Monday 10 April 2017



Relation rests upon the concurrent reciprocity
Relation is built upon the plinth of honesty
Relation is erected upon the anvil of integrity
Relation is nurtured by the pious dish of modesty.

Relation is as precious as costly diamond jewels
Here no feeling of superiority or inferiority dwells.
Sacrifice is its everlasting and perennial Beauty
It is not maintained merely like a tedious duty.

Relation between hearts is a lovely conjunction
It is latent in blood, not in false and vain fashion.
Unshaken longevity is its pleasing, charming fruition
In its perpetuity lies a divine, nectaric benediction.

Let’s all adhere to an unalloyed, dignified relation
It is to all gaps, an isthmus, a, sweet, benefic solution.

* concurrent – agreeing , * tedious – dull, boring
* fruition – completion, * perpetuity - time without end
* benediction – blessing, * isthmus – a neck of land

connecting two larger portions,  *benefic – favourable

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