Tuesday 4 April 2017



A sincere and devout chanting of ‘Ram Nam’
With Its refurbishing and Panacean Charm;
Destroys the devil forces deep-rooted in man,
And eliminates the evil powers inherent in man!

It kills his cancerous and destructive propensity,
It annihilates his odious and heinous anxiety,
It pulverizes his intoxicating and lusty passions,
It chars his rusty, harmful and eroding emotions!

It beautifies Its Chanter with a heavenly beatitude and bliss,
It bestows on him oceans of perennial ambrosia and Peace,
It showers upon him a cascade of everlasting serenity,
Yes, It transforms a mean Monster into a Master of morality!

Thus, let the nectaric chanting of ‘Ram Nam’ bless one and all,
Let It lead all to the path of ‘Moksha’, every birth’s Ultimate Goal!

This poem is dedicated to Lord Shri Ram on the holy occasion of Ram Navmi.

©Dr. Shankar D Mishra, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 


  1. You so beautifully express the cultural and ritualistic benefits of acknowledging this great God.....Ram Nam...calling down from above the blessings he offers to those who invoke his sacred name.....freeing man from baser instincts thus freeing him to engage in more lofty pursuits.....to vanquish an iota of arrogance and conceit....to rid man of his desires of the flesh to help him see there is much work to accomplish while in our earthly clothes of skin, bone and blood to rise to heights only imagined of the gods.....

    1. Tq dear Mam for your kind comment.

    2. Hi Shankar ji, Jai Sree Ram!
      One, who chants His name, only can know, understand and experience the effect of it physically/ mentally/ intellectually. And doing it with much focus with proper meditation, will expedite and enhance the result also.
      Thank you, very much for describing Aaj these in beautiful and poweful words, in simple language , so that even a common man can understand is very well. Congratulations, ji. God bless you! Jai Sree Ram ji ki! πŸ’πŸ‘πŸ˜

  2. Respected Shankar D Mishraji,
    Your poem titled -The Magical Effects Of Chanting 'Ram Nam' is indeed a poem of holistic nature with outstanding artistic merit.Lord Ram is the holy name to crores of believer of Hinduism.He is the incarnator with human form and yet with great divine personality.Life of men in this mundane life can be blessed with unearthly beauty and divinity with his holy name.And you have rightly portrayed this magnanimous personality of Lord Ram.With the chanting of his name human life can be transformed in to a blissful life with unbound inner peace,beauty and serenity.Truely,the effects of chanting his holy name is indescribable ,inexpressible and limitless.By chanting his name a demon can be transformed in to a spiritual man with vast religious wisdom.By the magical effects of chanting his name we can mediate upon as well as introspect what is true,what is just and divinely enriched.Our innate potentiality developes by degrees lifting us from the deep ditch of accursed life.By chanting the holy name 'Ram' our inner world becomes filled with immense peace,beauty and tranquility.To every human beings who pray and believe he is there in the heaven and watching our every moment and he prays his name to him his name is just like a panacea that cures and relieves all kinds of corporal disorder.It stops cancerous growth of cell with it's magical radiating effects. He is the supreme creator of this infinite world.Nothing in this world can move without his wish and order.Human life is utterly full of transitoriness without him.He is the beginning of the world and the very end is within him.Human beings cannot infringe upon his destined law of nature.With his sermon the Sun,the eternal ball of fire burns,rises in the eastern sky and set in the western horizon.Therefore,keeping this all in thoughts and understanding every human beings should grasp upon the very truth of mundane life and lay down self entity to his sublime feet by chanting his holy name and mending own fault of character accordingly.
    It also can't and shouldn't be denied that you were very careful in selecting words while composing the poem.By using persuasive words with strong moral and spiritual values you have shown how adept you are n such matter.Kudos to you from the very core of heart for composing such a poem of holistic nature and values.Dr.Priyatosh Das,B.P.Rd,Karimganj,ASSAM(INDIA).

    1. My humble gratitude to you dear Sir for your so beautiful a comment.

  3. Jai Sree Ram ji ki. I don't have proper words to praise you, Shankar ji. So beautifully you have composed this poem. Your dedication play well here the right result...a poem of excellent and amazing qualities. Pranam ji.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  4. Beautifully done sir. There's something about sincerity, it heals us from within.

  5. Beautiful expressions ! Best wishes Sir
