Thursday 12 September 2024



Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options.

(i) The log lying near the river was to be used for ………………… .

(a) making furniture

(b) making a boat

(c) making a mast for a boat

(d) all of the above


(ii) Who came and sat on the log when the boys were about to push it ?

(a) Bishamber

(b) Makhan

(c) Owner of the log

(d) One of Phatik’s rivals


(iii) Who stepped on shore when a boat came up on the landing ?

(a) a man with grey beard

(b) Phatik’s mother

(c) Bishamber

(d) Phatik’s teacher


(iv) Phatik’s mother had lost her husband while her brother was still in ………………. .

(a) Calcutta

(b) Bombay doing his business

(c) in a foreign country

(d) studying in london


(v) Phatik’s mother was happy to get rid of him because ……………. .

(a) She had a prejudice against him

(b) he was a big nuisance

(c) he was wild, lazy and disobedient

(d) all of the above


(vi) Phatik’s aunt was displeased with his arrival because ……………… .

(a) Phatik was wild and lazy

(b) Phatik was uncultured

(c) he was a boy of fourteen

(d) she had three sons quite enough to manage.


(vii) A lad of fourteen becomes ………………. .

(a) suddenly unattractive

(b) painfully self conscious

(c) unduly shy

(d) intentionally mischievous


(viii) With chiding and scolding a boy of fourteen becomes ……………. .

(a) extremely shameless

(b) a problem for his parents

(c) like a stray dog that has lost its master

(d) self willed and stubborn


(ix) Suffocated in Calcutta houses and walls Phatik kept remembering ……………….. .

(a) meadows where he flew kites

(b) narrow brook where he used to swim

(c) river banks where he used to sing and shout all day

(d) all of the above


(x) One day at school Phatik lost his …………………… .

(a) school bag

(b) wooden slate

(c) lesson book

(d) notebook


(xi) Who is the author of the chapter “Home-coming”?

(a) Vikram Seth

(b) Ruskin Bond

(c) Rabindranath Tagore

(d) Amitav Ghosh


(xii) What is the meaning of the word ‘ringleader’ ?

(a) Someone who follows instructions

(b) Someone who fixes jewelry

(c) Someone who leads others in mischief

(d) Someone who rings a bell


(xiii) Who arrived just as the situation escalated between Phatik and his mother?

(a) A neighbor

(b) The police

(c) Phatik’s uncle (Bishamber)  

(d) Phatik’s father


(xiv) How did the mother describe Phatik to her brother?

(a) Intelligent and hardworking

(b) Lazy, disobedient, and wild 

(c) Quiet and well-behaved

(d) Artistic and creative


(xv) What did Bishamber offer to do for Phatik?

(a) Find him a job in Calcutta.

(b) Take him on a trip to Bombay.

(c) Educate him with his own children.

(d) Help him get along with his mother.


(xvi) What is Phatik’s idea of paradise?

(a) A luxurious house

(b) His aunt’s house

(c) His village home

(d) A school with good teachers


(xvii) What did Phatik ask his uncle?

(a) When can I get a new lesson book?

(b) Can I help you with something?

(c) When can I go home?

(d) Can I borrow some money?


(xviii) The night before falling sick, Phatik was worried about being a nuisance to …….

(a) His mother

(b) His uncle

(c) His aunt

(d) The police


(xix) What did Phatik’s aunt say when she saw him brought home sick?

(a) She offered to help Bishamber take care of him.

(b) She expressed concern for his well-being.

(c) She complained about the trouble he caused

(d) She suggested sending him back to his village.


(xx) Who sat by Phatik all night, comforting him when he was ill?

(a) His mother

(b) His uncle

(c) His aunt

(d) The police



(i) (c) making a mast for a boat

(ii) (b) Makhan

(iii) (a) a man with grey beard

(iv) (b) Bombay doing his business

(v) (d) all of the above

(vi) (d) she had three sons quite enough to manage.

