Tuesday 29 January 2019

Grammar ICSE practice sets 2

Grammar ICSE practice sets 2

4.[2/22, 6:34 PM] Mom Swapna: 1.we could hear the screeching the sound of the car tyres when they started sliding across the rain soaked pavement.
[2/22, 6:36 PM] Mom Swapna: 2. India, which is a tourist paradise, offers all the comforts to the foreigners.
[2/22, 6:39 PM] Mom Swapna: 3.It us indeed very sad that in many schools physical training is neglected.
[2/22, 6:43 PM] Mom Manish 7: It is indeed very sad that in many schools physical training is neglected.
[2/22, 6:46 PM] Mom Swapna: 4. He won not only a prize but also a scholarship.
[2/22, 6:47 PM] Mom Manish 7: Not only did he win a prize but also a scholarship.
[2/22, 6:48 PM] Mom Manish 7: He won a prize as well as a scholarship.
[2/22, 6:48 PM] Add Punyaslok"S Number: Not only did he win a prize but also a scholarship.
[2/22, 6:51 PM] Add Punyaslok"S Number: they asked, will you go with us
[2/22, 6:55 PM] Add Punyaslok"S Number: Mohan is keen on joining the air force
[2/22, 6:57 PM] Mom Manish 7: Q3.there is no truth in the news.
[2/22, 6:58 PM] Mom Manish 7: Q4.the applause of crowd could be heard by me
[2/22, 7:03 PM] Add Punyaslok"S Number: he was not told of his brother's death by anyone.
[2/22, 7:18 PM] Mom Manish 7: His brother's death was not told to him by anyone.
[2/22, 7:18 PM] Add Punyaslok"S Number: he was not told of his brother's death by anyone.
[2/22, 7:20 PM] Mom Swapna: The traitor was ordered by to be jailed
[2/22, 7:21 PM] Mom Manish 7: the traiter was ordered by the king to be jailed.
[2/22, 7:24 PM] Mom Swapna: No other paper is as powerful as the times of England.
[2/22, 7:27 PM] Mom Manish 7: the times is more powerful than any other paper In England
[2/22, 7:28 PM] Mom Manish 7: Having completed the assignment, I went to the bed
[2/22, 7:28 PM] Mom Manish 7: after completing the assignment, I went to bed
[2/22, 7:35 PM] Mom Manish 7: Q1.Something fell two minutes ago because I heard the sound of the crash.
[2/22, 7:47 PM] Mom Swapna: Wise men speak a little whereas fools talk a lot
[2/22, 7:49 PM] Mom Manish 7: You are a very rude boy because you do not know how to speak to the elders.
[2/22, 7:52 PM] Mom Swapna: if you don't waste, you will not want.
[2/22, 7:55 PM] Mom Manish 7: if you waste, you will want.
[2/22, 7:56 PM] Mom Manish 7: QD(2)Your offer is acceptable to me.
[2/22, 7:59 PM] Mom Manish 7: Normally a child should eat four time in a day.
[2/22, 8:00 PM] Mom Manish 7: Having caught a train, I went to Calcutta.
[2/22, 8:03 PM] Mom Swapna: Promises should be kept
[2/22, 8:05 PM] Mom Swapna: Shikha said that it was a wonderful experience
[2/22, 8:08 PM] Mom Swapna: Why was he so rude?
[2/22, 8:08 PM] Mom Swapna: Should he have been so rude?
[2/22, 8:13 PM] Mom Swapna: Meera ought not to have left without saying good bye.

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