Thursday 13 April 2017

Ah! The Wretched Mountains


Mountains teach, for their outward beauty, like the distant Moon
Should not be taken for granted emotionally and blindly so soon.
Even though they, for their invaluable gifts, surpass many a boon
Many romantic loons are hypnotized by the both to sing and croon!

Still, no doubt, mountains are the throbbing hearts of Nature
They are teemed with priceless and life sustaining treasure
That is too much for any worldly calculator to scale and measure
Without mountains, would have been dried all our sweet pleasure!

Mountains are undoubtedly the Earth’s biggest water pumps
They store in their invaluable mines so costly metal lumps.
Manifold and myriad flora and fauna so gladly dwell there
Their matchless contributions to the Earth are really rare!

Still, they are not even spared from the greedy human glare
And nights they do shed invisible tears and do silently blare,
For, they are brutally and steadily blasted, cut and murdered
No less than games, they are the easy preys to be massacred.

They are seared, singed, sawed and constantly scrubbed
They are looted, burgled, plundered and pitilessly robbed.
They are beheaded, executed, blown and blatantly erased
They are, by means of destructive machines, daily grazed!

They so lovingly all of us feed, drink and nurture
Oh! We, the disloyal humans, exploit them and torture!
Unless we change our trends and mend our brutal nature
Imminently, our lives’ tubes are certainly to puncture!

©Shankar D Mishra 13.04.2017
Istagram: shankar d mishra
Please save my WhatsApp no. 08270604524

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