Tuesday 4 April 2017



Peace! O heavenly peace!
May a drop of platonic peace
Fall into my heart’s restless niche!
How sore it’s been, for so long, to miss!

Where rampant violence is a bliss
Ah! Cruelly crucified is peace.
Where reigns indecent injustice,
Severely strangulated is peace.

Where ugly discrimination is a bliss
Ruthlessly suffocated is peace.
Where gloom and dark glitter
Peace does taste sour and bitter.

Where repulsive inhumanity is a bliss
Helplessly chocked is peace.
Where prevalent is cancerous corruption
Peace suffers from brutal oppression.

Where endemic vice is a bliss
Relentlessly suppressed is peace.
Where immorality gets quick promotion
Peace is lost in illusive hallucination.

Where mean vulgarity is a bliss
Peace is pitifully a waterless fish.
Where vanity is embarrassingly vital
Peace is crippled, feeble and mortal.

Where sucking exploitation is a bliss
Alas! Peace is cut into many a slice.
Where Truth and Beauty are massacred,
Peace is pitably sacrificed and slaughtered.

Where inordinate adulteration is a bliss,
Pierced, guillotined painfully is peace.
Where bloomingly prosperous is sin,
Ah! Peace dwells in a stinking dust bin.

Where reeking hideousness is a bliss
Scampers in shame, to hide, peace.
Where depravity is pre-dominant,
Peace is dull, inert and dormant.

Where ruinous insanity is a bliss,
Wit is cursed, and killed is peace.
Where impropriety does sadly prevail,
There lives peace in a fusty, fetid hell.

Where absence of Conscience is a bliss,
Charred and marred is the nectaric peace.
Where nobility is forced to rot and rust
Ah! Peace is flamed to blast and burst.

Where contemptuous hypocrisy is a bliss
Disdainfully aborted is the priceless peace.
Where he sweet Salvation is a misnomer,
Peace is a dead  carcass, and no more.

* hideousness - ugliness
* reeking – foul smellin, * fusty - rotten
* fetid – foul

©Shankar D Mishra   31 .03.2017

Blog: sdmpoetry.blogspot.com


  1. Where sin and evil persist in a way that is glorified peace is vanquished to the dark pit .....peace disguised as hate, liberation wearing the mask of oppression is no peace at all.....peace derives from a place of sweetness...where the hearts of humankind are elevated.... then and only then can peace get a chance....

  2. Absence of negativity is not positivity.... Absence of sin is not holy or sacred
    The time is such.....we are compromising on peace....
    What is considered peace.....
    Actually it is not......
    Let us hope.....the humanity realises.... the sweet effects of peace...... May be late...
