Wednesday 22 March 2023





When comes Spring rowing

The boat of flowers in the waves of wind,

Your face is found in the prow

And its pining shadow reflects in my mind!


When the vernal wind blows

Mind gets fast invigorated and glows all around,

And whiffs of fragrance waft

From the sweet attires you wear, it’s usually found!


Whenever you roam in the garden

Touching the chins of flowers that come to your view,

The vigilant Spring files with me

Days in and days out a host of complaints against you!


Once such a blossom in Spring

In the fluorescent and soothing Moonlit night,

Mind got lost in your heart’s

Sweet and enchanting shore in boundless delight!


Oh! There was a time when
Your lavish, sweet affinity used to drop on the leaves dry and fallen,
And your unconditional heart,
Did neither sniff foul or suspicious about my loyalty, nor about my love complain!

Sprinkled all over the gulal of Spring
In the mind’s fascinating forest and fleshy figure’s wood,
You played with varied colours in ecstasy
As if forgetting the routine woes in an intoxicating mood!


Time cleaned the colours over the body

But, couldn’t rinse the hues that coloured the mind,

For, unfadingly they got mingled with

For which no quest of Time any soap could ever find!


Spring did return among the petals

But, alas, you didn’t reappear in the cycles of life once ever,

Hence the unfortunate leaves of waiting

Keep dolefully falling off a hope tree every ashy November!


The overwhelming mango groves revel

In the whirlpool of aroma and the cook’s melody,

Alas! The grieved heart laments helplessly

In somber flute’s din lacking life’s outpouring rhapsody!


Oh! By the Spring’s honeyed speech

Rejoices Phaguna, on the door’s front side, in euphoric gears,

But, alas! She composes on its rear side

So mournful ballads in the chocked eyes brimmed with tears!


N.B. – The above poem is the English version of an Odia poem “PHAGUNA” written by Mrs. Amrita Singh, Patrajpur, Jajpur, Odisha.

Copyright: Dr. Shankar D Mishra, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 22.03.2023

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