(vii) (c) unduly shy

(viii) (c) like a stray dog that has lost its master

(ix) (d) all of the above

(x) (c) lesson book

(xi) (c) Rabindranath Tagore

(xii) (c) Someone who leads others in mischief

(xiii) (c) Phatik’s uncle (Bishamber)  

(xiv) (b) Lazy, disobedient, and wild 

(xv) (c) Educate him with his own children.

(xvi) (c) His village home

(xvii) (c) When can I go home?

(xviii) (c) His aunt

(xix) (c) She complained about the trouble he caused

(xx) (b) His uncle



ICSE Class 9 English Treasure Chest Lesson Home-coming Extract-Based Questions


Passage 1


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


Phatik Chakravorthi was ringleader among the boys of the village. A new mischief got into his head. There was a heavy log lying on the mud-flat of the river waiting to be shaped into a mast for a boat. He decided that they should all work together to shift the log by main force from its place and roll it away. The owner of the log would be angry and surprised, and they would all enjoy the fun. Every one seconded the proposal, and it was carried unanimously.


(i) What new mischief got into Phatik’s head?

Ans. Phatik’s new mischief involved moving a heavy log by main force and rolling it away from its spot on the mud-flat.


(ii) Why was the log lying on the mud-flat of the river?

Ans. The log was waiting to be shaped into a mast for a boat.


(iii) What did Phatik decide?

Ans. Phatik decided that he and the other boys would work together to roll over the log.


(iv) What fun would the boys enjoy?

Ans. The boys expected to enjoy the surprise and anger of the log’s owner.


(v) Who posed an obstacle in carrying out the plan? How?

Ans. Makhan, Phatik’s younger brother, posed an obstacle. He simply sat down on the log, refusing to move.


Passage 2


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


Phatik wiped his face, and sat down on the edge of a sunken barge on the river bank, and began to chew a piece of grass. A boat came up to the landing, and a middle-aged man, with grey hair and dark moustache, stepped on shore. He saw the boy sitting there doing nothing, and asked him where the Chakravortis lived. Phatik went on chewing the grass, and said : “Over there,” but it was quite impossible to tell where he pointed. The stranger asked him again. He swung his legs to and fro on the side of the barge, and said: “Go and find out,” and continued to chew the grass as before.


(i) What had happened a little earlier that Phatik had to wipe his face?

Ans. Earlier, Phatik had gotten into a fight with his younger brother Makhan and had presumably gotten hit or gotten his face scratched, which is why he had to wipe his face.


(ii) Who was this middle aged man who stepped on shore?

Ans. A middle aged man, with grey hair and dark moustache, stepped on shore. Phatik came to know later on that this man was in fact his maternal uncle.


(iii) What did the ‘man’ ask the boy? What reply did the boy give? Was it satisfactory?

Ans. The man asked the boy where the Chakravortis lived. Phatik’s reply was a simple “Over there,” however, it was unclear as to the direction that Phatik was pointing at. This reply was not satisfactory. 


(iv) What can you say about Phatik’s rude behaviour with the stranger?

Ans. Phatik’s behaviour was disrespectful and unhelpful. He offered minimal information and showed no willingness to assist the stranger.


(v) Who came soon after this incident ? How did he take Phatik home? 

Ans. A servant came down from the house, and told Phatik his mother wanted him.


Passage 3


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


It was just at this critical juncture that the grey-haired stranger arrived. He asked what the matter was. Phatik looked sheepish and ashamed.

But when his mother stepped back and looked at the stranger, her anger was changed to surprise. For she recognised her brother, and cried: “Why, Dada! Where have you come from? “As she said these words, she bowed to the ground and touched his feet. Her brother had gone away soon after she had married, and he had started business in Bombay. His sister had lost her husband while he was in Bombay. Bishamber had now come back to Calcutta, and had at once made enquiries about his sister. He had then hastened to see her as soon as he found out where she was. 

(i) Who is the grey haired stranger referred to here?

Ans. The grey-haired stranger is Bishamber, Phatik’s mother’s brother.


