Thursday 12 September 2024



Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options.

(i) While sweeping the steps of the bank Nathu grumbled because …………….. .
(a) he was abused by the manager
(b) he was made to work very hard
(c) he had not been given his salary
(d) all of the above

(ii) Nathu expected to be paid by the bank …………… .
(a) due respect
(b) a chair to sit
(c) a new broom every month
(d) extra two rupees a month

(iii) Nathu banged the pan against the dustbin several times to ……….. .
(a) register his protest
(b) emphasize his point
(c) warn the bank employees
(d) none of the above

(iv) Mrs Bhushan concluded that if the bank could not pay the sweeper they must be ………….
(a) running at a loss
(b) in a good way
(c) in a bad way
(d) going to dismiss the boy

(v) Who ran out of the barbar’s shop with one side of the neck still unshaven ?
(a) Deep chand
(b) Seth Govind Ram
(c) an elderly gentleman
(d) Mr Bhushan

(vi) Who astonished everyone by leaping to his feet and running in the direction of the bank ?
(a) Deep chand
(b) an elderly gentleman
(c) old Ganpat, the beggar
(d) Kamal Kishore

(vii) Rumour spreads that Seth Govind Ram had ……………. .
(a) fled the state
(b) committed suicide
(c) been hiding in Pipalnagar
(d) all of the above

(viii) The bank had gone through all its cash and the harassed manager …….. .
(a) was in dilemma
(b) had gone on leave
(c) tried to contact Seth Govind Ram
(d) Was threatened by people

(ix) Mischief makers who didn’t have a paisa in the bank also .……. .
(a) raised the slogans
(b) joined the crowd
(c) entered the bank
(d) all of the above

(x) The general tone of the story ‘The Boy who Broke the Bank’ is ………….. .
(a) sentimental
(b) humorous
(c) didactic
(d) none of the above

(xi) How did Nathu use the broom to sweep the steps?
(a) Carefully and thoroughly
(b) Hurriedly and carelessly
(c) Methodically and precisely
(d) Playfully and slowly

(xii) What effect did Nathu’s sweeping have?
(a) The steps became spotless
(b) The dust settled on the ground
(c) A cloud of dust rose in the air
(d) The steps became shiny and polished

(xiii) What was Sitaram carrying on his head?
(a) A basket full of dirty laundry
(b) A toolbox for repairs
(c) A bundle of freshly pressed clothes
(d) A bag of groceries

(xiv) What was the weather like in Pipalnagar?
(a) Rainy
(b) Windy
(c) Hot
(d) Snowy

(xv) What news did Kamal Kishore share with Deep Chand?
(a) The market is closed today
(b) The Pipalnagar Bank is about to collapse
(c) Sitaram is looking for a new job
(d) The shop was about to collapse

(xvi) Who was the elderly customer trying to call?
(a) The police
(b) Deep Chand
(c) Seth Govind Ram
(d) Nathuram

(xvii) Why was the bank manager in a difficult situation?
(a) The bank was closing down permanently
(b) The bank had run out of cash
(c) The manager was arguing with a customer
(d) The staff was on strike

(xviii) What was Nathu determined to do after cleaning the steps?
(a) Help the crowd get their money
(b) Leave the bank and never return
(c) Find out who broke the window
(d) Get his overdue pay from the manager

(xix) What is the meaning of the word ‘hurtled’ in the passage?
(a) Thrown slowly
(b) Moved very carefully
(c) Moved at high speed
(d) Made a loud noise

(xx) “People were aggravated by the news” What is the opposite of aggravated in this context?
(a) Upset
(b) Placate
(c) Confused
(d) Worried


