless)

5. The Mayor regretted his inability to attend our meeting (Begin: The Mayor told us)

6. He was accused of stealing (Begine People)

7. She was in such a terrible state that I will never forget. (End state she was)

A. There are eleven players in a football tears. (Begin: A football team comprises.

N. B. The students of Std. 8, 9 & 10, who want to be guided in English language and literature by the author offline as well as online, can contact him by the number given above. Thank you.


(a) Fill in the blanks

1. carrying

2. landing

3. prevented

4. did not come

5. failure

6. had fallen

7. moving

8. safety

(b) Fill in the blanks

1. off

2. to

3. over

4. over

5. over

6. through

7. up

8. after


1. Your selection depends on when you face the interview.

2. This is the problem - where shall we stay in the city.

3. He told us a funny story and made us laugh.

4. The thief escaped because it was dark.


1. Their uncle brought them up after their parents died.

2. It was granted that you would be present at the wedding.

3. The musician's admirable performance on the stage impressed everyone.

4. The Manager promised to be there at the reception.

5. I asked him if he had reserved a seat.

6. It is dangerous to cross the railway lines to get to the station.

7. No sooner had the teacher entered the class than the students opened their books.

8. Although he is fat, he runs very fast.

9. The police have caught the culprits.


1. will preach

2. lying

3. understand

4. Following

5. to deliver

6. had read

7. smiled

8. will proceed


1. in

2. away

3. up

4. aback

5. above

6. off

7. out

8. forth


1. I am sure she will come to the party.

2. I was careless to forget my passport.

3. We went to the market and bought some biscuits. (Alternatively) We went to the market where we bought some biscuits.

4. Now that I have completed my studies, I am looking for a job.


1. He was considered to be a kind man.

2. That kind of joke gives me no amusement.

3. The last time I missed a meeting was two years ago.

4. Beena sings more melodiously than anyone else in the world.

5. Never had he imagined that he would be the General Manager.

6. If it hadn't been for the dense fog, they would have had a good picnic.

7. The new regulation brought happiness to the people.

8. My father treated all with generosity.

9. His behavior sometimes annoys me. (No change needed)


1. to press

2. watching

3. walking

4. placing

5. leaning

6. Crouching

7. replied

8. ran


1. about

2. into

3. against

4. up

5. over

6. for

7. out

8. down


1. What he whispered was not audible.

2. This book is so simple that even a child can read it.

3. Having been caught, he admitted his crime.

4. A bird defends its young ones courageously.


1. It is pointless repairing that roof.

2. When he had finished his work, he went to play.

3. I congratulated him on winning the match.

4. The businessman has a bodyguard to protect him from his enemies.

5. Have you heard from Tina?

6. Gopi inherited a big fortune from her father.

7. My frock was not returned until it had been washed.

8. Rekha will resign only if she is compelled.

9. He is not only wealthy but also wise.


1. leaving

2. seeing

3. satisfied

4. bandaged

5. limping

6. would be

7. beaten

8. think


1. up

2. after

3. over

4. up

5. with

6. from

7. up

8. into


1. Do you deny copying my essay?

2. We can travel either by bus or by train.

3. When will the function start, I want to know?

4. Your phone call came after I had left my house.


1. The show was so boring that we left before the end.

2. The Accountant wondered why he hadn't got a computer before.

3. Otherwise, you would not have succeeded in life if you hadn't studied hard.

4. I'll throw it away unless someone wants it.

5. The Mayor told us that he regretted his inability to attend our meeting.

6. People accused him of stealing.

7. Her terrible state was unforgettable.

8. A football team comprises eleven players.

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