(ii) Why was Phatik’s mother angry?

Ans. Phatik’s mother was angry because she believed Makhan’s story that Phatik hit Makhan. 


(iii) How did she welcome ‘the stranger’?

Ans. Her anger turned to surprise upon recognizing her brother. She greeted him warmly with a traditional gesture of respect by bowing and touching his feet.


(iv) What tragic incident had taken place in the absence of the stronger?

Ans. Phatik’s mother had lost her husband while Bishamber was away in Bombay.


(v) What shows that Bishamber was a caring brother? 

Ans. Bishamber enquired about his sister upon returning to Calcutta and went to see her as soon as he found out where she lived.

Passage 4


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


When they reached Calcutta, Phatik made the acquaintance of his aunt for the first time. She was by no means pleased with this unnecessary addition to her family. She found her own three boys quite enough to manage without taking any one else. And to bring a village lad of fourteen into their midst was terribly upsetting. Bishamber should really have thought twice before committing such an indiscretion.


(i) Who are ‘they’ referred to in the first line? From where had they come? 

Ans. They refer to Phatik and his uncle, Bishamber. They had come from the village. 


(ii) How did Phatik’s aunt react to his arrival?

Ans. Phatik’s aunt was not pleased at the arrival of Phatik.


(iii) Why was his aunt unhappy with his addition in the family?

Ans. The aunt felt overburdened with her own three sons already. Phatik’s arrival was an additional burden to their household.


(iv) According to Phatik’s aunt, what Bishamber should have done?

Ans. Phatik’s aunt thought that Bishamber should have thought twice before bringing Phatik to Calcutta.

(v) What impression do you form of Phatik’s aunt from the above passage?

Ans. Phatik’s aunt was unwelcoming and potentially judgmental towards Phatik.

Passage 5


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


In this world of human affairs there is no worse nuisance than a boy at the age of fourteen. He is neither ornamental, nor useful. It is impossible to shower affection on him as on a little boy; and he is always getting in the way. If he talks with a childish lisp he is called a baby, and if he answers in a grown-up way he is called impertinent. In fact any talk at all from him is resented. Then he is at the unattractive, growing age. He grows out of his clothes with indecent haste; his voice grows hoarse and breaks and quavers; his face grows suddenly angular and unsightly. It is easy to excuse the shortcomings of early childhood, but it is hard to tolerate even unavoidable lapses in a boy of fourteen. The lad himself becomes painfully self-conscious. When he talks with elderly people he is either unduly forward, or else so unduly shy that he appears ashamed of his very existence.


(i) According to Tagore what is the biggest nuisance in the world of human affairs? Why is it so?

Ans. Tagore considers a boy at the age of fourteen to be the biggest nuisance. He is neither ornamental nor useful. This is because it is impossible to shower affection on him as on a little boy; and he is always getting in the way.


(ii) Why is the boy of fourteen criticised when he talks like a grown up person?

Ans. Phatik is labelled “impertinent” for trying to sound grown-up, suggesting that adults expect a specific behaviour from him.


(iii) Comment on the physical growth of a boy at the age of fourteen.

Ans. The passage describes rapid and awkward physical changes. The boy outgrows clothes quickly, has a hoarse, breaking voice and develops an angular and unsightly face.


(iv) Shortcomings of a child can be excused but not of a boy of fourteen. Why?

Ans. There are higher expectations from a fourteen-year-old compared to a younger child.  Children’s shortcomings might be seen as part of their early development, but the same behaviour in a teenager is considered unacceptable.


(v) What does a young lad’s heart most crave for at this age? 

Ans. A young lad’s heart most craves for understanding and acceptance at this stage. He desires to be seen as more mature but faces constant criticism. 


Passage 6


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


For a boy of fourteen his own home is the only Paradise. To live in a strange house with strange people is little short of torture, while the height of bliss is to receive the kind looks of women, and never to be slighted by them. 

