Saturday 22 July 2023

the nutrients intact. Both the forms are full of benefits and eating it every day keeps many diseases away.

How to eat flax seeds for weight loss?

Flax seeds can be eaten in many forms for losing the weight, but most importantly it should be kept in mind that whole flaxseed should not be consumed if you want to lose weight else it must be eaten in the powder form. The grounded flax seeds can be kept in the freezer for a few minutes before grinding them as it keeps all the essential oils and nutrients intact. After grinding, flax seeds can be used in porridge, chapati, bread, vegetables, curries, soups, smoothies, etc.should not be consumed if you want to lose weight else it must be eaten in the powder form. The grounded flax seeds can be kept in the freezer for a few minutes before grinding them as it keeps all the essential oils and nutrients intact. After grinding, flax seeds can be used in porridge, chapati, bread, vegetables, curries, soups, smoothies, etc.

Benefits of flax seeds for hair growth:

Flax seeds are very beneficial for hair growth and improve the quality of your hair very fast. It can be used in the form of hair gel, oil or spray to give nourishment to the hair. Flax seeds give natural spa treatment to the hair without any use of chemicals.

Flax seeds use for skin:

Flax seeds are very useful for the skin as it brings a glow to the skin, adds moisture and removes lines and wrinkles from the face. As flax seeds are rich in omega -3 fatty acids, lignins and antioxidants it plays a vital role in fighting against ageing. If you want to flax seeds directly on skin then you can use flaxseed oil and rub it on the skin which nourishes and makes your skin healthy and beautiful.

How to eat flax seeds with water?

These are the ways in which you can drink flax seeds with water:

You can soak flax seeds in water and drink that water

You can grind flax seeds and take it with water

You can mix ground flaxseeds with different drinks as well

You can blend flaxseed into smoothies and shakes

How to grind flax seed?

Flax seeds can be ground with the help of handheld mill, traditional spice grinder or with the help of a grinder. You only need flax seeds and put them in a grinder and grind it for 5-10 mins. After grinding keep it in an airtight container for keeping it fresh for a longer time. Flax seeds if eaten in powder form gives more benefits to the body rather than eating it as a whole.

What are the best flax seeds recipes?

These are the best recipes made with flax seeds:

Smoothie swirls



Meaty substitutes

Salad dressings

Healthy spreads


Sprinkles on top





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