Wednesday 5 April 2017



Death calls on anywhere and anyone
With no prior notice or information.
Once He gets down at His destination,
He lifts His target with least hesitation.

Like an ever alert rodent He stalks
Like a duty-bound gardener He plucks
Like an ever appropriate key He locks
Like a piece of absorbing sponge He sucks!

He is neither cruel nor kind
He looks neither front nor hind.
He is only Time’s a loyal attendant
Like the Polestar, He is ever constant.

Ah! He is ever cursed for no personal fault,
In His wide open cut all do rob wrath-sult,
Denounce Him all, censure and insult
Alas! He ever faces a rebellious revolt!

Oh! The most intricate and mysterious puzzle
I did blatantly venture to raise and solve,
Some may laught at me, some may love
Yet, all lives around Him do always revolve.

©Shankar D Mishra   05.04.2017
WhatsApp no. 08270604524


  1. We will all face death one day....stealthily it comes like a shadow in the middle of the night.....sometimes greeted fearfully....other times welcomed as relief from suffering.....but never without tears.....when death comes there is no turning back....death leaves only the mourners in his wake....❤💦❤ you know this too well and yet you courageously look at death squarely on the eye and say to it, I know now your have no away with me.

  2. Dear death heals life in mourning great inconvenience as could be, it's the greatest resolution of life, to cause some cherishment to others at strife, who wishfully curse one for some fault, named as sin or other things to revolt. We know not when it will embrace us, to embark or embarass any taste buds. It is and was or shall be yet, something pitiful fateful assault. There is no need to live after death, even the rising has spoken this health.
