Monday 10 April 2017



Ah! We so fondly hug you,
But, you so cruelly cut us.
We so warmly suckle you,
But, you so coldly suck us.
We so dotingly provide water to you to drink
But, you so callously dry us to wither and shrink.
We so affectionately feed your bellies with food,
But, you so relentlessly fell us and demolish for good.
We so lovingly furnish you with shade
But, you so devilishly demolish our shed.
We so tenderly fan you not to sweat
But, you, in return, so heartlessly detest us and hate.
We so selflessly supply timber for your shelter
But, you so treacherously scare us to stampede helter skelter.
We so nicely embellish you with lovely flowers
But, you so disdainfully curse us with cruelty showers.
We take every care so that you breathe well,
But, you torture us, and push us to a suffocation hell.
We always try utmost to keep you healthy and wealthy,
But, you always treat us worst, mutilate us to be filthy.
Oh! We, most ironically, give you all invaluable birth,
But, you so frenziedly try to efface us from the Earth!

Still, like your oppressed, suppressed, but selfless parents
We mind less about your ignominious misdemeanour,
Rather, we take pity on you, for we can’t see you disappear:
How can we behold you in an imminent, utter disaster?
How can we help sobbing , finding you wretchedly cry?
How can we rest in peace viewing you haplessly lie?
How can we heave a sigh of respite and relief
When we notice you in the worst hellish grief?
How can we bear with to watch you wriggle and die?
How can we bid you an untimely, bitter goodbye?

Still we are baking the bakes of endless hope
You, our offspring, will not any more swerve and grope
Will no more turn deaf ears to our earnest prayer
Will no more be blind to your grave and fatal blunder
Will no more connive at your purulent perversion
Will sooner or later make a better diversion
Will rectify and mend your contemptible ways
Will treat us as you treat your parents in their heydays
Will love and care for us as you nurture your own children
There will be solace, harmony and normalcy in Nature again
Natural cycles will revive and stick to their customary course
We will again be the whole creation’s richest, safest resource
The lost smiles, laughters and joys will reign as usual, forever
Paradise will descend on the Earth for sure; this is our song, dear.

* swerve – go astray, * purulent – like pus,
* perversion – going away from the right path

©Shankar D Mishra 21.03.2018
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