Tuesday 11 April 2017



Wounds often result from one’s carelessness
They are often the results of one’s helplessness
Often an unavoidable circumstance one compels
Often they drop without ringing prior warning bells.

Wounds often result inintense pains, pangs and throes
They often aggravate when negligence in care grows.
They often lead to an irresistibly a tragic and sad end
However stout one may be, one does succumb and bend.

Wounds too often don’t cause vociferous, sore roars
They too don’t often shut for the rivals access doors.
They too often taste pleasingly pungent and painful
They too often sweep winds hot and cool.

Some wounds become visible, and some invisible
Some end in scars, some leave no marks perceptible.
Some are healed by medication, some by love and care
Some are past remedy, past forbearance and past share.

* throes – excess pains, * vociferous - loud
* perceptible – noticeable

©Shankar D Mishra   11.04.2017
Blog: sdmpoetry.blogspot.com

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