Friday 13 September 2024


 हर बात का कोई जवाब नही होता
हर इश्क का नाम खराब नही होता
यूं तो झूम लेते है नशे मे पीने वाले
मगर हर नशे का नाम शराब नहीं होता...
खामोश चेहरे पर हज़ार पहरे होते है, हस्ती आंखो मे भी जख्म गहरे होते है, जिनसे अक्सर रूठ जाते है हम, असल में उनसे ही रिश्ते गहरे होते है...
किसी ने खुदा से दुआ मांगी, दुआ में उसने खुद की मौत मांगी, खुदा ने कहा मौत तो तुझे देदू मगर, उसे क्या कहू जिसने तेरी जिंदगी की दुआ मांगी...                                
Sources: Unknown 


Every question can’t always be replied with a suitable answer.
Every sort of love can’t always be stained as tainted or impure.
Albeit, the intoxicated revel after reaching the peak of intoxication,
Every intoxication doesn't always result from alcohol consumption.
Silent facades often camouflage thousands of aching wounds
Even the smiling eyes house the deepest scars sine sore sounds.
As the luscious stems laden with more juicy fruits are thrashed most,
Those, whom we love sincerely, are oft made to suffer worst.
Someone supplicated God for a generous favour of granting death:
In reply God said, “If I fulfill your earnest wish of granting you death,
How can I meet the terms of another, who, out of utmost trust and faith,
Has been humbly praying me for your long life and sound health?”
Copyright: Dr. Shankar D Mishra
N.B : The above poem is the English version of an untitled Hindi poem.

Here are the meanings of some difficult words from the poem:

1. *Luscious*: (adjective) delicious 

2. *Tainted*: (adjective) contaminated or corrupted; having a bad quality.

3. *Impure*: (adjective) not clean or pure; having a bad quality.

4. *Intoxicated*: (adjective) drunk or under the influence of alcohol 

5. *Camouflage*: (verb) to hide or disguise something.

6. *Aching*: (adjective) causing a dull, steady pain.

7. *Sine*: (preposition) without (in this context, "sine sore sounds" means "without making a sound").

8. *Thrashed*: (verb) beaten or punished severely.

9. *Supplicated*: (verb) asked or begged for something humbly and earnestly.

10. *Generous*: (adjective) willing to give freely; liberal.

11. *Earnest*: (adjective) serious and sincere.

12. *Utmost*: (adjective) greatest or highest.


  1. The translation of this poem was so appropriate that it explains every single word and the feelings

  2. The translation is absolutely beautiful. You hv preserved the soul of the Hindi poem perfectly.
    The essence of the Hindi poem shines through in this English version remarkably.


  3. Your translation is a remarkable achievement & the language flows beautifully .
    You've managed to preserve the emotional depth and poetic flair of the original, making it shine in English.

  4. Mr Acharya Vikram Advocate13 September 2024 at 23:07

    The very translations to the said poetry shows the indepth understanding of emotions and feelings of writes.The words may be unbalanced to explore the same while experiencing and expressing the same poetry.u deserve unfathomable salute to inculcate the.keep it up and enlighten us