(i) (c) he had not been given his salary
(ii) (d) extra two rupees a month
(iii) (b) emphasize his point
(iv) (a) running at a loss
(v) (c) an elderly gentleman
(vi) (c) old Ganpat, the beggar
(vii) (d) all of the above
(viii) (a) was in dilemma
(ix) (d) all of the above
(x) (b) humorous
(xi) (b) Hurriedly and carelessly
(xii) (c) A cloud of dust rose in the air
(xiii) (c) A bundle of freshly pressed clothes
(xiv) (c) Hot
(xv) (b) The Pipalnagar Bank is about to collapse
(xvi) (c) Seth Govind Ram
(xvii) (b) The bank had run out of cash
(xviii) (d) Get his overdue pay from the manager
(xix) (c) Moved at high speed
(xx) (b) Placate

Passage 1


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


Nathu grumbled to himself as he swept the steps of the Pipalnagar Bank, owned by Nathu Seth Govind Ram. He used the small broom hurriedly and carelessly, and the dust, after rising in a cloud above his head settled down again on the steps. As Nathu was banging his pan against a dustbin, Sitaram, the washerman’s son, passed by.

Sitaram was on his delivery round. He had a bundle of freshly pressed clothes balanced on his head.

‘Don’t raise such dust’ he called out to Nathu. ‘Are you annoyed because they are still refusing to pay you an extra two rupees a month?’


(i) Who is Nathu? Why was he grumbling?

Ans. Nathu is a sweeper boy who works at the Pipalnagar Bank, owned by Seth Govind Ram. He was grumbling because he was not paid his salary despite it being the twentieth of the month.


(ii) Using a small broom he raised the dust. Did the dust disappear? 

Ans. Yes, the dust initially rose but then settled back down indicating it did not disappear.


(iii) Who happened to pass by while Nathu was working? Where was that person going?

Ans. Sitaram, the washerman’s son, passed by Nathu while he was sweeping. Sitaram was on his delivery round, carrying a bundle of freshly ironed clothes which were balanced on his head.

(iv) What did the passerby ask Nathu? What was his tone?

Ans. Sitaram asked Nathu, “Don’t raise such dust.”  His tone is friendly.


(v) What light does this extract throw on Nathu’s state of mind? 

Ans. Nathu is frustrated and sad. He worries about not being paid his wages. 


Passage 2

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


‘Well, I wish you luck, ‘ said Sitaram. ‘I’ll keep a lookout for any jobs that might suit you.’ And he plodded barefoot along the road, the big bundle of clothes hiding most of his head and shoulders.

At the fourth home he visited, Sitaram heard the lady of the house mention that she was in need of a sweeper. Tying his bundle together, he said; ‘I know of a sweeper boy who’s looking for work. He can start from next month. He’s with the bank just now but they aren’t giving him his pay, and he wants to leave.’ 

‘Is that so?’ said Mrs Srivastava. ‘Well, tell him to come and see me tomorrow.’


(i) What had Nathu told Sitaram earlier? 

Ans. Nathu told Sitaram that he would quit sweeping at the bank after getting his salary. 


(ii) What assurance did Sitaram give to Nathu before leaving? 

Ans. Sitaram wished luck to Nathu and said that he would look for jobs for Nathu. 


(iii) Who is referred to as the lady of the house? What did Sitaram hear accidentally? 

Ans. Mrs. Srivastava is referred to as the lady of the house. Sitaram overheard her mentioning she needed a sweeper.


(iv) What did Sitaram tell Mrs Srivastava about the sweeper boy?

Ans. Sitaram portrays Nathu as someone actively seeking new work saying Nathu wants to leave the sweeping job at the bank because the bank isn’t paying him.


(v) How did Mrs Srivastava react on receiving the information from Sitaram? What did she ask him to do?

Ans. Mrs. Srivastava seems interested.  She says, “Is that so?” indicating she’s open to hiring someone new.  She asks Sitaram to tell Nathu to go see her the next day.


Passage 3

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


She then showed Mrs Srivastava a sample of the cloth she was going to buy, and for five minutes they discussed its shade, texture and design. Having exhausted this topic, Mrs Srivastava said, ‘Do you know, my dear, that Seth Govind Ram’s bank can’t even pay its employees? Only this morning I heard a complaint from their sweeper, who hasn’t received his wages for over a month!’

