Thursday 4 May 2023


O Mother! She is surely holier than the holiest Ganges,
She is definitely cooler than the coolest Moon.
The waves of her immaculate love and affection
Reach beyond the inaccessible depth of the deepest seas!
Oh! She is our heavenly mother,
The moon smiles in pride at the helm of her shielding saree.
Children play and revel on her lissome lap in Elysian glee
Yes, she is irrefutably on earth one-off, irreplaceable and rare!
Oh! She is our wonderful mother,
She can’t even fancy of her children's woes let one put up with.
Ah! The ever blooming features of her face soon wither,
If ever happiness elude her offspring like a nonexistent myth!

Copyright: Dr. Shankar D Mishra, Sr. lecturer in English, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 04.05.2023
WhatsApp : 8249297412

N.B. – The above poem is the English version of an original Odia poem “ ବୋଉ” / "Mother" taken from the 2019-20 issue of "ଉଦୟାବର୍ତ୍ତ" / " Udayabarta" an annual magazine of Sahaspur college, Balichandrapur, Jajpur, Odisha, composed by Chaitan Mallick, a student of +2 2nd Year Arts.

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