Tuesday 21 March 2023

ଓଡ଼ିଆ କବିତା “କାଗଜ ଡ଼ଙ୍ଗା" TRANSLATED ENGLISH POEM "PAPER BOATS"


କାଗଜ ଡ଼ଙ୍ଗା 



Oh! It rained cats and dogs,

Then the dry world turned wet bogs.

The farmers’ delight was seen brimming,

For, they could start their cultivation smiling.


Lo! Children’s happiness knew no bounds,

For, water streamed on roads with murmuring sounds.

They themselves made paper boats carefully,

That they could sail them at a secret spot so joyfully.


But, a silent fear gripped, for Mama might beat for being drenched,

Papa might scold for tearing paper from the notebook irresponsibly;

Thus, to float the boats without anyone’s notice they all decided,

And would multiply their amusement by singing songs cheerfully.


Yes, after much thinking are written on the boats our names

To let our playmates know and come to greet us and play games.

In this way, we can spend our leisure with boundless pleasures,

And thank God for creating everything with flawless measures.


N.B. – The above poem is the English version of an Odia poem “KAAGAJA DANGA” written by Dr. Basant Kishore Sahoo, Kusupur, Cuttack, Odisha.

Copyright: Dr. Shankar D Mishra, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 21.03.2023

Image credit: Google

ବି. ଦ୍ର. :- ଯେଉଁ ଓଡ଼ିଆ କବି ମାନେ ସେମାନଙ୍କ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ରଚନା ର ଇଂଲିଶ ରୂପାନ୍ତର ଡ଼. ମିଶ୍ରଙ୍କ ଦ୍ୱାରା କରେଇବା ପାଇଁ ଇଛୁକ, ସେମାନେ ଏହି Whatsapp ନୁମ୍ବର ରେ ଯୋଗାଯୋଗ କରିପାରିବେ l (8249297412)

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ଦୟାକରି ଏହି କବିତା ଟି ଆପଣଙ୍କ ସାଙ୍ଗ ମାନଙ୍କୁ share କରି ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ ମଧ୍ୟ ଏହାକୁ ପଢି ଉପଭୋଗ କରିବାକୁ ସୁଯୋଗ ଦିଅନ୍ତୁ l ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ 🙏❤️🌹🙏

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