‘Shocking!’ remarked Mrs Bhushan. ‘If they can’t pay the sweeper they must be in a bad way. None of the others could be getting paid either.’

(i) Who is she referred to in the first line? What did she show to Mrs Srivastava?

Ans. “She” refers to Mrs. Bhushan, a friend of Mrs. Srivastava. Mrs. Bhushan shows Mrs. Srivastava a sample of cloth she intends to buy.


(ii) What piece of information did she share with her?

Ans. Mrs. Srivastava shares a rumour about the Pipalnagar Bank, claiming they can’t even pay their employees.


(iii) Who is the sweeper referred to in the extract? What was his complaint?

Ans. The sweeper refers to Nathu. Nathu’s complaint is that he hasn’t received his wages for over a month.


(iv) How did Mrs Bhushan react to the piece of information she received? What did she conclude from this? 

Ans. Mrs. Bhushan expresses shock upon hearing the information. She jumps to the conclusion that the bank must be in a bad financial state if they can’t pay a low-wage employee like a sweeper.  She further speculates that if Nathu isn’t paid, likely no other employees are receiving their salaries either.


(v) What impression do you form of Mrs Bhushan?

Ans. Mrs. Bhushan is someone who readily believes rumours.  She doesn’t question the information’s source and believes that the bank is in a bad financial condition.


Passage 4

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


‘So there you are!’ cried Mrs Bhushan, ‘I’ve been looking for you for almost an hour. Where did you disappear ?’ 

‘Nowhere,’ replied Mr Bhushan. ‘Had you remained stationary in one shop, I might have found you. But you go from one shop to another, like a bee in a flower garden.’ 

‘Don’t start grumbling. The heat is trying enough. I don’t know what’s happening to Pipalnagar. Even the bank’s about to go bankrupt.’ 

‘What’s that ?’ said Kamal Kishore, sitting up suddenly. ‘Which bank ?’

‘Why the Pipalnagar bank of course. I hear they have stopped paying employees. Don’t tell me you have an account there, Mr Kishore ?’


(i) Where did Mrs Bhushan find her husband finally? What was he doing?

Ans. Mrs. Bhushan found her husband sitting in front of Kamal Kishore’s photographic shop. He was talking with the owner.


(ii) Why had Mr Bhushan not been able to find his wife in the market? 

Ans. Mr. Bhushan couldn’t find his wife because she kept moving from shop to shop, like a bee in a flower garden.


(iii) What did Mrs Bhushan tell her husband? What was her source of information?

Ans. Mrs. Bhushan tells her husband a rumour that the Pipalnagar bank is about to go bankrupt. Mrs. Srivastava had told Mrs. Bhushan this information. 


(iv) How did Kamal Kishore react on the information given by Mrs Bhushan? Why?

Ans. Kamal Kishore reacts with surprise by sitting up suddenly and asking for clarification. This suggests the news worries him, because his neighbour has an account at the bank.


(v) Did Kamal Kishore have an account in the Pipalnagar bank? To whom did he immediately pass on this information?

Ans. No, Kamal Kishore did not have an account in the bank. He passed on the information about the bank to his barber friend Deep Chand.

Passage 5

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


‘No, but my neighbour has!’ he exclaimed; and he called out over the low partition to the keeper of the barber shop next door. ‘Deep Chand, have you heard the latest? The Pipalnagar Bank is about to collapse. You’d better get your money out as soon as you can!’

Deep Chand who was cutting the hair of an elderly gentleman, was so startled that his hand shook and he nicked his customer’s right ear. The customer yelped with pain and distress: pain, because of the cut and distress because of the awful news he had just heard. With one side of his neck still unshaven, he sped across the road to the general merchant’s store where there was a telephone.


(i) Who is Kamal Kishore’s neighbour referred to here? What is his profession?

Ans. Kamal Kishore’s neighbour is Deep Chand. Deep Chand is a barber by profession. 