It was anguish to Phatik to be the unwelcome guest in his aunt’s house, despised by this elderly woman, and slighted, on every occasion. If she ever asked him to do anything for her, he would be so overjoyed that he would overdo it; and then she would tell him not to be so stupid, but to get on with his lessons.


(i) What happens if a boy of fourteen is continuously scolded? 

Ans. Phatik’s eagerness to please his aunt despite her negativity suggests it might lead to him overdoing things and then feeling discouraged.


(ii) What is the height of bliss for a boy of fourteen? 

Ans. Getting kind looks from his aunt is described as the height of bliss for a boy of fourteen.


(iii) How did Phatik feel in the house of his uncle?

Ans. Phatik felt unwelcome and disregarded in his uncle’s house.


(iv) How did Phatik react whenever his aunt asked him to do something? 

Ans. Phatik became overjoyed whenever his aunt asked him to do something. This suggests a strong desire to please her and gain her approval.


(v) How is a boy of fourteen a big nuisance? 

Ans. A boy of fourteen is a big nuisance for his awkwardness but also criticised for not being helpful enough. 

Passage 7


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


There was no more backward boy in the whole school than Phatik. He gaped and remained silent when the teacher asked him a question, and like an overladen ass patiently suffered all the blows that came down on his back. When other boys were out at play, he stood wistfully by the window and gazed at the roofs of the distant houses. And if by chance he espied children playing on the open terrace of any roof, his heart would ache with longing.

One day he summoned up all his courage, and asked his uncle: “Uncle, when can I go home?”


(i) How did Phatik fare at the school?

Ans. Phatik struggled academically and was likely at the bottom of the class.


(ii) How did he endure the punishment? 

Ans. Phatik silently endured his punishments and all the consequences of his academic struggles. 


(iii) “…… he stood wistfully by the window and gazed at the roofs of the distant houses”

What light does this line throw a Phatik’s state of mind?

Ans. Gazing wistfully at distant houses suggests a sense of longin. Phatik likely feels isolated and disconnected from his surroundings.


(iv) Looking at the children playing on the open terrace filled his heart with a longing. What was that?

Ans. Seeing children playing fills Phatik’s heart with a longing for freedom and companionship. He missed playing carefree in his village.


(v) What did Phatik ask his uncle one day? What was his uncle’s reply? 

Ans. Phatik gathered his courage and asked his uncle, “Uncle, when can I go home?” His uncle replied that they will go home during the holidays.


Passage 8


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


Phatik heard her words, and sobbed out loud: “Uncle, I was just going home; but they dragged me back again.”

The fever rose very high, and all that night the boy was delirious. Bishamber brought in a doctor. Phatik opened his eyes flushed with fever, and looked up to the ceiling, and said vacantly: “Uncle, have the holidays come yet? May I go home?”

Bishamber wiped the tears from his own eyes, and took Phatik’s lean and burning hands in his own, and sat by him through the night. The boy began to mutter. At last his voice became excited: “Mother,” he cried, “don’t beat me like that! Mother! I am telling the truth!”


(i) What had the aunt said that Phatik heard and began to weep? 

Ans. Phatik overheard his aunt complaining to Bishamber that the boy was troublesome and that they should have sent him home. This comment likely triggered his tears as it confirmed his feelings of being unwanted.


(ii) Who are ‘they’ referred to in the second line? Why did they bring Phatik home?

Ans. They refers to the police constables who handed Phatik over to Bishamber


(iii) Tears came in Bishamber’s eyes. Why?

Ans. Bishamber was teary seeing Phatik’s illness and his emotional state.Bishamber might have felt responsible for Phatik’s unhappiness and that he was unable to improve his health condition.


(iv) Bishamber sat by Phatik through the night. What light does this throw on this character?

Ans. Bishamber’s action of staying by Phatik’s side throughout the night portrays him as a caring guardian.


(v) Why does Phatik begin to mutter … “don’t beat” me like that mother ….”?

Ans. Phatik’s muttering suggests he’s having a nightmare or experiencing a flashback. He seems to be pleading with his mother, recalling a time when she punished him.



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