(ii) What was Deep Chand’s reaction on receiving the latest news?

Ans. Deep Chand was shocked by the news that his hand shook. This resulted in him accidentally nicking his customer’s ear.


(iii) How did the elderly person react when his ear was nipped?

Ans. The elderly person first felt physical pain from the cut. He then felt distressed because of the awful news he had just heard.


(iv) What did the elderly gentleman do in the general merchant’s shop?

Ans. The elderly customer, worried about his money in the bank due to the rumour, rushed across the road to the general merchant’s store where there was a telephone.


(v) Where was Seth Govind Ram actually at that time? 

Ans. Seth Govind Ram was actually holidaying in Kashmir at the time the rumour spread. 


Passage 6

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


Men stood in groups at street corners discussing the situation. Pipalnagar seldom had a crisis, seldom or never had floods, earthquakes or drought; and the imminent crash of the Pipalnagar Bank set everyone talking and speculating and rushing about in a frenzy. Some boasted of their farsightedness, congratulating themselves on having already taken out their money, or on never having put any in; others speculated on the reasons for the crash, putting it all down to excesses indulged in by Seth Govind Ram. The Seth had fled the State, said one. He had fled the country, said another, he was hiding in Pipalnagar, said a third. He had hanged himself from the tamarind tree, said a fourth, and had been found that morning by the sweeper-boy. 


(i) What shows that life is Pipalnagar had mostly been smooth?

Ans. The passage says Pipalnagar “seldom had a crisis,” and mentions natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, or droughts were uncommon. This suggests life in the town had mostly been smooth. 


(ii) How did some boast about their farsightedness? 

Ans. Some people in Pipalnagar bragged about their farsightedness as they either withdrew their money from the bank earlier or never deposited any in the first place.


(iii) What according to the people was the reason for the collapse of the Bank?

Ans. The rumour focuses on the supposed misdeeds of Seth Govind Ram, the bank owner.  People speculate that he spent too much money which led to the bank’s financial trouble.


(iv) What impression do you form of the people of Pipalnagar?

Ans. The people of Pipalnagar were prone to gossip and speculation. The rumour spreads there quickly, and everyone seems to be discussing it. There’s also a sense of panic among people.


(v) Who, according to you, were feeling happy about the collapse of the bank?

Ans. Those who already withdrew their money or never deposited any in the first place felt a sense of satisfaction or relief because of their farsightedness.

Passage 7

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:


‘We want it now!’ chanted some of the crowd. ‘Now, now, now!’ And a brick hurtled through the air and crashed through the plate glass window of the Pipalnagar Bank.

Nathu arrived next morning to sweep the steps of the bank. He saw the refuse and the broken glass and the stones cluttering the steps. Raising his hands in a gesture of horror and disgust he cried: ‘Hooligans! Sons of donkeys! As though it isn’t bad enough to be paid late, it seems my work has also to be increased!’ He smote the steps with his broom scattering the refuse.


(i) Some of the crowd chanted. “We want it now.” What does ‘it’ stand for in this context? 

Ans. “It” refers to the money. The crowd of depositors, worried about the bank’s stability, were demanding immediate access to their savings.


(ii) Who, do you think, would have thrown the brick? 

Ans. Someone from the crowd threw the brick. 


(iii) How did Nathu react on seeing the refuse and the broken glass? 

Ans. Nathu reacted with a combination of horror and disgust. The text uses phrases like “raising his hands” and “cried: ‘Hooligans! Sons of donkeys!’” These suggest strong emotions of disapproval.


(iv) Why is Nathu feeling so upset? 

Ans. Nathu is very upset as not only was his salary delayed, but now he had to do extra work cleaning up the mess left behind by the crowd.


(v) Soon after this who came on the scene and talked to Nathu? What did he say?

Ans. Sitaram came on the scene and talked to Nathu. He asked Nathu if he was ready for his new job since the bank had collapsed. 




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